[45] Love at First Fight

"Actually, he should be here any time now," said the receptionist.

I fidgeted with my hands. "Okay, thanks."

I walked back to the waiting room where Leith was sitting. I'd decided to check the first place I could have thought of that Ethan might have gone to if he'd seriously been hurt; Caesar. It wasn't long after our wait when he actually did show up. He motioned Leith and I into his office without a word.

"I heard," Caesar sighed.

"Have you seen him?" I asked, leaning against his desk.

"No. He didn't show up at all after the fight. I heard it was intense." Caesar turned to Leith and expressed his condolences, which he would later share with Athena.

"Where do you think he might be?" I paced the floor.

"Did you check his apartment?" He asked.

"We passed there... it was as dead and empty as ever," I said.

"Both his apartments?" Caesar raised his eyebrows.