Chapter 17- Rescuing her

Charles and Rebecca headed straight to the restroom, and he asked her to check inside. Rebecca entered the ladies’ restroom and called her, “Abi… Abigail, are you here?”

But she didn’t get any reply. She didn’t find her anywhere after checking in all the cubicles. She panicked and covered her mouth with both hands. She rushed out of the restroom and called Charles, “She is not inside.” She was agitated and scared at the same time.

“Fuck.” Charles was anxious and cursed loudly. He ran his fingers through his hair. His breathing quickened in trepidation, and he was looking here and there contemplating where she could go. “I am going to check the other parts of the club.” He turned and left soon after dropping those words.

“I will check in the hall again.”Rebecca rushed back to the party hall.

Charles rushed to the reception and asked the receptionist if she saw a young woman coming out of the party hall, but he found out that no one came out of the hall so far.

“Shit.” He cursed under his breath and wiped his face with his palm.

The receptionist thought of something and said, “Maybe she is hanging out with some man in the darkroom.”

Charles’s pupils shrunk, and he cast a death stare at the receptionist, eyebrows knitted tight. He didn’t like her statement. But horror hit his mind, thinking that something very bad might have happened with her. What if someone took her forcefully to that dark room? His scale went numb by this thought. “Where are these dark rooms?” He asked frantically.

“On the first floor.”

Charles rushed to the first floor the moment he got the answer. There were several rooms on that floor, and all the rooms were locked. He didn’t know where to find her. He pulled his hair with his hands and looked around his surroundings. Anxiety, fear, and frustration blended on his face. He yelled her name, “Abigail…”

After a while, he heard a shattering sound of metals on his right side. He turned his head and looked in that direction. He could see five rooms, but he was not sure from which room the sound came. He rushed there and called her again, “Abigail, where are you?”

Andy pressed her down and tried to kiss her. Abigail screamed, “Get off me, you bastard.”

“No, babe. I will make you mine tonight.” He lowered his head and devoured her neck.

Abigail shrieked and used her all strengths to push him away. She rolled out of the bed and rushed to the door, but Andy grabbed her from behind and hurled her down on the bed. Just then, she heard Charles calling her name. Hope arose in her mind, and she felt like new energy gushing through her. She needed to get out of the room anyhow. She looked around and saw a metal flower vase on the side table. Before Andy could do anything, she grabbed the flower vase and threw it to him, but he dodged, and the vase hit on the opposite wall and fell to the ground with a clanging sound. Then she yelled at the top of her voice, “Charles, I am here.”

But Andy was quick. Before she could say the sentence properly, he jumped over her and sealed her mouth with his palm. “You disobedient woman. What do you think? Do you really think that that good-for-nothing bodyguard of yours can rescue you? You can’t escape from here until I have you.” He ripped her dress and kissed her lips forcefully.

She clawed and slapped on his arms and face, but he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. When he pushed his tongue inside her mouth, she bit his tongue hard. He hissed and let go of her lips instantaneously. Abigail took the opportunity to yell, “Charles… Charles…”


Before she could say further, Andy slapped her hard, and the corner of her mouth tore open. She immediately tasted the blood. Tears streamed down from the corner of her eyes.

Smack… smack…

He slapped her again and exclaimed, “You bitch. I thought I would not do it roughly. But now you forced me to be rough.” He slipped his hand inside her underwear and forcefully inserted his calloused finger inside her. She shrieked in pain.

By then, the door kicked open, and Charles came inside. Andy was startled by the loud bang, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the door. He saw a tall man coming inside. Before Andy could know anything properly, he was kicked by Charles on his shoulder.

“Ugh…” He fell to the ground from the bed and whimpered.

Charles’s expression was murderous, and his eyes reddened with anger. He walked to Andy with long strides and pulled him up by his collar. Then he punched him on his nose. Immediately blood came out of his nose, and Andy cursed him loudly. But Charles’s anger only grew stronger and stronger. He didn’t leave his collar at all. He again punched him on his face and pushed him down hard.

Andy fell to the ground on his butt and groaned. Charles hovered over him and started punching on his face again and again. Andy’s face was all bloody. He was in so much pain that he could see stars in front of his eyes and he lost his consciousness soon, but Charles didn’t stop punching him.

Abigail got scared when she saw Andy not moving. She yelled, “Charles, stop.”

Charles came to his senses when he heard her voice, and his fist froze in the air. He was looking at Andy with hatred, his expression sinister. His chest was moving up and down rapidly as his breathing was quick. His fist in the air was trembling.

Abigail approached him slowly. Her heartbeat was skyrocketed while her breathing was erratic. She placed her quivering hand on his shoulder and called him in a low voice, “Charles.”

Only then did he turn his head and looked at her. Her face was red and swollen. There was a blood trail over the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were puffy and filled with tears. Her makeup was smeared, and her hair was messy. Her dress was torn, exposing a sumptuous amount of her chest. She was trying to cover her chest with her hand. There were several red and blue patches on her neck and chest. She looked miserable.

Charles’s heart ached beyond tolerance to see her in this state, and his gaze softened. He stood up slowly, looking at her with pain in his eyes. She threw herself on him the moment he got up and burst into tears. He hugged her tightly and comforted her, “It’s over... It’s over now. You are safe.”

He hugged her even tighter, placing his chin on her head. He was scared, very scared. He couldn’t even imagine what would have happened to her if he came here a little later. The resentment and hatred towards Andy increased more when he thought about it. He wanted to kill that man, but looking at Abigail, he suppressed his impulse. Now his main concern was Abigail, and he needed to erase the fear in her mind.

He cupped her face and wiped the tears off her face with his thumbs. “Stop crying now. I am here with you. Nobody will hurt you.” His voice was gentle, and his eyes were full of concern.

She knew she was safe now and wanted to stop crying, but more tears rolled down after hearing his gentle tone. She sobbed and hugged him again. He also hugged her and rubbed her back up and down to give her a sense of protection.

“I am scared.” Her voice was as low as a whisper. She was still trembling in his arms.

“Don’t be scared. I am here with you.”

“You won’t leave me, right?”

“I won’t, I won’t.”

She sobbed and said again, “Promise me that you won’t leave me.”

“I promise I won’t leave you.”

Just then, they heard footsteps and voices of people. Charles released her from his embrace. He took off his jacket and draped it on her to cover her chest.

Rebecca entered the room with Nikki and some of her other friends. They gasped to see the pitiful condition of Abigail, and then their eyes moved to Andy, lying unconscious on the floor. Shock and panic were evident in their expression. Rebecca walked up to Abigail and asked worriedly, holding her arms on her sides, “Abi, dear, are you alright? You scared me to death.”

She pulled her into her embrace and hugged her tightly. A few seconds later, she let go of her and glanced at Andy. She asked, “How did this happen? I thought you returned to Charles. How did you end up here with Andy?”

Abigail wiped off her tears and explained everything about how Andy dragged her into this room and tried to rape her. All the girls were shocked to hear the revelation. They couldn’t believe that Andy could do something like this to Abigail. They looked at Andy contemptuously.

Abigail again broke down in tears after recalling the incident. She leaned on Charles’s chest and said, “Take me home.”

He wiped her tears off her face and said, “Alright.”

Abigail felt dizzy the moment she took a few steps, and her legs wobbled. She was about to fall, but Charles quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and supported her. He picked her up in a bridal style and strode out of the room.

Erica saw everything from afar. Her eyes were emitting a dangerous aura while staring at them. Gnashing her teeth, she murmured, “It is not over here, Abigail.” Her fingers curled up gradually into tight balls.