14. Punishment

"Drag them!" Harley's orders were cold. revealed sharply to several of his men who were battered on the cold floor of the execution room due to his wrath. Several other subordinates immediately carried out their master's orders. Dragging the bodies of the men to the seats that had been specially prepared for their traitors. Harley stepped over to the table full of weapons with the breath he was trying to normalize. He took a gun that appeared new, of course, he wanted to try the ability of that thing. A small grin came out from the moment when he leaked the gun in his hand. "Who ordered you?" Harley asked starting to get closer to some of the people who were already helpless. There is no answer. He then pointed the muzzle of the gun right in front of the man's face that was already very pale. And.. Dorr! "Are you still not going to admit who told you to turn from me?" Harley asked sharply to the remaining four of his men. Again. There was no response from them. It made Harley's eyes sparkle with anger when he leaked them out. How dare they betray him after so many years of your faithfulness. What kind of bastard had managed to turn them away from his orders. No... They shouldn't have turned their backs on him if they were truly his loyal followers. But they dare to step into the path of their death. It wasn't Harley's fault if he had to punish them by taking their lives. It was an agreement before they were accepted into the black group. And now they betrayed him. Harley took a gun with a long muzzle. It targets one person in the available. "I'll give you one more chance to answer. If you keep silent, my bullet will not hesitate to pierce your rotten heart." he hissed sharply. He kept the muzzle of his gun at the battered man. "Who told you to!?" sharpness. "Erg Mavilstone." answered one of them. They could no longer escape. In the end, they stayed true to their Master's words. Harley let out a smirk at the man's answer. Turns out his guess was right. Who else is a madman who would want to deal with him more than Erg? Wait. Does Erg not know who is behind the name of the leader of the biggest gangster in his country? Why is he looking for trouble with his gangster group? Did you know that Harley is Lucas? But, impossible. His identity was very neatly discovered by Harry and Mike. He also always wears a fake facial mask every time he goes to headquarters. Not even everyone in the base knows who it is. so? "How many million dollars did you get to decide to join him? Is the payment I transferred to your account still not enough?" They shake. "No, sir. That's more than enough," they answered. Harley raised an eyebrow. "Then for what reason do you dare to betray me?"

No answer. They fell silent again without any intention of answering their master's words. Gosh.. they are really stupid because they are trapped by Erg's words.

Enough. Harley doesn't like small talk when it comes to patience. He does not like to be ignored let alone not heeded his words. They are bastards!

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Three people had already become corpses right under his feet. He smiled crookedly. His eyes returned to the one remaining person.

"Erg is my enemy. And you dare turn away from me just because of money and stupid talk. Your brain is not functioning."


The man's body lay beside his friend.

"Give their bodies to, My Wolf," said Harley coldly. He then stepped out of the execution room. Let his men take care of the corpses of the traitors. They wanted to play with his patience. So don't blame them if their lives are still floating in the end.


Harry turned. "Why?"

Xian drew closer to his Master. He whispered something.

"I will be back," said Harley curtly. Then he continued on his way, which had stopped because of the call from his right hand.

They continued to walk following the big master until they entered a special room.

"Prepare the helicopter now," Xian ordered the person on the other end of the phone. Then disconnect unilaterally.

"It's very late, sir. You'd better come back tomorrow morning. The weather isn't very favorable either." Torito reminded him. He had just seen the weather and it was bad enough to continue the journey. Especially using a helicopter.

"We'll just fly to the subway station, Tor. We'll continue our journey by train to get back soon." Xian replied after putting his cell phone in his trouser pocket.

Torito didn't respond. It was the server's fault that Xian understood the situation better than he did. Meanwhile, Rovier just followed the road in silence. He couldn't detect as Xian and Torito could. It slightly offended him who was only an expert in sales and matters related to his Master's headquarters.

Someone knocked on the door before finally entering. "The helicopter is ready, sir," he reported and then came back out after closing the door.

Harley then put back the glasses he had left in his room. Then he walked haughtily out of the room with his three hands behind him.

All the subordinates who saw the big master pass by then saluted. They have no right to ask questions or get in the way of their Master because they have only been at the base for a few hours. Doesn't their cold master have no rules and always act arbitrarily? But never mind... It's the right of the master to act like that.

Harley got into the helicopter after Xian opened the door and Rovier put the safety on the body containing his Master. As for Torito, the man headed straight for the spot beside the pilot to do other tasks. Control helicopter engines.

Harley was silent after the helicopter started to fly. As for Xian, and Rovier sat next to him with their respective activities. I don't know.. he just wants everything to be over and back to his old life. But it was just a dream that couldn't come true. He smiled inwardly. If only everything returned at that time, he was willing to be poor and live hard rather than be rich and successful but there is no happy room in his life as it is today. The passion of happiness seemed to disappear without wanting to see him again. What's wrong with that again?

Harry sighed. His gaze was still focused on looking out the window which only showed black and lightning that occasionally seemed to strike.

Xian looked at his Master who looked tired. He knew what his Master was thinking at this moment.

"It's landed, sir," Xian said as soon as he saw that his Master was still silent and stared blankly at the window.

Harley turned his head for a moment before finally standing up and Rovier immediately released the safety on Harley's body. After he finished he then walked towards the exit which his men had opened from the outside.

"Welcome, Mr. Harley." Greet a man who is also neat with a black suit that fits his body so well.

Harley just nodded in response. He stepped back into the hole the size of one person's body on the ground guarded by two of his men. Yes, it's the entrance to the subway that he created a few years ago to facilitate his activities in the black world because public roads are impossible for him to use to carry out his illicit business. Apart from being a precaution, he also didn't want to complicate the situation bypassing other people's transportation interfering with his path.

"Please, sir." The two said after opening the iron door below for their master to enter.

Harley didn't respond. He went straight into the hole with Xian in front of him. Lead this hidden path to get to the subway. While behind him. Rover and Torito kept an eye out for anything suspicious.


The elevator doors opened for further access to the small station below. Harley and three of his men then entered and waited until the elevator opened again and revealed the subway right in front of his eyes. And well .. it only took a few minutes for them to be on the train and immediately seated themselves in the soft chairs that had been provided.

The train then started to run. Leaving the small station that always accompanies him to take their big master to where he wants to be. Yes, Harley does build rails in every important place so that it is easy to get to the destination without the need to painstakingly eliminate the traces of his transportation wherever he is because this subway will not be opened unless they dig the ground for thousands of meters. This is crazy. And Harley likes to make other people suffer because of him.