I passed the academy's auditorium on the way to the main lounge. It was strange to me; how quickly everyone disappeared as soon as the lunch bell rang. Hunger has no time to waste, I suppose.
Crossing an empty compound as large as this was always going to be weird for me -especially knowing that I usually waited for the crowds to finish up on hoarding the elevators before I made my way up to the first floor.
Inside the auditorium, I saw people crossing the stage, and a large group occupying the front half of the room. They didn't seem to be doing anything formal, so I walked inside.
From the rear end of the auditorium where I stood, it was despicably easy to tell which two people were Luke and Peter. Luke looked all pumped up for his role in his costume -a gold suit completely lined with sequins and a top hat to match. Peter wasn't dressed in anything special; just an ordinary denim jacket and a plain black T shirt with jeans.