BOOK 4: Demands

Andrew wakes up and sees Mary sleeping peacefully next to him.

"So beautiful," he admired her as the light shone on her pretty face. Unable to stop himself, he greeted her with a kiss.

"Andrew!" she woke up to his kiss and blushed profusely.

"Good morning, my Mary," he whispered when their lips finally parted.

"Good morning, Andrew," she blushes more, hearing his greeting.

He kissed her chin and slowly kissed her neck as they lay on the bed. His lips traveled down into her breasts as she sighed.

"Were you able to rest?" her fingers combed through his hair.

"Yes, I slept well my queen," he slowly sucked on her breasts, licking her nipples in his mouth.

"Andrew!" she protested even as a soft moan escaped her lips.

"So, what's the plan for today?" he chuckled and kissed her nipples softly.

"We need to travel to the kingdom of Aurora. It is where the annual competition will be held as we are not hosting it this year," she blushes.