23. Spy

Harry looked at everyone in the meeting room. They looked confused with their respective scripts in hand.

"Withdraw all the shares we invested in Yuiko's company. Take everything that should be ours and leave nothing behind." Said Harry looking at the projector screen in front of him. There was someone in charge of explaining the matter about Yuiko's company secretly receiving other shares. Even though they had promised to only accept shares from Lucas. Of course, Lucas's people found out quickly. His master had deliberately sent spies to guard the company that had just gone up. And now they are trying to fool their master by hiding other shares from foreign investors.

"That costs us a little bit, Harry." Said one of the councilors there. He looked at Harry doubtfully.

"That's nothing compared to the losses they suffered Mr. Wilson. We only lost 15 percent, while they lost up to 85 percent. That's a punishment for them for daring to play behind Mr. Wilson. Not only going bankrupt, but every employee will also have their house and property auctioned. Would have nothing to survive on."

Everyone started to nod in agreement with Harry's decision. Traitors must be destroyed before they get any further. That's what Lucas always said. And Harry was doing that now, he seemed to have mastered the unexpected thoughts of his Master. And they agree with that. They also hate a traitor.

"One more thing. Fire all the employees we employ there. They are both incompetent at their job. Make them really suffer and then kill them slowly!" said Harry aloud. He was very angry with the employees there. In the past, they had been explained that their job was only to supervise the development of the company. But they intervened to give way to a rotten master like Mr. Meqwio over there. Bastards like them should be exterminated!

"Well." Answered they agreed. Harry was sadistic, not much different from his Master. It was just that he had a little pity for them. Remember! Just a little before he was killed anyway. Pathetic!

One of the councilors raised his hand. Harry then looked at him.

"Harry. May I know where sir? Why are you handling this matter?" he asked doubtfully. It wasn't only him, those in the room were also wondering in their hearts since earlier. They just didn't dare say it outright.

Harry was silent for a moment. He couldn't have said that Lucas was sick from poisoning, right? That would increase their suspicion of Lucas. Moreover, Lucas did not know about this. Ah never mind... Harry felt even more guilty considering his master's weak body on the bed. It's better that he immediately finish the company's business and return to guard his master in the mansion. Argh... He had to solve this problem immediately.

"Master is practicing archery and doesn't want to be disturbed in any way," Harry answered. Of course, lie. The man is indeed an expert in everything, including drama like Erix. Gosh... Why does he think he's the same as Erix? That's disgusting! He wasn't a man with many women like Erix.

"But this is an important matter. Is it true that you don't want to come?" asked the board of commissioners again. He had a slight suspicion of Harry's answer. Usually, Mr. Lucas still comes even if only briefly to take care of every problem. But this time? Just because of archery practice and Lucas doesn't care about the company? Seriously.

"Can I refute Mr. Lucas' words?" Harry asked back. He raised one eyebrow.

Everyone in the meeting room fell silent. Right. No one could argue with every word that came out of Lucas' mouth. If they dare to argue even a little, get ready to lose their jobs and positions. Not only that, Lucas will make it difficult for them to get a job out there. They will live as homeless and neglected. Gosh... They don't want that to happen. They should be quiet and not know what Lucas is doing out there than for them to experience the worst thing. Hey... This is a country where the majority of the population is rich and there is no time to relax. How could they be struggling on the streets in tattered clothes looking for leftover food? Argh... Disgusting!

"I think that's enough. Let's just end the meeting this time. I also have to pick up Master." Said Harry then stood up from his seat and left the room. He didn't care if they left or whatever. He had to get back to the mansion before Lucas realized it.


His cell phone vibrated in his shirt pocket. He immediately reached for the flat object and put it to his ear after previously seeing who was calling him.

"What's the matter, Mike?" he asked to the point once connected. He got into the elevator and pressed the number one.

"Follow to New York."


"The mansion's been hacked, Harry. I'm taking Mr and Miss to the mansion in New York. If you don't want you can put your life in there. And... Goodbye."

"Fuck you!" Harry cursed hearing Mike's chuckle on the other end of the made-up sad goodbye. Damn that bastard man. Just wait for Harry's revenge later.

"Okay, I'll catch up soon." He continued later. He then turned off the connection. Just then, the elevator doors opened.

Harry immediately ran towards the car that had been prepared. But before he went after his Master. Shouldn't he have finished his work at another Lucas subsidiary? Aish... Unlucky. At this rate, he wouldn't be here before Lucas realized it. Instead of the co, the old man will immediately look at him with a very piercing gaze later. Gosh... Harry seemed to have lost his enthusiasm for working with the Great Lord.

Harry immediately drove his car to another branch of the company. There was no David or anyone with him. He didn't have time to think of anyone to accompany him. Let alone people, just left important files at the mansion because they were too nervous.

"Shit. Why the traffic jam?" he said frustrated to see the cars in front of him waiting. He immediately went out and called someone.

"Bring me another car and take care of this damn car." He said then turned off the connection.

He ran back to the small alley to speed up his goal. Caring for the devil with his car that was left behind. He had to finish this quickly or he would see Lucas staring at him in disgust. The stares he desperately avoided after he had done his job. He didn't want to disappoint his master.

Another jet-black car was waiting for Harry at the end of the alley. It must be fast.

"After this burn the car and anything to do with Mr. I'll go first." He said to the man in all black who got out of the car.

The man nodded in understanding. He's... One of Lucas' men is in charge of surveillance in the Washington area.

Without waiting any longer, Harry got into the car and drove fast without looking at the men who had gone straight into the alley. The man knew his job. He also has to be careful while on duty.

The man saw that several people were starting to approach this narrow alley. Unlucky. He had to find another way. Harry didn't seem to know he was being followed by several people.

The man then pulled out his gun when he heard footsteps approaching his hiding place. Yes... It's useless he ran. They'll find it because it's a long alley. He'd better hide behind a shabby wall. And...

Dorr!! Dorr!!

Dorr!! Dorr!!

The bodies of four men lay on the ground with their heads hollow. The man smiled wryly before returning to leisurely walking past their corpses. Who can stand against Lucas' men? They are just parasites in their Master's life. And parasites if left unchecked will rampant growth. And it makes the original plant dirty and will be seen scattered by people who see it. Right?

He immediately drove the car in the middle of the road. He could see another car following him. Wanna play huh? Alright... Come on!

He is accelerating the speed of his car without caring about crashing or whatever? He just wanted to play with them. To what extent do they dare to disturb the existence of his great master. Let's see.