
Episode 2

"Good evening Mom. You didn't go to the shop?" Kelvin asked on getting home and finding his mom laying down on the couch.

"No. I'm not feeling too well" She replied, trying to sit up.

"What's wrong? Are you coming down with fever again?" He inquired with a worried look on his face, sitting down close to her.

"I think so" she began wiping the sweat dripping down her face.

"You're burning up" Kelvin pointed out. "I think we should probably go to the hospital" he suggested.

"Don't worry I've taken drugs already. All I need now is rest. I'll be better once I do"

"But I still think we should go to the hospital just to be safe" Kelvin insisted.

"Don't worry, just go and get something to eat. I'll be fine" she lay back down. Kelvin stood up and headed for the kitchen, wanting to give her time to relax. He grabbed his food and was off to his room.

Being the third and last child of his parents, Mr and Mrs Williams. He was left with his brother and mom, to take care of themselves. Seeing as their father left them when they were still a kid and hasn't been seen since, His older brother was still schooling and his sister the eldest child was working out of town.

Mrs Williams doesn't make enough to help further her kids through tertiary institution and still have enough to feed themselves too. So she was constantly straining herself to earn more, which was beginning to take its toll on her.


The phone screen lit upz followed by a vibration. Kelvin woke up to the sound of the phone, slightly irritated by the rude awakening. He rubbed his eyes, picked up the phone to see who it was disturbing his nap. A smile came across his lips on seeing the name. "What's up Luke?" He called out on answering the call.

"Hey, how is it going man?" Luke asked from the other end of the call.

"Well your school sucks" he laughed

"Very funny man. I bet you are loving it already."

"Nah...but I'll try. When are you coming back though?"

"I don't know yet, but soon though. And don't take out all the girls before I come man" Luke joked

"I can't promise anything" Kelvin replied laughing before ending the call.

He stood up from the bed, checked the time on his phone, it was 5pm on the dot. He put on his clothes and decided to go for a evening stroll, wanting to check on his mom first but couldn't find her around the house. Knowing her, she was probably at the shop. He decided to take the path that leads to her shop.

He stepped outside his house and began heading toward the market. It wasn't that far from his house, so it was an easy journey. He took some shortcuts and before he knew it, he was at the edge of the market. Spotting a familiar figure some metres from him, he kept on observing to make sure he was right and on getting close, he confirmed it. "Hey bookgirl" He called, tapping her gently.

"Oh it's you" Angie said, turning to face him. Her expression darkened upon setting eyes on him.

"We keep bumping into each..."

"And it should stop!" she cut him off

"Wow. So much hatred for me so quick. I'm hurt" Kelvin said sarcastically.

"So much arrogance" Angie retorted

"Hey Angie sorry I'm....Oh it's you" Veronica stated on seeing Kelvin

"Wow. People keep calling me 'you' today. The name is Kelvin and you are?"

"I'm Veronica, and that's as much as you are allowed to know" She said to him while hugging Angie.

"Nobody cares about your name" Angie added

"Okay. You look lovely though and nice to meet you Veronica. It's Angie right?! Nice to see you again even though you harbor much hatred for me" He flashed her a smile and walked away.

"I like him" Veronica said turning to Angie

"Don't be fooled. He clearly is a player. An arrogant and proud one at that. Keep your eyes on the plan" Angie explained


Kelvin got to his mom shop and found her packaging groceries for a customer. She was looking a bit better. "Mom I thought you were supposed to be resting" he said to her on getting to where she was.

"Yes but some customers of mine called and I came" she replied, handing the grocery to the last customer. "Let me help you. Sit down and relax" He said and began putting her sales in order before locking up shop and helping her home.


"I don't know what to do with him" Jessica shouted.

"Boy trouble?" Angie stated, digging through her dinner.

"I'm not going to discuss boys with you but yes" Jessica replied, walking up the stairs. Angie smiled, shaking her head. Her phone screen lit up with a text from Grace popping up 'Hey girl, Veronica told me what happened on your way to the salon this evening' she read and smiled, she dropped her dinner and replied with a text. 'Yeah. I think you should talk to Brian tomorrow, we need to know more about him'.


