
You heard familiar voices.




They were discussing something.

Apparently about your situation.

You wanted to open your eyes and tell them you are fine, that there's no need to worry.

But your eyes are shut closed.

Your lids felt laden with stones.

'It even hurts to breathe.'

"You should not have let her." It was Rin's voice.

"Should you really be the one to complain?" Paris' voice, in a deadly serious tone, one laced with worry and anger.

'Is he angry at Rin? But what for?

I have to wake up.'

'I can't let them fight like this.'

"Fighting is useless,"

'Daisuke heard me?'

'Is it possible he can read my mind?'

"I was just stating a fact. He was the one who caused this," Paris seems really angry now.

His bloodlust can be felt by everyone in the room.

"Then kill me right now," Rin.

He was worried alright.

Worried and angry at himself.

That much you can tell by his tone.

'Don't fight.'

'Please, anyone, stop them.'

"Stop it. Both of you," Daisuke's voice sounded so authoritative.

You heard that tone before.

He was using the tone he uses when he gives orders to the Wolves.

The master's voice.

"Alright. What do you have in mind?" Paris asked.

"If only we can wake her up and make her use her ability one last time, I can copy her ability and use it to save her," Daisuke.

'Daisuke. What a wonderful idea. But, won't you end up like me, too?'

"We have to look for the lily of the valley said to have the ability to wake up a person from the deepest of slumbers," Paris.

"If this plan fails, I will sacrifice myself to save her," Rin's voice.


'Is he thinking about activating the demon's curse?'

The Saitos are the direct descendants of the Takeshis, the blood of the demon king who walked the earth thousands of years ago.

Jiro Takeshi's conversion as a demon brought out the change in the human realm such that the minority of the earth's inhabitants have been either cursed or blessed with supernatural abilities.

It is said that Jiro passed down his demonic powers down to his bloodline.

The Saitos changed their surname and embraced a new identity as the Takeshis, as a form of rebellion against their demonic heritage.

'You can't control Jiro's powers.'

'Please don't.'

'Hey, that tickles.'

'What is that? A wet tongue.'

'Oh, little Muchikos. Little tongues similar to little dogs'.

Lots of them here with you.

They're trying to comfort you in their own way.

'I want to meet you soon, little ones.'

'I hope I can wake up soon.'

'I miss everyone.'

'Especially him.'

'I want to wake up for him.

'I want to assure him I'm okay.'

'That he doesn't need to worry.'

'I want to tell him how I feel.'

'It can't be too late, right? For he doesn't know yet. He has no idea how important he is to me.'

'He doesn't know how much I care for him, and how much I want to spend every waking moment of my life with him.'

'I want to see him again, to hold his hand again, be able to feel the touch of his skin on mine. I want to be able to tell him that he is all that I need.'

'I don't even want to return to Earth. I just want to stay here with him, and be the one to stay by his side.'


Daisuke Kane's POV:


Back at the Saitos' estate.

Daisuke was holding a book entitled The Mirrored Worlds.

A similar situation, he thought.

How many parallel universes are there exactly?

He glanced in your direction and held your hand.

I miss you.

I miss your voice, my love.

I hope you can wake up soon.

I feel so helpless just reading books while watching you deteriorate.

I want to protect you.

I should have protected you.

If only I wasn't held up at that time by rival mafia groups who chose to gang up on me at such an important time.

I have no right to stay beside you, I will only ever cause you harm. Me, the real culprit amidst this all.

The mafias were after Rin because I instructed him to rescue you in the tower.

My identity as one of the Wolves is synonymous with death.

If I can rewind it all, I never should have met you. I should have kept my distance from you right from the start. It was the only way to keep you safe. But I was blinded by my need for you.

So please, give me another chance to make things right. I need another chance to keep you safe, my love.

If the gods do exist, I beg you, let her live and I will not fail to keep her safe. No matter the cost.

Even if it means I have to leave her soon enough.


"Rin," Paris's frantic voice can be heard as he helped his friend to stand up.

He was bleeding.

He took on another mission without getting anyone's permission. Not even his or Aki's.

The sole goal is to find the lily of the valley.

At this rate, he will have himself killed.

His friend will lose his life trying to revive Maru.

Rin looked up at him and said, "I'm fine."

He stood up by himself and went straight to his room.

"Do you want to die?" Paris followed suit.

"No. I wish to live. But I will die if I need to. For her."

"Selfish brat!!" Paris punched Rin.

The force was too strong and sends the latter's body flying. His back painfully hit the wall behind him.

Rage and pain were apparent on Paris' face.

He can't believe the words coming out of his friend's mouth.

"How dare you complain when you are doing the same thing? Need I remind you that you nearly died two days ago because of your stupidity?"

That's when he knew he had lost.

Rin has fallen in love with her, with the same woman he himself is in love with.

He loves her in the same painful way.

Twisted as that love might be.

He knew for sure.

If she dies.

Either of their madness will kill everyone.

Either or both of them will lose their sanity and all the self-control they have mastered all their lives.

They both laughed as they threw punches against each other. Until they can't move a single muscle in their bodies. Until all they can do is lie on the floor and stare up the ceiling.

Each felt pity for the other's misery. Knowing it is too late now to save the other.

They both have fallen for the one woman beside death's door, and they both have no clue how to save her.