Chapter 20- Change in Aidan

Aidan looked at her retreating back, stunned. This woman who always complained to him about not giving her time was not pleased to learn that he willingly came to spend time with her. Did she lose her interest in him? Aidan couldn’t stay calm when this thought crossed his mind. He couldn’t lose her, not before he achieved his goal. Because of Erica, he had ignored her a lot, and now it was time to pay attention to her. Otherwise, he might lose her forever. He followed her to the room and asked anxiously, “Abi, my darling… You are mad at me, aren’t you?”

Abigail stopped on her track and turned around to look at him. She wanted to be alone, and right now, the least she wanted to do was talk to him. She exhaled deeply and said, “I am not.” She again sighed and turned her head on the other side, saying, “You are very serious when it comes to the business. I am just not used to see you sticking around with me, leaving your job.”

Aidan walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Well, honey… you are also very important to me. I am sorry for not spending enough time with you. All I worked hard is because of our future.” He cupped her face, caressed her cheeks with his thumbs, and added, “But I have earned enough money to secure our future, and my company is also doing well. Now what I want is to spend more and more time with you. I will take you shopping, to the theme park, to the movies and anywhere you want to go. I want to make up with you, love, and I won’t give you a chance to complain.”

Abigail was stupefied. She forgot to speak. She only stared at him with her wide eyes, her mouth slightly open. She didn’t even blink for once. She always desired Aidan to spend time with her as much as possible. But now that he actually came to spend time with her, she didn’t feel happy at all. Maybe Aidan was a little late. Abigail already had lost her interest in him. There was someone else in her heart now. She wanted to pursue him to win his heart. Now she didn’t want to entangle with Aidan any longer. She didn’t want to keep this relationship going. She pushed his hands away softly and said, “Aidan, I appreciate that you come to me, leaving your work. But it is not necessary. I know how much you care about your job. I really don’t want you to abandon your job because of me. I am not used to it.”

He kissed her forehead and said, “Well, then you have to get used to it now. Because I am going to spoil you until you rot, my darling.” He lowered his head and peck her lips and said, “Give me a moment.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Abigail was dumbfounded. She didn’t know what Aidan was going to do. She simply looked at him blankly. She saw him taking out his phone from his coat pocket and dialing a number. The phone connected after a few rings, and he said in his commanding tone, “Charles, cancel all the meetings for today. I want to spend time with Abi.” He looked at her and winked at her. The smile on his face also grew wider.

Abigail’s heart thumped loudly when she heard the name Charles. She missed him and wanted to talk to him. She almost stopped breathing when she heard his faint voice from the other end of the phone, “But, boss, you… you have an important meeting at 3 in the afternoon with the vice president of Voyage Groups. We have been trying for this contract for so long.”

“I know. But today I am not available.”

He pulled her a little closer to him and placed a soft kiss on her head.

Abigail felt a chill on her back, and her eyes widened in shock. She felt terrible, thinking that Charles could hear him kissing her. She squirmed a little to break free, but Aidan tightened his grip around her waist and looked at her inquisitively. Judging by his expression, Abigail was certain that he wouldn’t let her go of his embrace. And truly speaking, she also wanted to hear Charles’s voice, so she stopped moving and remained still in his embrace. Her all sense organs were alerted, and her entire concentration was on the phone, waiting eagerly to hear Charles’s next words.

Charles, on the other end, was feeling very uncomfortable. Aidan, who never missed any meetings, asked him to cancel all the meetings just to spend time with Abigail. He even didn’t care about the contract that he awaited for so many days. What made him change his mind all of a sudden? Charles was agitated. He didn’t want Aidan to accompany Abigail. If Aidan started spending time with her, how would he get a chance to meet her? He had to convince Aidan anyhow to attend the meeting. He said warily, “But think about it carefully. If you don’t go to the meeting, we may lose the opportunity to sign the contract. You have always dreamed about collaborating with Voyage Groups. We have waited for almost six months to get an appointment with the vice president, and now that we finally got the appointment, you must go there. We shouldn’t miss this chance. Won’t the vice president think that you are an irresponsible person if you skip the meeting? Maybe we won’t get another chance again if you don’t go today.”

Charles tried his best to persuade him, but Aidan was also persistent. He made up his mind to stay with Abigail, and he wouldn’t change his decision. He laughed softly and said, “Charles, thank you for your concern. You are my loyal employee, and I am confident about your abilities. Go to the meeting in my place and bag the contract. Convey my apology to Miss Morris for not being able to attend the meeting.” He paused to look at Abigail and added, “And Charles, thanks again for saving my woman last night. I owe you, man. Your salary will be credited to your account with a bonus. And from now on, no need to accompany Abi anymore. You can spend time with your girlfriend as much as you like. If you sign the contract successfully, you can also take a few days’ leaves.”

Charles’s felt like the ground slipped out of his feet when he heard the last few sentences. Every word of Aidan was like needles that pierced his heart ruthlessly. The words ‘my woman’ were still resonating in his ears. He came to the earth and realized just how unreasonable his wish was. Abigail and Aidan were so in love for a long time. They were already engaged, and they were very close to getting married. How could he even think that Abigail would fall in love with him and come to him, leaving Aidan? This was only his willful wish that would never come true. He was so much in pain that he couldn’t say anything for a long time.

“Charles, are you there?”

He came out of his trance when he heard Aidan’s voice on the phone. He cleared his throat and said, “I understand, boss. I understand everything. Have fun with your fiancee. I will try my best to sign the contract.” He didn’t delay to hang up the phone. He dropped the phone on the desk and leaned over his chair, closing his eyes.

Aidan grinned widely and hugged Abigail tightly. Placing his chin on her head, he said, “I have never felt so relaxed before. I didn’t know that taking a day off would be so fun.”

Abigail’s entire body was numb. She remained quiet into his embrace. Aidan’s words ‘spend time with your girlfriend as much as you like’ were still ringing in her ears. She felt like she was the stupidest woman in the world. She knew Charles had a girlfriend, but still, she fell for him, and she wished him to love her back. She didn’t think that her wish wouldn’t be fulfilled. This wish would only break her heart. She was feeling a stabbing pain in her heart.

Looking at the change in Aidan, her heart ached even more. She loved this man for five whole years and always dreamed of being his wife. How could she simply forget about that love and develop feelings for another man in just a few weeks? She felt like she was cheating on Aidan. This thought worsened her agony. A few days ago, she blamed him for cheating on her, but in the end, she developed feelings for another man. She felt ashamed of herself. She hugged him back and thought of giving time to him. If Aidan had changed, she was also willing to give a chance to this relationship.

Aidan had a sinister smirk on his face. This woman was still stupid. Only a few sweet words could melt her heart. It was so easy to fool her. But the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and it was replaced by a vicious look. Abigail was a stupid woman, and fooling her around was not a big deal for him. But that Erica was becoming a threat to him. Before she could expose his plan, he needed to marry Abigail. Initially, he wanted to delay the marriage, but now there was no time for delay. He had to marry Abigail as soon as possible, and only by doing so could he attain his goal. The corner of his lips curled up, and his eyes glittered in anticipation.