Second day of school and Luke was nowhere to be found. 'Has he transferred to some other school or has he travelled out?'. All this thought kept running through Angie's mind when someone whispered in her ear, "thinking of me?"

She snapped out of her thoughts and found victor staring at her from behind. "In your dreams victor"

"Come on. Luke hasn't resumed yet, so why the attitude?"

"Luke and I broke up already. Together or not, don't even try" Angie said angrily, stood up and left the class.


It was first period and the students have been waiting for whole for the course teacher. The class was filled with noise and laughter, until the teacher walked in hurriedly "Good morning and sorry I'm late. Good to see you all" He smiled, writing the name of the course 'Chemistry' on the board.

"Finally. A course worth listening to" Angie uttered a sigh of relief

"Hey I haven't seen Luke since we resumed. I don't think he's resumed yet" Angie whispered to Grace

"Yeah I think so too or maybe he transferred" Grace shrugged

"So can anyone tell me what it is called, coating something with mercury?" The teacher asked "anybody?....You there, what's your name?"

"Kelvin" he replied, standing up.

"Ok Kelvin tell me what it's called" He sat on his desk

"I...I think..I think..."

"Stop stuttering and tell him the answer. Surely, professor Kelvin you know the answer right" Angie cut in and the class roared with laughter

"Quiet everyone" The teacher instructed. "Sit down Kelvin. Tell us the answer young lady" He said now facing Angie

"Almagamation sir" she answered with a smug look

"Correct. But you know the answer doesn't mean you should tramp on your fellow students. Don't let such things happen again In my class" He cleared his throat and continued with his teaching

"Huh" Kelvin sighed

"Don't think on it. That's how she does sometimes". Kelvin turned to see Veronica at his back

"Wow I thought you hate me" he inquired

"Well duh, I didn't just say I like you" Veronica retorted.

"Well at least one of you can stand me" Kelvin smiled


"Hey man, Grace just told me she wanted to see me during lunch break. What do I do?" Brian agitatedly asked Kelvin

"Calm down bro. She's just a girl not a goddess" Kelvin replied, surprised at his friend current nervous state. "And besides we are already on lunch break, so what are you still doing here?" Kelvin asked making a stop under a tree that serves as a shade and sat on the bench under.

"Well I don't know what to do or say" Brian sat down also

"First things first, be calm. Being nervous won't do you any good. Two, just be yourself and go with the flow of the conversation..."

"And my normal self is what" Brian asked looking seriously at Kelvin

"You are kidding me right" he replied, staring sternly at Brian

"Sorry, continue" Brian urged

"And try to get her contact. That would be a start. Make a good first conversation" he advised, relaxing more against the tree.

"Okay thanks man" Brian said as he stood up to go look for her.

Kelvin who had been closing his eyes and enjoying the comfort the shade brought, opened them and began observing his surrounding, 'Well the school isn't that bad' he thought to himself and just then he saw Angie and Veronica holding hands and laughing at whatever they found funny. They were both heading to the direction of the library. "She's definitely beautiful though" he affirmed "But that attitude, we have to kill". He sat there deliberating on what plans to carry out next when he felt a presence behind him.

"What's up man?" Sam said smiling at him and presenting his hand for a shake

"I'm cool" he replied reaching for the hand

"I'm the captain of the soccer team" Sam introduced himself while sitting down

"Yeah, I know. I have been watching you guys for sometime now"

"You did play soccer for your previous school right?"

"Yeah I did"

"So why didn't you come to try out when you resumed?" Sam inquired

"Well I was actually thinking of laying off soccer for now" Kelvin replied

"No...you have to come try out. We are down a player and the first inter school match is coming up. You need to come try out" Sam persuaded almost pleading

"I don't know if I'm the man you need"

"Just come to try out and we'll see" he suggested.

"Okay I will" Kelvin accepted.

