49. Zack's Plan


"I think our meeting was just bullshit, so I think my attempt to save you from all the harm that should have come upon you is also bullshit. Ah.. you better catch up with the idiots over there and your mouth will shut automatically."

"Ahaha .. no, Mr. Harley. I was just kidding with everything I said earlier, it turns out you're easy. I'm sorry."

"My apologies have been closed since you got here safely. Your unexpected mistake also caused my apologies to run out. Goodbye."


"Sir, the Morristown subsidiary is having a little trouble. I'll be there after this." Reported Harry, who had just closed the screen on his iPad.

Lucas was still silent in response to Harry's report.


Lucas turned when he heard Harry call out to him, one eyebrow raised.

"The subsidiary in the Morristown section is having a little trouble. I'll be there after this." Harry repeated.

"I will be there."