
Episode 5

Students returned to their classes as soon as lunch break was over. They got busy chatting and joking with each other whilst waiting for the subject teacher to come for his period. Kelvin and his friends who came late from the break, looked relieved when they saw the teacher wasn't in yet. They scurried to their seats.

Kelvin glanced around the classroom and stopped when he saw Angie discussing with Grace. He observed her for a while thinking on how beautifully evil she was. Her smile though could capture anyone. He shook the thoughts out of his head, reminding himself what the plan was. She was the one to fall for fim and not the other way around.

Just when he wanted to look away, she looked over at him and their eyes locked. He wanted to avoid her eyes instantly but thought about making it last for a while. He kept maintaining eye contact and she wasn't ready to lose to him. She wanted to show how confident she was. It lasted for a while with none of them giving up until the teacher came in. He winked at her and she gave him a scorned look.

"Good afternoon class" the teacher greeted. "So we are going to be talking about power" He annouced, writing the topic on the board. "Without any more delay, who can tell me what's power? You might have done it before, so you should know" He questioned, walking to and fro, adjusting his glasses.

"Power is the time rate at which work is done" Angie answered.

"Correct. What about the formulas? Anyone?"


"Power is equal to Current × Voltage × Time" Kelvin cut her off before she could finish. He glance at her and his eyes met with her furious ones glaring at him.

"Correct. And what's the unit for power?" He continued

"Watts" Kelvin answered.

"Instrument used in measuring pow....?" The teacher asked again

"Wattmeter"Angie replied before the teacher could finish his question. She glanced at Kelvin with a snare.

"Correct. But you two should give others the chance to be part of the class too. We are all learning" the teacher stated. "Well having established the key points, lets move to some calculations and then we are having pop quiz" he continued.

"Nooo..." The class complained

"You don't have a choice"

"Hey nice one" Valerie whispered to Kelvin. She was sitting on the left row from him.

"Thanks" he replied smiling at her, she was beautiful, how come he hasn't actually paid attention or noticed her before, he thought. She had a dark long hair tied into pigtails. Her round face accommodated her big baby eyes.

"You're a scholarship student right?" She asked

"How do you know that" He asked with a puzzled look.

"I overheard you and the principal at his office before" she answered, "Don't worry, I'm a scholarship student too and he told me the same thing" she explained.

"Well it's done, there isn't nothing we can do" he replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm Valerie by the way" she said.

"Oh. I'm Kelvin" he replied.

"Yeah I know" she said smiling.

'Beautiful smile' he thought to himself. He looked at her once more smiled and focus his gaze back on what was scribbled on the board.


"So what did you score on the test?" Kelvin asked as he caught up with the trio queen on their way to the bus stop.

"It doesn't concern you but if you must know, ninety three percent." Angie replied with pride in her voice.

"Nice but I got ninety four" He replied with smiles escaping his lips. Angie scoffed, giving him a scornful stare.

"What about you ladies?" He pressed on

"I got eighty eight' Veronica answered

"And I got ninety" grace chipped in.

"Nice one girls" He applauded them.

"So can you please go away now?" Angie shot at him.

"Yeah I will but after you answer this first. You enjoyed fighting with me in class today didn't you?" He asked as he stood on her way, blocking her path.

"What?! I don't enjoy any moment with you and I clearly don't enjoy talking to you" Angie retorted harshly.

"Whoa. That hurts" he said mockingly "Anyway this is where I leave you ladies. Oh! and grace, Brian says hi" He said with a smirk and ran off, leaving them to the confuse situation he just brought up.

They looked at grace with a confused and questioning look. "What does he mean?" Angie asked with a judgy look on her face.

"I don't know" Grace defended.

"That didn't sound like nothing to me" Veronica added.

"Tell us the truth" Angie insisted.

"Seriously I don't know" Grace protested

"Okay. If you are hiding something from us, your best friend, you know we are gonna find out definitely" Veronica concluded.

Angie looked at her with an unconvinced look and thought about how her friend had been acting strange for a while, texting frequently, smiling while looking at her phone. "You know for someone who broke up, you look very happy and you moved on quite fast" Angie pointed out.

"Is it a crime? I wasn't attached to the relationship and Sam isn't worth stressing over for. I don't believe you guys." She stated angrily as she quickened her pace, walking away from them.

'Could it be...no...not Brian...definitely not...she would have said something to me at least" Angie thought to herself.


Angie got home feeling exhausted. She met her sister preparing for work. She rolled her eyes in fraustration, knowing she was going to be alone again that night. "Good evening sis, you're on nightshift again. Ahh, I'm going to be alone in this house again" Angie complained.

"Yeah sorry Z. Please do the laundry, there wasn't enough time for me to do it myself" Jessica said to her.

"Ohh, I'm tired, we really do need an househelp" Angie replied.

"That reminds me. A colleague of mine whom I told about it, called me earlier today and said she found omeone who might be interested. She's gonna give me feedback tomorrow" Jessica announced.

"Well that's goodnews" Angie replied with relief

"Yeah. Alright I should be on my way, make sure to do the laundry and take care of the house and yourself. There's food in the refrigerator" her sister said as she took up her bag and rush out of the house.

Angie looked around the empty house and felt a surge of loneliness. she took out her food from the refrigerator, microwaved it and sat on the couch in the sitting room still on her uniform and turned on the TV.

