Chapter 3 : Entered the door

As days passed since she said that ... I have been constantly doing my works and staring at that door ..

The door always grabbed my attention . "But I don't want to mess myself ", I said. But even everyone forbids and me myself forbids ; fate leads me there.

It's not that I haven't tried the door . Very rude I'd be dont you think ? Well the fact was not true actually -

When I went for the door . I glanced at it now and then and even touched . It was made with a very fine wood but from the appearance it felt it was thousand of years old . After glancing a lot I went for the knob. But no matter how much I tried it -

"Ah....I can't open it . It's locked", I heaved heavily as I tried and used up all my energy to open it .

You all might ask , "what's wrong with you , Marlin?? Haven't you been warned or how can you be so disobedient?" But believe me guys I'm doing it for my own free will . Once in my life I want to do something no one ordered me too ..

By the way there's a saying right ?

That - "When you are ordered to not do something; you want to do it more ?"

*giggles* Yeah I had that kind of feeling after a long long time guys...

I felt and wanted to behave like myself . Not laying back .. do what you need to and feel to! I had this kind of minds when I was very little . I had a family once but I don't remember father because he died after my birth . And I remember only a glimpse of mother . We had an accident so memories became blurry ....

So I don't listen to her and open the door . I'm not rejecting that aunts suggestion rather than I want to disobey Madame Rosalia .

I stumbled as I thought and said, " I've enough of it already !" I went to the door days after days for a chance to get it open but it all went in vain ..

"It's locked again..", I said sadly . I pouted and said, "Well I'm not gonna give up !"

Until one day -

They all started playing ... They played baseball . Jack was throwing the ball and Dina was catcher behind and Sina was gonna shoot the ball with her bat. Guess what ?

They made me join in the game too . As a fielder that is ... I have to go far and wide to bring the ball back . I have no other duties than that . I can see the play going on and on —

Until Sina did that -

She shoot the ball far and wide and it gone to the house window. It was a perfect throw as expected from an talented player but okay she did something wrong and smashed the glasses!!!!


All had a worried look on the face until Sina was standing there what to do . Madame Rosalia came out of the room and shouted , " Who the hell did this mess ?!" Everyone was scared and suddenly Sina put the bat in my hands and told , "Mom, Marlin did this !!!"

".....what?", I said as I was shocked to hear what she said .

Well .. that's not the first time though? Well she did many things like— okay wait it's not time to tell about this . I have been framed ?!? Maybe later ..

Gotta run guys !!!!!!

Everyone nodded their heads as to agree the claim of Sina . I obviously know no one gonna take my side anyways . So I made for a run in the garden—

I made past the Bushes and flowers that had already embedded in my mind . Because I always come now and then and became familiar with all . Fun fact I like it more than the previous one and I took it with great care . I went running and running ...Madame Rosalina followed me behind . She was furious . Looks like the things that were broken wasn't of low quality..she might beat me to death when she catches me !


The word suddenly rang through my head as I kept running . I don't know certain lines came popping to my head ...

"I want to have a loving family"

More and more desires are popping .

My blood veins are rushing

I kept running

I assumed Madame Rosalia following

And I kept desiring ....

Is it that wrong to have a good wish . As I said that my final words popped out . Long time ago I remembered when my mother read me a story book about a princess . She had a loving family and she married and was happy ...

As I remembered I said I want -

"To be happy and live happily ever after"

Unexpectedly as I went through the garden started brimming with light . I suddenly saw a ray of light making a way . It made me to follow it all the way as I ran through . Was I hallucinating? Who knows but right now I felt I need to go . Go follow it wherever it takes me .

It takes me into surprise to what I followed and saw that I came upon-?

"It was that door!"

But this time I wasn't shocked once but twice because the door was left open?! I was standing there like a stone . It was slight open so I assumed I can get through this time but I heard Madame Rosalia's voice far . I think she still intended to follow me ...!

I thought and said to myself , "I think it's better I go inside and close the door . Then I wouldn't get caught and Madame Rosalia wouldn't think this door which was locked for several years is opened and I went inside ?"

It was a good plan to what I thought...

I rushed and went inside . But to my uncertain surprise I saw a lot of rich clothes piling infront of my nose . I assumed I was inside some clothes wardrobe or something. I came out and saw an unexpected room . It was shiny and beautiful !!

Suddenly I saw a timid girl coming towards me with a worried look in her face.

She said , "My lady .. how long are you gonna stay inside your wardrobe?!"

I looked around but there was no one except me she was talking to .. I looked dumbfounded..

Was she referring to me ? No it can't be ...

"If you are thinking who I'm talking to ; it's you ! The count would be happy to see his daughter woke up after being recovered", she smiled as she said .

I was surprised! Wait , counts daughter ?! What the hell is going on ?!?