BOOK 3: Main Story

Today is supposed to be just another ordinary day in your life.

You have been raised on the Whispering Forest by old nuns who have devoted their lives to prayers inside the convent.

You never got to know your real parents, just that you were abandoned in front of the convent with a heart locket around your neck.

Despite being an abandoned child, you grew up as a happy, carefree, and hopeful human being.

You always considered yourself lucky because you have been cared for by the nuns like you were their child.

You always told yourself you have been given fifteen mothers instead of one. And that is how you were able to smile despite not knowing who your parents were.

The country has been besieged by invaders for twenty years, and now you were told your country has finally been liberated from the foreign warriors who inhabited the land.

The whole country is celebrating its newfound freedom, and people were displaying the flags of the kingdom signifying the Country of Atlantis' recent victory.

You were tasked to buy groceries for the week, and because the people attributed the country's independence to the gods' intervention, not one of the nuns was able to accompany you. They are currently busy entertaining the citizens who vowed to be better children of the gods.

You looked at the list given to you by the mother superior, it was way longer than usual, probably as a way to celebrate the country's freedom.

You were deep in thought as to what among the grocery list to buy first when you heard horses' hooves approaching the middle of the street.

It was a merchant's carriage and it was coming towards you at such a fast rate. You had no way to possibly run away from it or to change your direction.

You closed your eyes, accepting that this might be the end. You waited for the impact of the collision, but none came.

Instead, you felt your body being carried away by someone.

When you opened your eyes, you found yourself facing a broad muscular back of a person in uniform.

It was the uniform of a royal navy, the highest order of knights, it is said that only a hundred are allowed to enter the royal navy so that they can maintain their reputation of being the creme of the crop. They had a big role in the liberation of the country and people have given them a hero status ever since.

You gulped when you realized a hero has saved you. But where is he taking you exactly?

"Sir, thank you for saving me, but where are we going?" You gulped.

The royal navy in uniform did not bother to answer. He just looked straight ahead without saying anything.

"Sir, did you not hear me?" you spoke louder this time around.

The man halted the horse and carried you down the mount. That was when you had the opportunity to finally see his face.