BOOK 4: Emerald

"That was my intention," he opens the door to the bathroom and filled the tub for her.

She sits at the edge of the bed, her toes hanging just a bit above the floor as she playfully makes some kicking motions in the air.

He came back and smiled seeing her behave so child-like and innocent. He lifted her in his arms and lays her on the tub filled with warm water.

"Thank you," she smiles at him and blushed, he didn't mind bathing her. A kingdom renowned knight and hero bathing her with no care in the world, how can she not fall for him more when he does sweet things like this so easily.

He smiled adoringly at her and kissed her lips, taking a cloth and soap to clean her up.

"I love you," she whispered tenderly as she watch his movements.

He starts applying the soap and shampoo to her and wipes her body carefully. Nobody would have thought the strict and well-respected captain of the royal knights can be this tender with anyone.