BOOK 3: Paris

"Paris," you muttered under your breath.

"Wow, you still remember me after all this time Y/N. I'm touched," Paris smiled, flashing his perfect set of teeth.

Paris is a dear childhood friend, you met him inside the Whispering Forest when you were just five.

The friendship continued until you were around seven. And then he simply vanished, with no traces that he ever was there.

Anger seeped through you, this so-called friend abandoned you in the worse possible way, that is, without even saying goodbye.

You turned your back away from him and started walking away.

"Hey, you just said earlier that I saved your life. Should you stop being hostile?" Paris started walking, in his hand is the horse's reign.

"Fine, I thank you dear sir for saving my life. And I am not hostile. I am simply ignoring you," you tried to ignore him but it was so hard since you keep catching glimpses of his beautiful pink hair. It was Paris after all.

"You have to treat me then, I'm hungry you see. You owe me your life," Paris smiled widely.

You turned to face him, "A royal navy should not ask for compensation from the citizens. That is part of your royal duty," you corrected him.

But he started laughing, he was frustrating after all. "Royal duty all for a lunch date, geez. I have no duty to anyone but to myself. Have you not realized that yet?"

"Fine, I'll treat you to lunch and that is that," you said and marched towards one of the restaurants nearby.

You were shocked when you felt his large hands on your wrist. "No, not there," he said.

"Then where do you want to eat?" you asked him, almost lashing out at him. If not for his eyes, those golden amber eyes that call on to you.

When did he grow so handsome? No, even as a child you know he was good-looking. But now he was.... he was.... you shook your head.

Paris carried you and sat you on the horse's back, "Hold on to me, we don't want you to fall," he chuckled.

You were going deeper and deeper to the other side of the forest. It was painfully familiar...

"Where are we going?", you asked.

"You know, don't you?" Paris said, sure you would not have forgotten.

"I don't," you tried to lie to him. It was so painful thinking about it.

"Always my beautiful liar," he said, this time with a hint of anger in his voice.

"You have no right to call me that, not after you abandoned me," you said angrily, lashing out to him.

He did not answer, and you aren't sure if he heard since the horse is going so fast now.

"I hate you, Paris," you said in a barely audible voice. There was no way he could have heard that but you felt his back muscles tighten.

"I know," he said. This time no laughter accompanied his voice. It was a serious, matter-of-fact statement that tore your heart apart.