13. Visit

"The big master will be here soon." said one of the well-built men with many tattoos on his arm. And don't forget the official tattoo of a famous gangster in his country called BLACK TIGER which depicts a black and white tiger face with glowing red eyes that have been neatly attached to his right arm. Everyone here will have the same official tattoo as him.

"We must prepare." said the other.

The three of them then began to walk to immediately approach the place where his big master would later come to visit. Yes... Their master indeed only visits one or two times a month to his headquarters to get reports from people who have been assigned to different places. Even then, two days earlier it had been confirmed so that all of his master's men gathered neatly and completely.

Everyone had lined up neatly to welcome their big master. For those who are specifically assigned, of course, they have prepared their reports and a small memory card is added. submit to their master. Unlike the case with those who are only tasked with guarding and killing people. They would appear more relaxed in front of their Master without any reports or anything else to file. However, they still have to be vigilant if someone betrays their master. Then they will be burned alive in front of all of their master's men. It's terrible, especially for those who have just entered the sphere of the black world like this. No matter the pain they feel. Most importantly, all those who betrayed their Master must die no matter what the circumstances. There should be no traitor flashed in the Master's environment. Because the Lord hates betrayal!

A helicopter stopped right in front of everyone gathered. Precisely in the large courtyard that is indeed provided as a gathering place for the Master's people and their Master's private helicopter.

Everyone straightened up as soon as their master stepped down from the helicopter with three confidants in tow. It was already the first sight when their Master visited. Moreover, the sharp and piercing gaze and the sturdy jaws that make anyone will immediately be frightened. But different from those who are used to the cold handsome face of their Master.

"Welcome Mr. Harley." greeted all the humans in all black as soon as the ice-faced man stopped right in front of the line.

The man did not return their greeting. His eyes glanced from the right end of the line to the left behind the black glasses he was wearing.

"Where's Analbie?" he asked coldly. His eyes stared intently at everyone in front of the line.

Everyone seemed silent and didn't know what to say. This is terrible. Not even one out of hundreds of people confronted their Master, it was tantamount to seeking trouble with their Great Master. Gosh... Where is that guy? If in five minutes it hasn't arrived. Then all of these people will be suspended from the boom by their Master.

Whether it's a death boom or an ordinary trial boom. They can't be sure. Their master really can't be logical when it comes to punishing laws.

A man ran from behind the line towards their great master with sweat and blood streaming down his forehead. His face looked a little paler than usual.

"Sorry, sir. I just escaped from the siege of the people in Afghanistan. They noticed that I was spying on their base and they..."



The man's body fell on the ground as soon as he received a bombardment from his master. He coughed up blood. But tried to get back up.


Another punch hit his body. He fell back to the ground. But still trying to stand. This is indeed his fault for not being careful with his duties. No matter what, he will have to accept the punishment of his master.

"Stupid! Where's your brain?!" snarled Harley hissed sharply.

"Sorry, sir."


Again the man's body fell to the ground. He was coughing up blood. But he still tried to stand. He had to admit his guilt in front of his Master even with a battered face and a body full of blood and wounds. He still had to tell his Master.

"You're being chased aren't you?" asked Harley coldly. His jaw tightened, even more, to hold back his emotions because of the incompetent behavior of one of his subordinates.

The man shook his head. "No, sir. I turned them over to a bunch of street robbers."

"Good. But you still have to be punished for what you did," said Harley coldly. He ignored Analbie's frail body beneath him. His eyes returned to his men one by one.

Meanwhile, the man whose pseudonym was Analbie then stood up and limped towards the very end of the line. His face was getting paler as his forehead kept bleeding without him even trying to stop it. He doesn't care. Most importantly he has returned to his Master and is safe from the enemies in Afghanistan. Gosh... It was tiring traveling from Afghanistan back to America. But he didn't seem to feel it either. It was his job and he didn't regret doing it one bit.

All his men were lined up neatly even though there was a little disturbance from Analbie's actions. Harley then stepped back. Passing hundreds of people who deliberately gave him a special path, right in the middle of their ranks.

Once their great Lord entered the base. They all then rushed to do their work again. I don't know what tasks they carry out. As an assassin with a gun, boom, or another firearm. Or even serve as a base guard. They all scattered neatly.

While in a special room where there are only a few important people in it. They all face Tuan Besar because they are specially assigned. This is the moment they have been waiting to report the results they got after some time. Let the masters be satisfied with their work and not ridicule or insult. It was a rare stroke of luck to get credit for their results from the Great Lord.

"Give a report," Harley said after sitting down and pouring some wine into the glass.

One of them then came forward. Put a small memory wrapped in clear plastic. "Mr. Jackson's base is very hidden, sir. He built a base underground in a desert area that is very far from the city center or residents. He only has a few weapons. It's easy enough to defeat them later. hundred. That's all, sir."

Harry nodded. A sign he was satisfied with the results of this man named Oiren who was assigned to spy on the Mafia headquarters in Sweden.


Another person came forward and placed a small memory card and file on the table.

"Drug smuggling in the city of Las Vegas is going well, sir. For the next shipment, I'll use another route to clear the trail of the previous one. We can't always use just one route for shipping. It's nothing, just lessening suspicion in case we get caught. "

"I can help remove the traces," said Torito.

The man looked at his master's confidant who was indeed tasked with eliminating their tracks.

"I told you just in case, Tor. You can still erase the before and after, can't you?"

"It will add more work to me if you waste time looking for other ways. If they are suspicious of your actions, it means you are not careful and alert to their presence."

Harry raised his hand. A sign that there is no longer any talk between them.

"Torito is right. Don't use any other path just to avoid their suspicions. And it's also a waste of time to use another path. Keep it up and Torito will erase your tracks." said Harley later. Then he took a sip of his wine.


Another man came forward and placed a small memory card on the table.

"There are only a few weapons in stock for delivery in New Zeeland. They asked for a minimum of 100 firearms and 50 booms with long-range explosions. Because Israel still hasn't delivered the goods. I made copies of the weapons they need with the bullets and explosions they need. more terrible than before. I think they'll be satisfied."

"It's best not to overestimate the power of bullets and explosions, Myzine. Make it what they want. That will make them trust us more than you overdo it and they won't necessarily be able to use it as well as we can." said Rovier, his Master's confidant again.

"Follow Rovier," said Harley.