DRAMA: Magic Tricks

You woke up with some licks on your face.

Muchiko's puppies surrounded your bed and were giving you kisses.

They looked adorable.

Someone has been overfeeding these puppies too much.

You looked at Aki as she handed one of the puppies some bread.

"I found the magic flower that woke you up." Aki smiled sweetly as she ran towards you and hugged you tight.

Ah, the culprit, you thought.

Daisuke, Paris, and Rin were beside you.

"Hey!" Rin greeted you, his face as stoic as ever.

Paris smiled. Relief is written all over his face.

Daisuke was seated next to you.

There's something wrong about him, you just know.

"I'm glad you are awake, my love." Daisuke held your hand.

"Can you activate your ability again and heal one of us?" Daisuke asked.

"I'll try," you smiled.

You can't assure that your ability will work in your condition, but you hope that it can.