From the previous chapters you already knew it was a really long and tiresome journey . My back is already paining ....!
And my neck is stiff since I was looking at the same direction almost the whole time . Not that I could just take a break . I have task to do now . Before getting scolded I did on my own will to pick up the bags .
To be honest the house is huge and spacious unlike our previous house . We arrived at the gates and I was the last one to enter since I have been carrying this huge bags with me . The gate is huge too.
There was a man who looked like a butler welcomed me in . And it felt unreal maybe he doesn't know I'm literally a maid here . He helped me carrying the bags.
"I think you should go inside and have a look", he said while smiling .
"Oh yes. I see ... thank you", I said while bowing my head.
I'm kind of nervous unlike others . Cuz I have to get adapt to this environment real quick . I started seeing the things Inside the house and noticed a lot of things .
It was an old yet beautiful house ....
Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!
The old clock kept time in a house that was no longer alive. No sunlight danced in through the dirty windows. Cobwebs hung listely, its occupants dead or gone. The dust lay on the floor, a dreary carpet on a sagging floor. A stray fly buzzed around a chandelier that stared miserably down from where it was bolted to the ceiling. And open door creaked as a breath of wind caused it to move on its rusty hinges. A crumbling piece of cloth fluttered through the air, like a bird trapped in a cage. It was an empty, forlorn building, without a breath.
But the house had not always been void of life.
A long time ago, the house had lived and breathed. Chubby, happy children had run through the velvet carpeted halls. Red, white, and yellow roses grew on the walls outside the building. Willow tress drooped over a pond, creating a very romantic atmosphere. Grass covered the lawn without an imperfection. Young maidens were wooed in the house and garden. Marriages and feasts took place inside the large house.
Old and revered grandfathers and grandmothers and been laid to eternal rest in the charming cemetery that lay in a copse of trees. Friendly birds sang in the trees, and kept the squirrels company. Sunlight flowed in like a river through the crystal- clear windows. The wind entered with the sunlight and played tag with the muslin curtains. It danced with the flowers in the garden, and sang the trees to sleep. But all of this was a long time ago.
The house's days were past.
It was an old, long forgotten, abandoned house. It was broken down with disrepair and weeds filled the garden where once the grass has been as soft as a blanket. Birds no longer sang in the trees, and even the insects had largely left the house. Part of the roof had caved in after years of storms.
I was actually hearing all of this from the resident of the house . They are both middle aged couples and they would be starting to stay with us . But in different parts of the house . Since the rent is less and so my family had to agree whatsoever .
"Well the house seemed abandoned since we neglected it too far", said the aunt . Then the uncle said , "To keep the promise of my grandmother to stay at this house, we are staying; it was her last will".
"Oh my!", my mother was pretending to be unfortunate alongside with them .
I then again started roaming around . I feel like I haven't yet gone around properly. There are more feelings coming through like I was deployed into the mysterious house ....
Then I came across the garden which wasn't that great but it was peaceful . Tho the garden is huge unlike our garden in the previous house but it lacked caring to all I know since I know how to take care of a garden based on my experience. I was going to go back ....until I noticed a door !
Some grassed were covered and the door was pretty much old and roughed. The essence felt like I dare not open it but wasn't it strange there is a door in a garden and mostly it's not any house or rooms door.
"It's pretty strange but should I check it out?", I mumbled to myself .
I looked at the door once again ..
"But what if it's restricted then I might get scolded by Mother", I said.
But the door was giving off a different vibe like it was stretching me to itself like magnet . I came closer.
Closer and closer...until I grabbed the knob .
"It is jammed but I think with my open with my strength!", I tried pushing with my might .
I think it got slightly opened . Finally when I was about to go inside - suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and it was none other than Dina ..She was making an expression feeling like rage has swallowed her whole body ...
"You know I think I should kick you out . How dare you laze here without cleaning my room! Hurry and go there !!!!!!", said Dina
"Yes....I am ..sorry", said I . "I will go clean your room right away ..!"
As I hurried off I could hear the laughs of Dina as I trailed by . I know I can't refuse but how long do I endure like this ...
Today went past like this . Everyone felt asleep . I came upto the rooftop to clear my mind . As I said earlier I can't sleep on the first day to a new place . So I think taking some air might help me . It was a moonlight night . The moon was shiny and I could see around every thing .
I finally noticed the door at the garden . I totally forgot about it . The door was as it is as I left by .
Now since I have some time should I go opened it ?
But I finally remembered her words . Back then when I and Dina returned to the house -
"Marlin, where were you the whole time ?!", said mother
"Well, she was passing by the door at the garden..",Dina said as soon as she heard mother .
"Wait ...the door?!", the old lady of the house told as soon as she heard .
Her eyes were shocked as she heard . She then looked up to me and asked what I did . I just said nothing I just passed by .. I just felt I shouldn't say something now...
"Oh good ... listen my child ..the door has been locked for ages and so I don't think it's wise to go there ...",she said as she caressed my head.
"So don't go near the door okay ?"
Okay.... ( if I would actually listened to her I wouldn't be in this world as I am now ...)