15. That Muslim Girl...

Lucas walked towards the flower garden behind his mansion. Approaching a girl who was sitting sweetly with her back to him. He had just returned from his headquarters and did not find the girl he had found in the mansion. Turns out the girl was behind her house and huh? He was reading something in his hand. Lucas frowned as he continued to walk closer to the girl.

He cleared his throat. meant to inform the existence beside the girl. But the girl just stared in bewilderment with the book in her hand still open.

Lucas took a seat next to him at a certain distance. He knew quite well that this girl wasn't very open to new people.

"Just keep on reading. I just want to sit here." what he said was his gaze in another direction. He meant that she wouldn't believe him.

The girl returned to her book. He lowered his voice a bit as he resumed reading. Afraid to disturb the big master beside him who had helped him. He wanted to leave immediately and return to his home. But Mike said, waiting for their Master to come first. And yes .. again he just obeyed their words. I don't know.. he just felt they were very kind and willing to help him. Or did he not know their hidden intentions?

Meanwhile, Lucas. it's a man. The girl beside him was silent. He was quite curious about this girl. Am I not bothered by his presence? Yesterday in the room too. Even the girl was busy reading her book again without turning in the direction Lucas studied it. Yes. Lucas knows. He did tell the girl to continue reading. But hey... That girl did it regardless of herself who couldn't help but stare. Good grief.

"Are you bothered? I can come back." He said softly turning to Lucas who immediately sat down.

"No. Just carry on." He said then took his cell phone and started to focus without paying attention to the girl beside him. He was a little embarrassed to see this girl in silence.

"I'd like to ask."

Lucas turned his head back when the soft voice came out again. One eyebrow raised with a questioning look.

"Did you see who shot me yesterday?" He asked innocently. He then closed the book and hugged him affectionately. It didn't go unnoticed by Lucas. How valuable is that book?


The girl looked down. He looked at the book in his hand silently.

"Does he have a motorbike?" he asked again. He just confirmed who shot him yesterday.

Lucas was still silent. He stared at the girl. "Hmm."

The girl nodded in understanding. "He's my friend." He said softly without looking at Lucas. I don't know why he even bothered to tell Lucas the status of the man. He just wanted to share a little story about it with Lucas. Is it wrong?

Lucas didn't respond. But his ears carefully listened to every word that would come out of this girl's tiny lips. I don't know.. he also wants to hear stories from other people. Maybe it will look different if you remember about him never caring about other people.

"His name is Iko Samuel." The girl continued, who began to stare straight at the flower bed in front of her with a faint smile that Lucas could see from the side.

"He's been my friend for the last three years. I don't know. I think he's more suited to be my brother than my friend. He always protects me when I'm being chased by people in black who are ordered by Uncle Zack, my stepfather."

Lucas is still silent. He didn't want to interfere with this girl's story. Isn't it when people are sad that they just want to be heard? And that's what Lucas is doing right now. He just sat there and listened to her every word. But... He didn't even know this girl was sad or not.

"I knew he was deliberately protecting me from their pursuit. Even though it was clear his uncle trusted him to kill me. But he never fulfilled it. Only this time I know he betrayed his uncle because of our status as friends."

He has feelings for you. Lucas thought to himself. How innocent is this girl that she can't distinguish the status of a friend from someone who is prioritized?

"And yesterday .. maybe he had to do it or was he tired of protecting me? I don't know for sure. And I thank him for what he did. In the end, he went back to his uncle and ignored me."


The girl turned and flashed a faint smile at Lucas. "I do want it."

Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Want myself to die quickly so I could catch up with my parents there." The girl paused. "But it didn't work with one bullet from Iko in my stomach." He continued with a small chuckle.

Want to die quickly? Is this girl crazy? Hey.. this is the first time Lucas has heard of something like this.

"I can make you catch up with them right away," he said then. I don't know where he had such a ridiculous initiative.

"Is it true?"She asked cutely with her adorable face. Gosh.. is Lucas starting to like that innocent and radiant face? Impossible. They just met and ah.. why is her face so cute?

Lucas then looked away from the girl's face. One hand took something from the pocket of his cloth pants. Then showed it to the girl beside him.

"Gosh.. you also have a firearm like this?" she asked staring in disbelief at the gun in front of her.

Lucas just nodded in response. "I'm an important person." He said pressing the word 'important.

The girl just nodded. Without Lucas telling anyone, anyone would know he was an important person by looking at the people around him.


Neither of them made a sound anymore. Lucas' hand was still in the air with the gun.

"I will be back."

Lucas turned back. Then nodded in response to the girl's words.

After the girl left Lucas looked at his hands which were still in the air. What a shame. But never mind .. it will not reduce his handsome face because of trivial things. He then returned the gun to its original place, the back pocket of his pants.


The sound of an incoming message woke him up. He opened his cell phone.

Erg :

I haven't seen you in days. I miss my bullets chasing you.

Lucas just smiled faintly after reading the short message from his mortal enemy. What did he say? Miss the bullet chasing Lucas? Oh my gosh, that's right. Even so far, his body has always received bullets from Lucas' gun. But yeah.. that's a coward if you don't want to admit defeat. They will boast of what they should not be proud of. Pathetic!

Lucas put his phone back in his coat pocket. He stared at the sea of ​​roses in front of him without interest. He liked the smell of this painful flower. The scent is slightly pungent than other flowers but can also calm anyone who likes the smell of it. Like Lucas maybe?

He continued to stare at the blood-colored flower. I do not know .. a piece of memory back pierced his heart. He thought back to the woman. The woman who has.. ah never mind. It was all over and he just wanted to spend his day in peace. He didn't want to remember the dark past. Right now he just needs some fresh air and yes... everything is back to normal. Normal according to people who only see from the outside, for example.

Unbeknownst to Lucas. There was someone behind who continued to stare at him in silence. He had deliberately said he wanted to return to the mansion. But on the other hand, he also wanted to see the great master who had saved him from behind. She didn't want to disturb the man in his state of mind that might not be in his normal mode? Or was it just a hunch that said something about the man? I don't know.. he couldn't guess for sure.

Lucas gasped slightly as he was about to return and found the girl behind him staring at him in silence. So he lied about going back into the mansion?

"Sorry. I didn't mean to lie by saying I'd be back. It's just... I-" he hung up.

Lucas raised an eyebrow. Waiting for this girl to continue her words.

"Ah..forget it. I'll be back now. And..thank you for accompanying me earlier." He said then turned around and walked away from Lucas. While Lucas continued to stare at the girl's back from behind. Gosh .. this is the first time he was played by someone and strangely he could only be silent. What's wrong with him?