24. Who Is Mr. Giolson

The man swerved as soon as there was a cargo truck right in front of him. Unlucky. Lucas' men are proficient with the sports car he uses. Even he had accelerated his car, but still, the man dressed in all black with a mask on his face was able to distract him just like that. Moreover, he almost died because suddenly the sports car turned and the freight truck was right in front of his car. Shit!

"Fuck!" he cursed as soon as the car stopped right in front of a big tree on the side of the road. He looked in the direction the man had passed. That's a dead end. Oh my god... You make my job easier. Thank you.

The man started the car again. Following the sports car that first passed him. It's a good chance to catch the man. He chose the wrong path. Gosh... God was kind to him.

"Where are you going you bastard?!" he hissed when he saw the sports car had stopped at the end of the road. Right? This is a dead-end. He was no less fast than the man. Turns out the man's car was still here. There was no way he could turn back because he would meet him. Good! It seems that nature has helped in his arrest. Gosh, he wanted to party because his work was not in vain. He immediately readied his gun before getting out of the car.

The man slowly approached the sports car that was still blazing there. Again he smiled triumphantly because his goal was not in vain. It's okay he didn't catch Lucas' right hand. Is one of his men okay too?

While not far from the man was. Someone was smiling mockingly at his stupid action. Does he think she is smarter than him? Gosh... What kind of joke is he seeing this. That's disgusting.

He immediately put the bullet in his sophisticated gun. Then pointed it at the stupid man's feet over there. He must have vanished with his car too.



The man grimaced and immediately looked back when he saw the direction of the bullet that hit his leg coming from there. Just then the person he had previously chased was there. Smiling mockingly with finger movements counting something. He frowned before finally heard a strange sound from the direction of the sports car. He immediately turned to the car. Good grief! The car will explode. With the power still there. He immediately ran with his limp legs. He didn't want to die silly in this game of Lucas' men. The man was truly unpredictable. Damn .. why does his leg hurts so much.


His body suddenly floated up for a moment after a tremendous explosion was heard from behind. He really couldn't open his eyes after that. All burdens seemed to disappear along with his life.

While the man dressed in all black smiled seeing the body lying on the ground with many black stains on his face and body. He was sure the man was dead. That was the plan, to get the man caught up in his own game. Aish... Funny.

"Pity." He mumbled in a contrived tone of sadness. Damn, he has no feelings. But it was fun. Kill and play in it. How long has he been doing it? I don't know... What is clear is that after joining Lucas he likes to play with people and take their lives. Wicked. Who cares?

The man walked over to the fallen body of his Master's enemy. He could feel that there was no longer a heartbeat or breath from this stupid man. That means he's dead right? But to clarify his death. He'd better shoot this idiot's heart too. And...Dorr!!

Meanwhile in another room. Some people face their Master with bare hands. How come? Their target was lost and one of their friends had also died horribly.

"We lost track of him, sir."


"You incompetents! Just follow them and we'll find out where that arrogant master is. You bastards!"


One man fell to the floor. He glanced at the young man who had just channeled his emotions on his face. If it wasn't for the power he might have finished him long ago. He wiped the corner of his bloody lip.

"Sorry." He said as he stood up. He stepped back a bit, aligning himself with the three people who were on duty following Lucas' right hand. Yes... Who doesn't know Mr. Rich but is arrogant? Even the whole country knows who Lucas Vantouxer is.

"You guys are just wasting my time with useless reports. Go!" said the young man pressing the word 'go'. His chest heaved up and down holding back his emotions because of the actions of his subordinates who were never able to do anything. And unfortunately, he still keeps them. It's stupid, but who else would he want to recruit as his people considering that almost all the smart people in his country followed Lucas's footsteps. Hah! Again because of Lucas. He was d with destroying Lucas as soon as possible. And it wasn't as easy as he thought.

Everyone who was there then came out as the young man said. They don't want to be easy targets for their master and are battered here and there. It's good, they take care of the body with no small cost and the young man arbitrarily beat them up. Okay... They...now he's more powerful and richer than them. Oh, forget it.

The young man fiddled with his cell phone. Call someone.

"Help me find out where Lucas is. I'll finish him off." He said ambitiously as soon as the phone was connected.

The man on the other end chuckled. "What have you got to kill Lucas? A guy like you should relax and enjoy the bodies of street bitches rather than go to the trouble of interfering with Lucas."

Instead of being silent and contemplating the words of the man on the other side. The man laughed at that.

"Who cares who I am? I hate arrogant men like him."

The man on the other end laughed again. "You never look in the mirror, Gilson."

The man grunted harshly. If he wasn't his friend he could have sent messengers to kill him. It's just that he's a little sad.

"I don't care, Erg. I want to see Lucas at the funeral soon." He said again. He doesn't want to admit defeat if he can survive. Care about the devil with who he is who is far from the Lucas or Erg caste.

"Okay... I feel a little sorry for you. I'll send you the address where Mr. Vantouxer is. We'll see who will be at the funeral first. You or Lucas?"

Damn Erg! How dare he tell her that. He's an unprofitable friend. Alright... We'll see who Erg wins against a Lucas Vantouxer.

"Thanks, my good friend. I'll send you a new bitch."

Erg chuckled again. Giolson did think of him as a friend, even though he was only looking for a profit with the women that Giolson always sent. Ah... They tempt his faith.

"Send Giolson right away. I haven't played in a long time."

Giolson snorted. How long did he say? Just three days ago he sent a bitch and now Erg says hasn't played in a long time?

"Okay.. I'll send five at a time. So you can be more satisfied with stuffing your little bird on them."

"Damn you!"

Giolson laughed. "Immediately send the address Erg." He said, reminding him of his original purpose.

"Just look at the messages that come in. I have a business to attend to."


Giolson put his cell phone on the table. He stared intently at the door in front of him as if he were looking at someone he wanted to get rid of. His lips curled into a slant remembering that he would soon meet the Great Lord in his country.

"Get ready, dear Mr. Lucas. Death will come to you in a moment." He muttered.