
Episode 3

Kelvin woke up feeling good. He just made the soccer team and his mom had recovered. 'Today might smile on me' he thought. He got up, went to the bathroom took his bath and had his breakfast and soon he was set on his way. He made a quick detour to his mom shop to help set things up and when he got to school he was a little bit late. 'This ain't a good sign' he thought.

Making his way to class, he noticed how people were staring at him and giggling to one another. "This definitely isn't the smile I imagined" he muttered to himself. He got to class and on entering the classroom, the class roared with laughter.

Surprised at the reaction he was getting and without knowing why, he went to his seat and sat down, all the while thinking of any reason why they would be acting like that. "Sorry man" Jacob said behind him.

"What happened? Why are they staring and laughing at me like that?" He inquired with furrowed brows

"What do you mean what happened? Didn't you see it? Aren't you on the school social media group?" Jacob questioned

"No" Kelvin replied, adjusting to face Jacob

"How can you not be in the group and you have been here a while"

"I haven't been here that long. That's not the point just show me" He demanded impatiently.

Jacob brought out his phone and showed him the post made in the school group. Kelvin's picture with the caption that read, 'Suburban boy trying to be a man. No wonder he has no girlfriend. Who would date a boy so arrogant and proud and then goes to sell groceries after school. Broke and pathetic'

"Oh shit. You mean the whole school saw this?" Kelvin asked filled with shock

"Yeah man. How do you reckon Angie knew this about you?" Jacob asked

Kelvin thought for a second and then it dawned on him. "I'm going to kill Brian" He blurted out angrily.

"Brian gave her the info?" Jacob asked

"No. But i know who Brian told, that passed the info to Angie"


The rest of first period went smoothly other than the mocking stares Kelvin was still getting. Lunch break definitely wasn't easy for him too and all he could do was to spend his time practicing with the rest of the football team. "Don't you think it was a little bit too harsh" Grace started, sitting with the others by the side of the football pitch, watching the boys practice.

"No I don't. This will kill his pride" Angie smiled, satisfied with herself. "Look at him still smiling and trying to act as though he's okay." She continued

"I think they gave him Luke's spot on the team" Veronica pointed out. "He has nice build though"

"Yeah. Angie don't you want to know why Luke hasn't resumed yet?" Grace asked

"We are not together anymore so why should I be concerned?" She replied showing no interest to the issue. They were engrossed in their conversation that they didn't know Kelvin had walked up to them.

"Hey ladies" He said smiling, sweat dripping down his body from the running he did during the practice.

"Yeah, what do you want?" Angie asked abruptly.

"Whoa. Such much hostility. Well played though with the post though. I know you got those information from Brian" he said to her.

"Maybe, maybe not" Angie shrugged nonchalantly

"See you around" he concluded, walking away

"Still acting arrogant" She sneered

"Well I still think I like him" Veronica chipped in

"Nah. I don't think I do" Grace added

"What's up girls" Sam waved at them, before approaching them

"Hey Sam" Grace said smiling and adjusting on her sitting.

"I'm having my birthday party this weekend and you all are invited" He announced.

"Alright we'll be there" Verona smiled

"Alright see you all later" he left

"You see...he didn't even talk to me directly" Grace pointed out surprised

"You should breakup with him before he does" Angie replied


Kelvin decided to go look for Brian before the bell for the second period rings. He walked through the corridors of the classrooms but couldn't find him anywhere and decided to go check the cafeteria. He was walking as though he was on a mission to go murder someone.

He hasn't gotten very far when he spotted Brian walking towards him. With the intent of fleeing, Brian turned back swiftly as soon as he saw Kelvin. "Don't even try man!" Kelvin called out, rushing to him.

"I'm sorry man" Brian pleaded, trying to read the expression on Kevin's face

"Why did you tell her all that?"

"It was the only deal I could make to get her contact like you requested" Brian explained

"So did you?" He asked with a curious look on his face

"Yeah. we've texted each other once" he answered with a smile escaping his lips

"Good!" Kelvin exclaimed

"You're not mad?" Brian inquired with a clearly visible surprise look on his face.

"Nope my friend, nope, it's a good start" Kelvin replied with a smirk.

"But how does me hooking up with Grace suppose to be related to the plan?" He asked curiously.

"Because if you two are close, you can get information on Angie from her. Girls only tell their close friends personal things and nobody knows anything about Angie except for her circle." He explained.

"Yeah true, so what do I do now with grace"

"Well it's a good thing she's replying your text nicely. Just show her care, Try to seem interested in her life...not too much though, just be moderate. I think they'll come to to Sam's birthday party too. that can be your chance..."

"Oh no, not at the party. She's currently dating Sam" he cut in.

"What? that's a twist in the plan. How come you never mentioned that" Kelvin questioned

"I just wanted to know if I had a chance and it seems that maybe I do" He answered and just then the bell rang for second period.

"Just do all the things I said" Kelvin stated, as they both started walking to the classroom "Anything else I should know about?" He added.

