29. Thay Asshole Giolson

"Master, it's time," Harry warned as soon as he entered his Master's room. This is what he usually does. Reminded Lucas and followed the cold man wherever he went. He could even go in and out of Lucas's room without having to ask permission first. Unless Lucas had kicked him out, he wouldn't dare enter again until his Master himself asked for it.

Lucas looked at Harry who was standing with his iPad always in his hand. Ah, the man is always neat in his formal clothes. Look... He's already wearing a white shirt covered with a black coat and pants of the same color. Do not forget the long black tie which adds to the formal impression of his appearance.

"I've been waiting," Lucas said then straightened his coat and walked out followed by Harry behind of course.

No one saw that they were ready to leave the mansion. Everyone was still asleep because the clock was still showing 04:10. Where the servants and their men are still curled up in their blankets. Maybe only a few of them didn't sleep because their job was to be on guard. Can you imagine how big the mansion of the most successful businessman in Uncle Sam's country is? Of course, only important people could enter it with a lot of guards on the outside. All of the crew were provided with their resting place outside Lucas' private area.

Harry opened the door for his Master. There was already another person in the car who was in charge of driving this private car. Who else but David? The man who always made Harry want to strangle him when he rolled his eyes.

"Giolson Windermere.." Lucas muttered, looking at the details of the stranger's data. He smiled evilly when he saw that face. Still too young to deal with him, but the young man dared to follow him and Harry in Morris town and even his men barely noticed. What a good plan he had and God... Those who didn't know each other could even have ambitions to kill him. Then how about the people around him?

"He's been planning to surround us at the city limits, sir." Reported Harry who had learned of his Master's new foe's scheming. He was able to quickly find out who Giolson was after the spies in Morris town reported that the man was secretly stalking his Master.

"Follow Harry's plan. I want to see how capable he is of eliminating me." Lucas said grinning sarcastically.

Whoever starts the game, must end it. Either win or lose. Is not it? Let's see how hard Giolson plays with the great Lord.

The car is speeding towards the border. Where Giolson would block Lucas' car. Not heading, but more of a pretense because he did plan to play Giolson deeper. Though he should still rest in his comfortable mansion. Ah, it sucks when you become an important person. Wherever he is, he will be watched by a pair of eyes. And that makes life a constrained atmosphere.


The car they were traveling in had a tire problem which caused David to accidentally crash the car into a large tree on the side of the road. Looks like they shot in the rear tire. Smart enough.


"Don't be stupid. Play the game!" Lucas said quickly as Harry worried about him. While David tried to focus his eyes again after hitting the steering wheel. Tell him he wasn't being careful.

Harry immediately got out of the car with a bloody forehead. He walked away from the car and grabbed his cell phone. For a long time, he put the flat object to his ear and spoke to someone there. While the corner of his eye caught several people who began to approach him.

David. The man also got out of the car staggered. He clutched his head, which was throbbing with blood. He fell to the asphalt as soon as he tripped over a small rock.

Meanwhile, Lucas. The man passed out in the car with his face covered in blood. He focused his hearing as the sound of footwear approaching the car.

"Argh... M-Master.."

David's voice?

"M-Master... Be aware. We have to go, it's dangerous."

That's Harry. It seemed they were trying to open the door on a different side.



Harry turned around when he heard gunshots right behind him. He immediately took the gun and tried to focus his eyes.


Nothing about anyone. Harry huffed in annoyance. He refocused his gaze. And...


"David!"Harry screamed as the bullet hit David in the stomach. The man immediately fell unconscious.

"You bastards! Get out!" shouted Harry to no one. There's no one on the outskirts of town.

The sound of laughter booming during the darkness made him immediately focus his eyes. He squinted at the silhouette of someone who started to approach him with several people behind him.

"Who are you?" Harry asked once the man was some distance ahead of him. It's a distance, but there's no denying that the person was deliberately showing an appearance for Harry to see.

Instead of answering Lucas' right-hand man's question. The man smiled contentedly to see someone in the car who didn't move at all. He was dead without him needing to act. Hah! Did erg lie to him? It was this easy to get rid of that arrogant Master.

"No need to know me. I'm just making sure your Master is dead." He said and turned around.


"Argh... ***! Take him!" Giolson ordered looking furiously at Lucas' right-hand man. Gosh.. his legs!

Several people started to approach Harry who was still trying to focus his gaze. The gun in his hand fell just like that as he felt a pain in his head.

"Sir, he didn't mean to. You saw him in pain in the head and the gun fell." Said the man beside Giolson who was certain to be the man's, right-hand man.

"Still. Kill him."

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Dorr! Dorr! Dorr!

Some of the people who had approached Harry were sprawled out on the asphalt. Meanwhile, Giolson stared in disbelief at what he saw. The man who had been shot had already stood up and opened fire on his men. How could that be? It was very clear that he had seen the man shot and the biggest was not on the asphalt. But this?

"Our bastard is trapped, sir." Said the man on his right hand anxiously. Unlucky. Why did his men run out before they won against Lucas's only two men?

Giolson took a gun and aimed it at the man standing. But before the trigger ua pull.


The man beside him was already lying on the ground with blood dripping from his forehead. He wanted to shoot the man again but couldn't. He lowered his gun as someone got out of the car. That... How can that be?

Lucas was standing right next to the car with his hands intertwined. A devilish smile just slipped from his lips even though his face was full of blood.

"Fuck!" Giolson cursed and then pointed the gun at Lucas again.


His body lay on the asphalt as soon as the bullet hit his chest.

Lucas smirked as he saw the man's body had not moved. Who is he to want to fight him?

Lucas glanced at Harry who was still lying on his back with his hands on his head. Oh my god is that guy stupid or what? He heard everything. But why is he still in that position?

"Kill idiot Harry if he's still standing there."

David sighed tiredly looking at his really stupid friend. Did he oversleep? Why didn't he wake up immediately to hear his Master's words?


"Gosh my heart!" said Harry who immediately stood up at the sound of an explosion right next to his ear. He looked at David who was rolling his eyes with the gun aimed at Harry.

"Fuck you, David!" he cursed and wanted to avenge what David had done to him, but the man drew closer to his master. Gosh, he asked for his master's protection? Tch. What a coward.

A car stopped right next to Lucas and David. They got in and the car drove away.

Harry. The man stared in disbelief. Was he abandoned? Seriously!