iii. PARIS: Pumpkin

It has been two nights after the Paris- Daisuke fight. The after-effects are devastating, the pirates took most of the supplies and Paris has been suffering terribly from the wound inflicted by the Astra.

Paris was inflicted with a high fever accompanied by chills and cough. You just have never seen him this weak before. And it scares you. It scares the hell out of you.

"Paris," you said as you gently caressed his face. He has not opened his eyes or responded in any manner that would show his consciousness.

"The kiss that we shared, does it mean anything to you," you asked, though you know he won't be able to respond in his current state.

You unknowingly touched his lips, your fingers lingered on his bottom lips as you reminisced the kiss that you both shared.

"Won't you wake up, please? I'm worried about you, you see," the ship is sailing for shore to get a doctor to look after him but it is supposed to be another day's travel from where they are to the shores.