"Great. see you after the end of classes" Sam got up and took his leave.


Brian walked into the empty classroom nervously. On seeing Grace at the far end of the class reading a novel, his heart skipped a beat. He stood for a while observing and trying to compose himself. He shifted his weight from one leg to another trying to think of what to say. Her voice cut through the voice in his head. "hey, over here" her tiny voice echoed in the empty classroom

"Hey" He replied, walking over to where she was sitting. "So what's up? You wanted to see me" he asked, seeming a bit shaky

"Yes. How are you doing?" She asked, closing the book she was reading and shifted her attention to Brian.

"I'm good" Brian replied trying to avoid eye contact with her "I didn't know you could talk to me" he added.

"Well don't get any ideas. I see you with Kelvin, the new boy. Who is he?"

"Oh, that's what this is about. Not that you wanted to talk with me" Brian sighed with signs of disappointment showing in his expression, "You like him huh?"

"Nooo, never. Just wanted to know him" she said defensively

"Well, let's make a deal then. You give me your contact and I will tell you what you want to know" he offered, hoping she takes the deal.

She thought about it for some seconds and saw no harm in it "Okay deal" She replied

'Well that was easy' He thought to himself "Alright then, what do you want to know?" He asked, feeling a bit more comfortable chatting with her.

"Does he have a girlfriend in this school or anywhere else?" She blurted

"Wow. That was pretty straight. No he doesn't"

"Where did he transferred from?"

"From a school at a suburban area in ire"

"Wow. a suburban school. What does his parents do for a living?" Sh asked with a scoff. Just then Brian realized this was a mistake and it was a flaw hunt from the mean queens but he couldn't back out now 'cause he made a deal already and he needed her contact.

"Just his mom. She owns a grocery shop"

"Really?! Alright, text me the address. Here's my contact" She wrote down her phone number on a piece of paper for him and left immediately.


"Grace and Veronica will be coming over soon" Angie informed her sister whilst helping with the dishes

"Okay" Jessica replied as the doorbell rang simultaneously with her response

"I think that's them" Angie said, dropping the dishes and disappeared to go get the door.

She unlocked the and a smile crept on her face on seek the her friends. "What's up girl?!" Veronica hugged her

"I brought snacks" Grace chipped in, hugging her too, before making her way into the house.

"Hi Jessica" Veronica and Grace greeted simultaneously

"Hello girls. How are you doing?" Jessica flashed them a smile

"We're good" grace answered

"We are going upstairs" Angie announced, ascending up the stairs with the girls closely behind, giggling.


"So have you heard from Sam recently?" Angie asked Grace as she sat on the floor inbetween the legs of Veronica, with Veronica trying to tie her hair into a bun.

"Nope. during the holiday he reached out frequently but now at school I feel as if he's avoiding me. He doesn't reply most of my texts" she complained, picking up one of the snacks she brought.

"Now this is the reason you shouldn't give boys your heart. They are not up for love so why should we?!" Angie replied as she reached for a pack of snack too

"Is it too tight?" Veronica asked checking out the bun she did and patting it softly

"No. It's ok"

"So how did the conversation with Brian go" Veronica asked now lying on the bed and turning to face Grace

"Well..." Grace's phone vibrated, interrupting her. She unlocked the phone to a message from Brian 'Hey it's Brian just texted to let you know this is my number and to check up on you" she read and couldn't help but smile

"Who's that?" Angie poked, standing up to sit on the chair directly opposite her bed

"Huh? Oh, it's my mom. She's just texting to check up on me" she replied, clearing her throat nervously

"Okay mommy's girl. So tell us what happened" Veronica urged.

"Yeah, he has no girlfriend, he lives with just his mom and he transferred from a school at a suburb"

"Wow, he willingly gave you all that?" Angie asked surprised

"Yeah, apparently I guess I have a hold on him" she said with a proud smile.

"Nice, so what are we gonna do with this information miss planner?" Veronica questioned now staring at Angie

"I think i know just what to do" Angie replied with a devious smile.