She finished her food got up to do the laundry. Her phone rang, vibrating. she looked at the screen and was surprised. Why was Luke calling her, she thought to herself. She ignored the call with series of thought running through her mind. She finished with the laundry, lay down on her bed and thought about the breakup and what lead to it.

It was during the holiday, it's been six months they started dating. Although they are not deep in love but they do find ways to pass time together. Luke sold pills and sometimes powder. Occasionally he took pills with Angie to pass the time away. Angie found it as an escape from her life, she did it for a while, slowly becoming hooked on it and it became the cause of their breakup.

This happened when her mom just left during the holiday. They didn't part on good terms. She was sad, angry and frustrated, her friends weren't having travelled for the holiday. So she went to visit Luke at home. His parents were at home. She greeted them and went upstairs with Luke. She asked him for some pills but Luke refused seeing the state she was in and moreover his parents were at home, making it risky.

knowing the bag he usually keeps it, she went straight to it and brought out the bag. Luke rushed after her, trying to snatch the bag from her and it resulted in them struggling for it and Angie reacting angrily to this. She began quarrelling angry and this alerted his parents.

His parents rushed upstairs to check on them and on opening the door, they found the two of them picking the pills which was now all over the floor. The parents becoming furious sent Angie out of the house and that was the last time she saw him. When she got home that night, she texted him to apologize but there was no reply and she took it that he had broken up with her. But now he his calling her out of the blue. He hasn't resumed school neither has she seen him around and none of his friends had heard from him or know what had become of him. She turned off the light and with these thoughts still lingering in her mind she dozed off to sleep.


Another day at Redhill high and nothing seemed to have change. Angie was searching around the school for her friends when she bumped into someone, she looked up at who it was and immediately frowned "It's you. Don't you have eyes or do you plan on wounding me?" She attacked as though she has been waiting to pour aggression on someone.

"Sorry my queen, why would anyone want to wound you" victor said as he tried to grab her hand.

She withdrew her hand, "Don't just start victor. I am not in the mood for those your cheap shots you always try to shoot" she said doing a dismissal gesture with her hand.

"Come on now dear, you know we are a match, so stop acting this way" He smiled, touching her cheek.

"Stop it" she shot angrily. "I don't have your time" she concluded as she moved passed him.

She wandered around a while, still wondering what was the problem with Victor when she spotted Kelvin heading toward the direction of the library. She quickened her footsteps to catch up to him. "Hey you, wait up" she ordered.

"Well well, if it isn't the queen" He said, upon seeing her.

"So are you looking for someone to keep you company? 'cause you look kinda lonely" he continued.

"No I don't and even I did it wouldn't be someone like you" she told him with a snare

"And who exactly is someone like me?" He asked folding his arms and giving her a curious look

"If you don't know, then you are even dumber than I thought" she said with an irritated look.

"Woe... What do you want, 'cause I know you didn't just stop me to insult me"

"Yeah the insult is one of the reason and the other reason is to ask you what you meant when you told Grace that Brian said hi" she asked

"Oh so that's what this is about. Why do you want to know?" He asked smiling.

"Because she's my friend"

"If she's your friend then how come she didn't tell you herself?"

"Will you tell me or not?" She retorted.

"I will if you give me your phone number" he said to her smiling.

"In your dreams. Just tell me" she insisted.

"Alright well it was worth a try. I think they are in a relationship" He confessed.

"In a what??" She almost shouted, shock registered on her face.

"You know, when a boy and girl are together in a romantic way" he explained mockingly.

"I know what it means moron, I just don't believe" she retorted.

"Well you should, 'cause it's real and with the way she fell for him and as quick as that, I'm guessing she had a crush on him too" he added "And I thought you guys didn't have a heart"

"Oh we do, but not for people like you" she replied.

"Well hers is clearly saying something different" he concluded staring at her mockingly. She left him and continued on her search for her friends but this time with a rush of anger.

She found them at the cafeteria and she approached them as though she had a fight with them. She got a hold of Grace's arm, pulled her out of to the cafeteria with Veronica following oblivious but curious as to what's happening. "Why are you dragging me, you are hurting my arm" Grace complained.

"I just heard you and Brian are like in some sort of a relationship, please tell me it's a joke" Angie said with a Stern look

"Are you serious?" Veronica chipped in surprised.

"Well...it's....you" she stuttered

"Say it" Angie yelled out abruptly.

"Kind of" Grace replied.

"What!" The two friends shouted simultaneously.

"What? It's not like it's forbidden" Grace retorted.

"First of all, you lied to us, kept a secret from us your best friends and secondly I thought we all agreed not to love because they are not worth it and that they are players" Angie pointed out.

"Yeah but he's different" Grace replied.

"Different how?" Veronica asked.

"He gets me and he's caring" She replied

"You're so naive. He doesn't, he just wants to play you. He's friends with Kelvin and what did they say about birds of the same feathers?" Angie explained

"I don't think he is" She said defending him.

"Well it's your choice. You betrayed us though and whatever happens to you, is your doing and we'll be here watching" Angie blurted out angrily and stormed off.

"Why is she so angry? It's my life. She doesn't control it and I can be with whoever I want to be with" Grace stated angrily.

"Just give her time. I think maybe she's just concerned" Veronica replied

"Well that's not how to show care" Grace concluded, storming off also.