48. Small Game

Mike, who heard his Master's mumbling, smiled crookedly. He likes it when someone enters the game's target within his base. Wouldn't it be interesting if we found a new game?


The sound of bullets shooting Gucci made Lucas and Mike grin. Erix is starting to play the part!

"Damn it! Nobody's here. Where are they?" he said in a loud voice. Even if Lucas and Mike heard it themselves, they would shudder in horror, especially since Erix gave off a black and arrogant aura that was so obvious. Ah, what is Erix's hidden talent? Even Lucas was seeing Erix's perfect play for the first time.

Several people began to approach Erix who was standing in the middle of the room with various firearms and dozens of beer bottles neatly arranged. He then turned when he felt several people around him, not forgetting the small grin that greeted their arrival.

"Who are you?" asked one of the people who surrounded Erix.