"Well I heard Angie recently broke up with her boyfriend, Veronica is single and that's pretty much it"

"Okay Good" Kelvin concluded


Second period went by quickly and classes for the day were over. Kelvin, Jacob and Brian searched for a cool shade in the school premises and found one beside the football pitch. They relaxed, enjoying the comfort and cool air before they had to start heading home. Students were busying about, some chatting with friends, playing games or in the class reading. "I'm telling you that teacher hates me. If not, he wouldn't have dug me good strokes" Jacob went on with his usual frivolities.

"If you had done the assignment as he had instructed, he wouldn't had done it" Kelvin explained

"Here comes queen Jezebel" Brian pointed out and sat upright

"Hello again book girl, missing me so quick" Kelvin said smiling at her.

"One, don't call me that and two, in your wildest dreams will I miss you. I happened to be in the principal's office because of the truth I told the school about you and he asked if I knew you and said I should call you" she said with an angry tone as if she was blackmailed to run the errand.

"Okay, I'll go answer him" He replied

"No. he wants you to come with me now!" she said forcefully.

"Whoa. Okay. Thank God you're not the principal" He quipped, standing up to follow her. Brian and Jacob both chuckeld to the joke and quickly composed themselves when they saw her glaring at them with her devouring eyes.

"Lead the way mademoiselle" He gestured. He followed her closely, trying to keep up with how fast she was walking as though she was being chased "Slow down, why the rush?" he inquired

"So i don't spend more time looking at you" she retorted

"Well at least you told the principal you knew me. That's a start" He laughed

"A start of what?" she asked, irritated by his laugh

"A start of you, liking me" He replied with confidence

She laughed mockingly and it was his turn to be surprised "Now that's funny. 'Cause I don't see that happening" she stated as they got to the office of the principal's office. She knocked on the door and the principal invited them in.

"Thanks, Miss Angela, you can leave us now" Said the principal

"Oh Angela, that's sounds nice, well thank you Miss Angela" he whispered to her. She rolled her eyes at him before exiting the office so she could catch up with her friends.

"Sit down Mr Williams" The principal pointed to the empty seat across from him, staring at Kelvinwith a serious and yet a sympathetic look, which made Kelvin realized this wasn't going to be good. "I'm afraid I have some bad news Mr Williams..." He started. "You see, the scholarship you are on has been cancelled because of some private issues going on with the bodies involved. And because the cancellation was not forseen, and the decision made abruptly without prior knowledge, we have decided to give you the rest of the term. Which means from next term you are expected to start paying school fees. I'm very sorry, there's nothing more we can do" the principal concluded.

Looking confused and shocked, Kelvin could not utter a word or look at the principal in the eyes. He just stood up and head for the door. "Thank you sir" he managed to get out before leaving.


Kelvin walked around for a while, trying to clear his head and think of possible solutions. He wasn't in the mood to go home yet. Going home met he was going to face his mom and break the bad news to her and he wasn't ready to that. She had been struggling a lot lately. He decided to go see Brian at home first, since they left before he came out of the office.

He dragged his thoughts with him from the bus stop to Brian's house. Brian had been a good friend to Kelvin although they haven't known each other for a very long time and they didn't attend the same school 'till now. And although Brian hadn't been to his house before, he had been to Brian's. He had always went there to do some delivering.

Brian is the last child with two girls above him. Both his parents ran a big pharmacy. After walking for a while Kelvin finally got to Brian's house. He stood outside for a while before knocking on the door. "Coming" a voice called from inside and few seconds later, the door flung open. "Hey, Kelvin right?! How are you?" Kate, Brian's sister asked. She's the second child, currently at home visiting from school.

"I'm good, is Brian home?" Kelvin asked forcing a smile.

"Nope not yet. I thought you guys come home together?" She inquired looking concerned

"Yes. But I was called by the principal and before I came out, he was gone" He replied

"Alright let me try to call him"

"Okay. Let me start going home before my mom starts to worry too" He turned to leave

"Diid you have a message for him before?" She asked.

"No but I'll call him later"


Kelvin got home without noticing when it started to get dark. The weight of what the principal had said, was dragging him down. He could see his tetiary institution dream crumbling before his eyes. Thinking about how they were suppose to pay for it and take care of other expenses too.

He got inside the house and sunk on the brown couch that was already weak, feeble and begging for change. "You're back. I was getting worried. I sent your brother out to look for you" his mom uttered a sigh of relief, coming out of the kitchen.

"Good evening Mom" he answered looking at the same spot as he has since he came into the house.

"What is it son, why are you looking down?" She inquired with a motherly concern in her voice as she sat near him. "Come on son tell me" she pressed further.

"They called off the scholarship" He broke the news with a weakened voice.

"What do you mean called off? What does that mean?" She asked looking confused.

"It means we only have this year mom, it doesn't cover my tertiary institution anymore" He explained.

"They...why...??" She stuttered.

"They said due to some 'personal issues'" He replied, doing the air quote

"Don't worry son, we'll figure something out" she said composing herself, trying to be strong for her him and trying to be optimistic.

"How mom? How?"

"Don't worry, just focus on finishing your school first. There's still a little time" she answered hoping that will console him enough for now. "Just go eat and relax for now" she said to him. He stood up, heading to his room and dragging his backpack alongs. Mrs Williams sank into her own thoughts as she stared at her son's retreating back.