Book 5: Her Apprentice

She must have had such bad luck today for the reason that it doesn't feel like the heavens wanted her to stay put.

A gorgeous woman stepped inside the tavern earning lascivious comments from the pigs inside.

As it was her second nature to protect the innocent and weak, she stood up, sighing for her once again interrupted meal as the poor lady was cornered by a gang of medieval dwarves.

Contrary to the fairytales of dwarves being tiny little creatures, it really wasn't the case in Selene.

Rather, they were at least a few inches taller than her who stands at a mere five feet. They stink of alcohol and have really loud boisterous voices.

"Do your parents not tell you how to behave around a maiden?" she said, looking at the purple-haired young lady who was bowing her head low.

She cannot totally fault these pigs, the woman though dressed in a man's clothing looks like a goddess. From her snow-white skin to her luscious purple hair, and of course, those sparkly blue eyes that made her look angelic.

On top of all that, she looked really feminine and graceful. Ahhhh... why do some women have all the luck?

"Are you trying to be a hero now, young miss?" the tavern pigs stood from their seats, easily towering over her height.

Of course, she is a seasoned warrior, but if there is one thing that she learned from the past war, it's that she should choose her battles wisely.

Looking at these muscled fools and the state of the tavern, she figured she couldn't win.

One, she is easily outnumbered by these men, so she couldn't use sheer force to defeat them. Second, if she slices these men in half using her sword, it won't be considered a justified act as the use of force would be unreasonably excessive on her part.

Hence, she would be held responsible for the deaths of these men as well as the damages sustained by the tavern.

But she couldn't leave this woman with these pigs to feast on. Her conscience won't let her be.

Her face brightened as she hold tightly her sack of gold in one hand as an idea came to her mind. She snickers as she grabbed the woman with her other hand and dragged her out of the tavern.

They ran out of the place with all the speed the gods would allow them. The men tried to outrun them of course but she lost them by hiding in a secret alley that had a passage door known only to a select few.

Shoving the woman through that door before she herself would go in, she clicked her fingers as dim light covered the place, revealing a well-kept library.

She would be faced with the woman with luscious purple hair and blue eyes. How could she still look so beautiful after running all this way?

She felt conscious so she wiped her brows and cleared her throat before speaking, "Hi, I'm Mary."

The lady smiled at her and flashed her beautiful smile before opening her lips to speak, "Thank you for saving me, I am Malavar."

"Malavar?" her mind broke it seems. Her name, why is it a gentleman's? Also, this person who spoke just now... her soft voice sounded distinctly male.

Her eyes widened in shock as the other person blushed, no way this pretty girl is a male. Should she ask?

Won't it be rude to ask such a beautiful woman such a silly question? She gulped, her throat drying up so suddenly.

"Are you? This is a foolish question, albeit sounds funny and offensive. I know I shouldn't even ask, but if I may do so... may I ask... are you a man?" she knew she was also flaming red as she said those awful words her confused mind was able to come up with.

The lady before her laughed, and she felt even more confused. That distinctly soft but manly quality of his voice, plus she notices just now- adam apples?

Could she really be blamed? How could she possibly take off her mind the question of his gender?

The beautiful being before her seemed to be rather fond of her question, "Do not worry, no offense taken. I do believe it is out of sheer curiosity that you ask this question. I am genetically male, with everything that comes with the biology."

"A biological male?" she asked curiously once again. What does it even mean?

She gulped, a male with a woman's beauty? Ahhhh how unfair! She wanted to cry. Some people have it all!

Malavar laughed at her reaction, "Where is this place?"

"This is one of the secret hideouts of the magic knights. Well, not so secret now that someone else was able to come here," she answered awkwardly, realizing her mistake.

He laughed again, looking at her with sudden interest, "Then are you a magic knight, Mary?"

She nodded and smiled, "Yes, that I am. Though I have decided to take a vacation. So I am more of like a retired special member. The knights can still call on me whenever they would need my help."

Malavar's eyes turned cold for a minute or has it been just her imagination as he looked at her again with warmth, "Is it my luck to have met her royal highness, the queen of elves?"

Mary nodded, a cheeky smile on her lips, "Aye, the deposed queen of elves you mean. It is I."

Malavar fell on his knees, his face turned towards the ground, refusing to look into her face, "Forgive my imprudence. I am at your service."

She let out a chuckle as she tapped his shoulder, "Rise. You don't have to do this before a deposed queen."

"But I must. I have long been an admirer of your works, of your inspiring leadership, and your swordsmanship. Alas, I could not rise until you make a knight out of me," his soft voice did not waver.

"I cannot do that anymore. I have long surrendered the crown to the tree of life's chosen one. But if you want, then I shall make you my apprentice and keep you under my wing until you are able to stand on your own," she was sure she shouldn't trust anyone so easily, but her instinct is telling her she can trust this man.

"Then I, according to this offer extended upon me by her royal highness, graciously accept," Malavar spoke, making Mary smile.

"If you will accept me then as your master, then address me only as such. I am not the queen any longer, but I am the one you serve," she reached out and caressed his cheek, shocking them both.

She knew she ought not to feel this way but when his doe-like eyes looked up at her with trust and adoration, she couldn't help but feel a certain possessiveness akin to a child being able to hold her favorite toy for the first time.