
After finally having a quantity that I knew would take a long time to collect, I decided to just take a small break before doing anything else. I climbed up a small hill nearby with my axe just in case any predator decided to try and sneak up on me and decided to admire the scenery. Honestly, now that I took a step back to admire the settlement, it all felt surreal, especially the fact that I had somehow been forced into this place.

Then again I suppose there was a great beauty in being able to see one of the things which humanity obsessed over understanding. It was odd, although all of the people living in the settlement would certainly not be considered any sort of intellects compared to those from my generation, they seemed to be so happy and unbothered. If I'm honest I was sort of jealous of them.

It was only now that I understood why my uncle Mateo used to always say that ignorance was bliss. Sadly even without me doing anything, they would eventually move away from this and continue on the path of both technological and societal advancement, the least I could do now would be to just try and give them the best possible life I could.

As I looked at the soccer field where some people were playing I began to think about what would happen once we began to have more people joining the settlement. I honestly couldn't wait until I could get the idea of belonging to separate tribes eliminated and get people to have children with whoever they wanted as long as morally correct in order to finally be able to stop worrying about the looming threat of generational threat of incest.

The biggest problem with tribes was that they were basically one big group made up of one to five families that only bred with each other because of their animalistic nature, it was like the royal marriage situation in the middle ages of Europe just that without the political power that came with it. The only reason they weren't mutated monsters was that the males tended to either get left behind or leave the pack in search of other groups they might do better in, making it so tribes constantly had new members joining while others either died or left.

So as more tribes were forced to coexist with each other without dying or having their members change, the biggest danger would be for them to keep stuck with the mindset that they had to reproduce between only people of their tribes instead of just with anyone due to familiarity, as it would create not only a social divide but also make it so that a culture would be created between that practice.

Personally, it was disgusting that anyone would even think of following incestual practices, but then again it was not like I was one to decide what was allowed or not. Regardless, no matter what beliefs one had regarding incest, there was certainly no discussion when it came to the fact it should have been a crime to have a child through incest.

If I ever had a single philosophy I applied to anything, it would be that as long as what you were doing didn't hurt anybody whether it be physical or otherwise then you should not be reprimanded for what you are doing. But willingly bringing a child to the world knowing that you are heavily increasing the chances that they will be born with a deficiency or mutation that could severely affect the rest of their lives falls under the classification of harming someone if they do end up having said genetic alterations.

Thankfully the way things stood right now I still had more influence than anybody else in the settlement and would hopefully be able to forcefully destroy that potential future before it had the chance to even start forming. On a brighter note though, as more people joined the settlement I would finally be able to start setting up an economic system mainly based around the collection and sale of food and luxury products like soap and other products available by then.

On top of that, with enough time and solidifying everyone's understanding of Spanish we would be able to hold the first elections and finally get me to pass my power onto someone else in order to be able to relax and no longer be as strongly held by the hand of greed. That didn't mean that I wouldn't be heavily involved with the creation of the political scene though, since as mentioned before I couldn't let a two-party system show up.

While I did understand that people would have different ways to approach solving a problem or even define what a problem is, that didn't mean that there had to be a two-party system. Getting people to focus on their own beliefs instead of the collective beliefs of a group would make it so that candidates would be elected more accurately.

By this, I mean that instead of running a campaign trying to only get the support of people belonging to one of the two political parties, you would have to try and gain the support of as many people as you could in general. Plus, as long as the idea was not normalized the likelihood of a two-party system forming would diminish exponentially.

As for the electoral system, it would just be a vote decided by the majority of people living within the settlement, at least for now, as there were certainly going to be changing as the population would start to grow, but for now, it should be manageable. Regardless since it appeared to be nearing 4 PM I decided to at the very least get started with collecting more seeds.