[46] Nothing Strange

"So... what's your field, Faye?" Celena asked me from the backseat of Leith's car as we drove towards the medical centre. I turned to look at her. She was doodling on her tablet, and she'd made a moustache appear on Ethan, who was knocked out on her lap.

"I um... I actually don't know yet," I said, nervously.

"How so?" She asked, continuing to doodle all sorts of madness on the poor guy's face.

"I've only been at the academy a little while... I'm actually still -supposed to be- in training right now, but I kinda... ran away... last night." I explained.

"Not before I made the decision to bring her here because she's defenceless," Leith barged in.

I hit in on his shoulder and he winced, "I'm not entirely defenceless. I'm sure I would have made it just fine on my own. You didn't have to help."