17. Mrs?

Yes... We are grieving again. Because of the pride of our country, Eille Grove was found dead in her apartment last night. I do not know what caused his death. Even though she had just done a photoshoot for the latest dresses from the famous 'mongolo' boutique the day before. The family will also sue if it is true that someone deliberately killed Eille. But until this moment, the police are still looking for the cause of Eille Grove's sudden death. Whether it was murder or indeed Eille deliberately committed suicide by shooting herself with the bullet of that highly accurate pistol. But if it's a choice, Eille doesn't have any problems at the moment. But if it's a murdering mastermind, who exactly killed this beautiful model?"

"Didn't he just meet Master Harry?" asked Erix who had just sat down next to Mike who was eating the cheese pizza voraciously. He didn't seem to care about the people around him and was engrossed in eating his pizza. Not even offering Erix to join his meal.

Harry just nodded slowly in response to Erix's words. He was lazy to tell the chronology of the events that their master met with Eille until he found the woman lifeless under the dining table with blood flowing right through her heart. His master killed him no matter what might happen later. But in the end, it was Harry who took care of his Master's footsteps so that he didn't leave any marks on Eille's body lying on the floor. He took another gun and replaced the bullets in Eille's body with normal accurate bullets. Then, the gun was in Eille's right hand. Making it look as if Eille committed suicide by shooting herself. In fact.. Yes, you know how romantic Lucas was to kill the seductive woman.

Mike choked on the pizza he had just chewed. His hand fumbled around with one hand holding his throat, looking for air that was close to him. But he couldn't find it. Erix then handed Mike a bottle of water. He couldn't bear to see Mike's angry face because of the food in his throat.

"Did Master kill him?" Erik asked again. He just couldn't believe his master killed the most beautiful woman in his country. It's a shame he hasn't had the chance to see the real face of the beautiful model and now the woman is dead. Aish... Erix does have female eyes.

Harry nodded again in response to Erix's words.


"Gosh Mike, you're disgusting!" Harry snorted at Mike's exaggerated response as his small nod confirmed Erix's words. He put some distance between himself and the disgusting Mike.

"Can't you eat and drink properly? You were choking and now spitting water out of your mouth." Erix said as he rolled his lazy eyes with his hand handing Mike a tissue.

Mike then received tissue from Erix. Clean the remaining water that is outside his mouth. "Is that really what the Lord did?" Mike asked reassuringly regardless of what Erix and Harry said. he looked seriously at Harry who instead sighed looking at him.

"Didn't I already answer?" Harry asked back. Staring lazily at Mike's curious face.

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just making sure it's true or not," he said nonchalantly then took the soda can on the table and opened the lid.

"Master can't possibly kill him if that woman doesn't mess with him. Hasn't Master been close to other women besides him? Gosh... It's even been a long time." Mike continued before sipping his soda.

Erik nodded in agreement with Mike's words. It was true that his master had never been close to another woman after what happened five years ago. Meanwhile, Harry scratched the back of his head non-itchy. He hesitated to tell them anything about his Master before this incident.

"Actually... I planned Master to meet that woman." account later.

"What!?" shrieked they both stared in disbelief at the honest expression of their master's right hand.

"Relax... I know I was wrong," said Harry then.

"You were wrong." -Mike.

"You've never even been close to women but instead brought Master closer to women. You should have asked me first." -Erix.

Again Harry had to sigh. "I know, Mike. And you're Erix. You're wrong. I've been with a few women before." he argued that he did not like to be cornered by his two friends. And about him being close to women... It's true. He just didn't like it happening again. Unlike Erix, who is good at fooling women.

"Yes. You did get close to them. But in the end, they left before you got close. Sad." said Erix with a concerned look at Harry. While Mike smiled mockingly in response to Erix's right words.

Harry took a deep breath. "Whatever. I just want to see Master open his heart to others. Is that wrong?"

Mike immediately shook his head. "No. Your intentions are not wrong but it's the way you approach that I don't agree with." Mike said without taking his eyes off the 12-inch TV that hung on the wall.

"You're right, Mike. My heart even hurts to see that this beautiful woman is dead now. Gosh... One of my idols is missing now." said Erix full of drama which was then touched by Mike. He grimaced a bit but that was normal. So it's useless if he throws words of disapproval at Mike, the man will respond with rolling eyes.

"Never mind... I don't care. Now how can I apologize to Master?" Harry asked. He plopped down on the sofa, holding his breath.

"Maybe you should pay for it with death."

Harry stared in disbelief at Mike's nonchalant answer. He then looked at Erik. Asking for another answer that can calm his fearful heart.

Erik shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe Mike was right."

Harry sighed in frustration. His brain couldn't even imagine his Master's cold face with piercing gaze constantly staring at him. His sinister smirk and both hands that already carry a gun will aim right at his heart. Gosh... He really couldn't bear to see it. Moreover, yesterday's master immediately left just like that leaving Harry waiting outside Eille's apartment with a look that... Ah, how scary. Oh my god... Harry, you did a big mistake on your great lord.

"No... Do I have to die now? Oh my god... I can't live this life."

Erix and Mike just looked concernedly at Harry who was dizzy thinking about his Master. It's not that they don't care about friends. It's just that they don't want to meddle in their Master's personal affairs which Harry takes care of instead. That man had spoiled his Master's mood. Even though he always knew everything about his Master. And yes... Ended like this.

"Why did you have to die?"

The three of them then turned to the source of the voice that was directly behind them to find out who was joining Harry's words. Suddenly they glared together knowing who it was.

"Miss.," they said together with a look of horror.