Book 5: Start of an Obsession

The moment she walked into the tavern... his whole world will never be the same.

The air's energy has changed, or was it the lighting perhaps? He felt drawn towards the person walking through the doorway.

He felt like a puppy waiting for his master to come home. He has never felt that way before.

When she entered the tavern, her positive energy just made her so bright in his eyes. It was as if a light was shining on her, a light as bright as the sun itself.

And when she sat across from him, he then became certain. There was no bright light behind her. Instead, the woman before her... she is light itself.

He knew a man like him is not deserving to even hear her voice but curiosity made him very eager. And so he dared to talk to her.

The beautiful and complete stranger who just walked in and ordered her beer and meat, "You do like being the center of attention, don't you?" he asked.

Ahhhh, stupid. He never talks to complete strangers. But he had an overwhelming need to hear her voice.

An intense desire wrapped around his heart gripping it tightly. Such emotions eating through him and at him made him feel like he wouldn't be able to breathe.

He needed her to look at him again. He wanted a chance to stare right back into her majestic blue eyes.

More importantly, he wanted to solve the mystery of her voice. This woman had managed to evoke so many emotions he long locked up inside.

"Aye, I have no trouble catching people's eyes. As long as all they do is stare," she answered him.

He felt heat course through his body the moment her eyes met with his again, and her angelic voice rang in the space between them.

He felt like he will suffocate from how strongly her rose scent seemed to waft through the air and how much he wanted to breathe in so much more. He wanted his lungs to burn for her. Yes, indeed for her.

What was he thinking? How foolish. He wasn't trained to be foolish. And yet looking at her, he wanted to converse a little bit more.

Just a few seconds won't be so bad. It wasn't like it would change his life forever, will it?

Ahhhh... how foolish he is indeed to even think these things. He will find out soon enough how very wrong he surely was.

"You don't mind even if it looks like they were about to strip you naked?" he asked her, aware he sounded condescending just now.

He knew he didn't have any right to comment about how she dresses. He also knew it was a standard wardrobe for a knight to have clothes that fit their body and it wasn't her fault for having bossoms and curves that were revealed.

But he couldn't help it. There was a rage inside of him from the way the people would look at her body, their gazes made him want to go berserk and kill them all.

Of course, he wouldn't realize it was jealousy. He has never felt that emotion before in the first place. So he has nothing to compare it to now.

"Aye, I have no trouble catching people's eyes. As long as all they do is stare," her confident answer made it hard for him not to smile.

So she wasn't just beautiful, but pretty brave too. He wanted to see more of that. He wanted to see more of her.

"You don't mind even if it looks like they were about to strip you naked?" he knew she was starting to be quite annoyed but even that was something that made him feel seen, and noticed by her. Something he wouldn't mind.

He wanted to be the cause of any strong reaction that can be evoked from her. He wanted him to be someone she couldn't forget.

Because by gods, if he were to be honest, he wasn't sure if he will be able to forget her. To think about a stranger that way is insane, he knows.

But this woman. Gods. This woman right in front of him made him feel. He was suspecting witchcraft, but she is far too beautiful to be a witch.

She removed her sword from the scabbard as if to show him she is capable of protecting herself.

The sight made him feel as if his throat has completely dried up. He held the glass of ale tightly in his hand before gulping it down, looking away from her to let himself breathe.

Because she was breathtaking in every sense of the word, and the way she defended herself... that was making him feel a vise of heat grip his stomach.

He hated the unfamiliar things he was starting to feel for her every time she held his gaze in hers. No matter how brief the moment is, her bright blue eyes hypnotize his dark, helpless soul.

"You would initiate a conversation and stop midway through it?" she asked him, forcing him to look into those eyes of hers again.

How beautiful. Indeed. How beautiful. He had a hard time trying to understand what she was even asking him.

How does one make sense of words when her lips move that way? Ahhhh... he didn't mean to have such perverted thoughts.

"I am simply pointing out that you should at least stop wearing something so provocative or at least not in places such as this. But since you seem to have no brain cells left, I have decided to keep my mouth shut," ahhhh yes.

That was what he meant to tell her, wasn't it? It will rouse her anger once again and make her look at him at least.

As she looked at him sharply, he realized how beautiful she indeed looked with strong emotions swimming in her eyes.

For the briefest moment, he wondered how it would be to have her pinned down under him as she struggles to get free. Fuck it all, he was curious how it would feel to touch her skin.

She raised her hand to slap him only to feel his strong grip around her wrist, "I do not get hit by a woman. Please calm down and behave yourself like a proper lady madame, least I forget you are one."

That was all for show. He can never forget that. He will never be able to fight her back as well no matter what it is she does to him.

But saying those words seemed only a natural excuse to be able to hold her hand. An excuse to feel her skin in his. That is all that it was.

She took back her hand, pulling it away from him and planting it close to her chest. Her cheeks flamed red as she looked at him in shock.

She looked so beautiful at that moment that it took all of his self-control not to grab her and kiss her senselessly.

Just when he thought he couldn't take more of this seduction he sensed a dark presence approaching.

He knew he needed to go before anything happened. He needed to deal with his enemies far from where she is.

It's not like he cared about the other people in the tavern. He can watch them all go to hell in glee. But he will not be able to forgive himself if anything was to happen to her.

With a heavy heart, he stood and turned his back on her. He walked out of the tavern, leaving her there, knowing he will be back soon enough.

He was sure he will find her. No matter what.