iii. PARIS: The Pasha (Paris's Sword)

"Charming," Paris laughed as he as well transferred his life force into his sword.

The Pasha. With powerful hellfire-like flames that are said to be able to melt the whole of Antarctica if its wielder so wishes.

And dance they did, with each powerful swing making the other step back. Both warriors looked as if each is ready to kill his opponent, and yet both looked as if they were simply having a good time.

You were transfixed into their waltz to the death as their clashing swords emit blue and red flames canceling each other's power. It was overwhelming to say the least, and not a bit less entertaining.

You felt like a deer caught in their midst, as each of the captains showed extreme mastery in his sword-fighting skill.

Then the first blow was dealt by the Astra as Daisuke lunged forward, the Astra's blade slicing through Paris's flesh.