18. Zoa And Three Brothers

Zoa sat herself down on one of the sofas near Harry. He looked at the faces of the three men in front of him who looked surprised by his presence. Was he wrong for suddenly approaching them?

"Why did you have to die?" Zoa repeated. He looked at Harry who was beside him.

Harry smiled awkwardly. What should he say now? Has this lady heard all their conversation since earlier? But if so, it's impossible, right? Ah Harry you are so stupid.

"I have to die because it's time. Yes... It's time for me to die." Harry answered simply. He didn't even realize what he was saying. Moreover, the look on his face looks strange.

Erik's laughter exploded instantly. Look... He was holding his stomach because he heard Harry's stupid answer.

"Everyone knows that, Harry," Mike said, his eyes rolling lazily. He then put the soda can that had run out on the table.

Zoa smiled seeing their behavior.

"Oh my god... You are more beautiful when you smile Miss. Ah my heart melts seeing it." said Erix starting his play. Look... He's snuggled up on the couch like a baby now. Gosh... That man has no shame.

"Miss is indeed beautiful Erix. Your eyes are blind if you just noticed." Mike said flatly.

"You land crocodile-eyed man." Harry pouted with a crooked smile. He was very satisfied to see Erix cornered by Mike's harsh words. Without him replying to Erix's actions earlier, nature had judged him first. Poor Erik.

Zoa cleared her throat to stop their bullying of Erix. It's also a pity to see the downtrodden Erix. Hey... Are they always like this when they are three? Oh, ignore.

"What brings you here, Miss? Do you need anything?" Mike asked then. Maybe it's because he's the one who always asks Zoa for help so he understands why Zoa came to them. There's no way Zoa would want to join in on their joke, right? She is the only girl among them.

Zoa thought for a bit then nodded slowly.

"Can I borrow a cell phone? I want to call my parents. They'll be worried because I'm not home. I've been here for over a week. And they must be looking for me." he explained slowly.

"You want to tell them where you are?" asked Erix looking in disbelief at Zoa. I don't know how long he's been sitting. Was it because of Zoa's words just now?

Zoe nodded. It was true that he wanted to tell his whereabouts to Caroline, his stepmother. He felt guilty because it had been over a week since Caroline had been looking for him. Ah, he misses Caroline now.

"Miss, are you kidding?" Erik asked again. He still couldn't believe her words. Seriously.

"No. Why should I be joking? I don't want to keep my parents looking for me who suddenly disappeared. They must be really worried about me." he said a bit confused because he saw the look on their faces that changed instantly. He looked at Mike who was massaging his temples in frustration. Then turned his gaze to Harry for an answer.

Harry took a deep breath before answering Zoa's question. "This is Master's private mansion, Miss. You can't just tell other people the address of this place." Harry explained carefully.

Zoa frowned in confusion. "But why? I just wanted to tell my parents so they wouldn't worry."

"You don't know Master?" Harry asked back. While Erix and Mike just silently listened to their conversation.

"Isn't his name Lucas Vantouxer as you guys told me yesterday?" he asked still looking confused. What are they talking about? Zoa did not understand the direction of their conversation. He just wanted to borrow a cell phone, but why was Harry talking about Lucas?

Suddenly Erix and Mike held back laughter that wanted to explode at Zoa's innocent words. Meanwhile, Harry shook his head. That innocent girl the Master brought to his private mansion? Or did he not know the most successful Grand Master in his country? If true, very minimal knowledge. Even people outside their country knew their Master just by hearing his name. But this girl? He was in the same country and now under the same roof with his Master. They have met many times and huh? Still don't know who the Master is? Gosh... Plain or what?

"If I explain it will be very long, Miss. So basically don't tell anyone that you are here and don't talk anything about Master to anyone else. It will be dangerous for you Miss. No... Not only you, but us too Those who are eyeing Master's death are out there. If you let any slips pass, they'll pry into everything about you, us, and Master. I can't guarantee your safety if that happens."

Zoa blinked at Harry's words. He knew Lucas was an important person. But is it true that he is so important that many are targeting his death? Then how is he always wary of the people around him? Aish... Zoa can't imagine it. No wonder he was always escorted by many bodyguards. It turned out to be that important. And Zoa... How come he just found out?

"You understand, Miss?" asked Harry who was still seeing Zoa's confused look.

In a split second Zoa finally nodded slowly in response to Harry's words. He doesn't understand but never minds... He can't talk about Lucas to other people. It doesn't matter. He then stood up from his seat and headed back to his room. Indeed, what he was aiming for was just to borrow a cell phone, but that didn't work.

"Where are you going, Miss?" asked Erix with a look not willing to see Zoa about to leave them.

"I'm going back to my room. Don't worry, I won't run away or tell anyone else about your Master. Shouldn't we keep each other's secrets? I'll keep your secrets." he said and smiled faintly.

Erix suddenly held his left chest weakly. "Oh my god... You are not only beautiful but also kind. Let me propose to you, Miss."


"Aww.." Erix groaned as he held his throbbing forehead. He glanced at Mike. That man would be amazing when asked to persecute Erix.

"Stop your stupid drama, Erix. You're so disgusting."

Erik snorted. "Just tell me you're jealous of me, Mike. You've never had a boyfriend. Oh, I know. Are you gay?" he asked with seductive eyes.


"Gosh... Are you crazy? It hurts just so you know." said Erix raising his voice an octave. Mike is rude.

Mike didn't care. He immediately stood up and approached Zoa, who was still here, watching her little fight with the crocodile-eyed idiot Erix.

"Let's go, Miss. You're going to be crazy if you stay with them." Mike said looking at Erix and Harry with a mocking look. Then walked to lead Zoa to follow in his footsteps.

"You're crazier!" shrieked Erix and Harry at the same time realizing Mike's words. While Mike pretended not to hear him he continued walking with Zoa beside him.

"That guy is a bitch. How can he call me crazy? Doesn't he have a mirror? Gosh." said Harry watching Mike leave with Zoa. Then he turned his gaze to the TV. Seeing again the news of Eille Grove's death which became a hot topic of public discussion. Oh, he feels guilty now. If...

"No one can stand against Mr. Mike," said Erik then. He was still stroking his forehead which was the victim of Mike's naughty hand. Maybe now his forehead is slightly bluish-red. Mike is the king of persecution.