
Episode 6

Angie got downstairs with her eyes partially closed, walking straight to the refrigerator by the kitchen entrance. She took out a can of water and gulped it down hungrily. Feeling stressed recently and she just fought with her best friend. She got into the kitchen and found Jessica tidying up. "Good morning" she greeted, almost whispering. She cleared her throat and drank some more water.

"What's up with you?" Jessica questioned, noticing her sister's soured mood.

"Nothing, just tired" She replied as she sat on the chair by the kitchen counter.

"Tired how? It's not like you helped me with the laundry, cooking or cleaning the dishes and moreover you're just waking up. So how the hell are you tired?" She stopped cleaning and focused on her sister's face.

"Physical work isn't the only thing that gets someone tired you know." Angie stated. "School, social life, friends. That's my problem." She explained

"School stress, I understand but friends and your social life?! First of all you don't even have much of a social life" Jessica quipped.

"Thanks" Angie rolled her eyes

"So how are your friends stressing you?"

"They don't listen. They are naive, gullible and whatever they do affects me too, that's the bad part" She complained.

"You have just two friends that I know of. They both can't be stressing you and besides you don't listen too sometimes" Jessica pointed out.

"Great. Not the advice I needed"

"You want my advice?! Try to understand why your friends are doing what they are doing. Consider their feelings too. Everybody has a reason for doing something. And concerning your social life try to control it and not it controlling you." Jessica concluded, finishing up with her cleaning and was about walking out of the kitchen. "Oh, before I forget, my friend called and we have got a new house help, she's starting tomorrow. Go get ready for school so I can drop you off"

"Ah! Thank God. Okay I will" she replied with relief.


Angie got to her classroom and saw Grace staring at her book. She walked up to her, clutching her backpack tighter and spoke with a low tone "Hey, morning" Angie greeted. Grace looked up at her and her expression dimmed on seeing Angie standing in front of her.

"Morning" she replied nonchalantly and shifted her gaze back to her book.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I reacted when I found out about you and Brian. I was just mainly angry that you didn't tell me" Angie sat down next her, staring at her apologeticly. "You know how cautious I am when it comes to boys and I don't want to see you get hurt" Angie explained

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew that was how you were gonna react that's why I didn't." Grace replied closing her book and shifting her attention fully to Angie.

"I'm sorry. So friends?' Angie asked, opening her arms for a hug.

"Yeah friends" Grace smiled, accepting the hug.

"Wow isn't this a movie scene moment, I feel happy tears dropping from my eyes" Kelvin joked, appearing in front of the girls.

"What do you want?" Angie asked brashly.

"I just want to say it's good how you have accepted the fact that your best friend likes one of us. You know, the ones you tramp on and feel that they are beneath you. It's good, falling in love is great and I'm happy for Grace. But brace yourself, you might be next" he said sarcastically, leaving to his seat.

"Such a pain in the ass" Angie scoffed.

"Yeah" grace replied.

"Morning" Valerie greeted as Kelvin got back to his seat. He turned to her and smiled.

"Morning" He replied, dropping his books on his desk.

"So I heard the inter class match is next week" She continued.

"Yeah it is. We are getting ready though" he replied

"Great. Wish you guys luck" she said

"You are going to watch the match right?"

"I don't know yet. I have some stuff to take care of" she replied

"Ok then, why don't you give me your number so I can try to convince you before the match" He suggested stretching his phone to her with a smile on his face.

"Okay sure" She replied smiling, taking his phone and saving her contact.

"Alright I'll call or text you, so you'll get mine"

"Okay" she nodded.

Veronica who had been listening to the conversation the entire time, cleared her throat to get kelvin's attention, he turned to look at her and met her judgy eyes. "Oh hey" he greeted.

"Valerie, really?!" She shook her head.

"What?" He said with a shrug and turned away.


Students finished their lectures for the day. Some rushed home, others hunged around reading or chatting. Kelvin had just finished soccer practice for the day and ran to meet up with his guys at their usual hangout spot where they had been waiting for him. "What's up guys" He called out, wrapping his arms around their shoulders.

"Get your sweaty hands away from us" they both protested, laughing. "You didn't even towel yourself" Jacob complained

"Oh sorry your royal Highnesses" he postrated mockingly, resulting in laughter as they started walking toward the school gate. "Valerie gave me her number" Kelvin started feeling proud of himself.

"Wow really?! Damn bro" Jacob said.

"Who's Valerie?" Brian asked feeling left out.

"The scholarship girl that slapped Victor in grade ten" Jacob explained.

"Really? Damn man she's beautiful and fearless. How did you do it?" Brian asked.

"I think she likes me, so it was kind of smooth and easy" Kelvin explained.

"I always feel interesting things happen to you guys more" Brian complained

"That's why you should be in science class not art" Kelvin said smiling.

"Moreover Grace is an interesting thing that happened to you" Jacob cut in

"Yeah true, she is interesting" Brian replied and couldn't help but smile. "We hung out together yesterday" he added.

"What! And you didn't think to tell us that?!" Kelvin quarrelled.

"Keep us in the loop man" Jacob chipped in,

"Sorry guys. I will next time" Brian said.

"What about you and your plan for angie?" Jacob asked, now looking at Kelvin.

"It's going as planned, all it needs is just a little patience" Kelvin replied.

"From where I stand I think she's probably hating you more" Said Jacob

"Yeah I think so too" Brian added

"Just be patient boys, be patient and observe"

"Alright if you say so" Brian concluded


Kelvin got home sweating and exhausted. He found his mom in the sitting room putting the room in order. "Good evening Mom" he greeted her.

"Welcome back. You're sweating." She pointed out.

"Yeah it's from the football practice and the little walking I did" He dropped his backpack on the table. "Why are you stressing yourself? I told you i was gonna do it when I get home" he continued.

"Well I was bored and I just decided to do it...that reminds me, I got a job" She announced.

"A Job?!" Kelvin asked looking confused.

"Yes, an extra job so I can save enough for us" she explained.

"What kind of a job?" He asked.

"House help. Mostly cleaning. I'm resuming tomorrow" she replied.

"But mom how are you going to cope with the shop and job?" He pressed on with concern in his voice.

"I will be able to. The job is just three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday" she explained.

"But mom it's going to be very stressful for you and you know your helath condition"

"I know, but I have to if we are going to be able to save for your schooling" she explained

"Okay mom but I'll be helping you most of the time, agreed?" He asked.

"You have to focus on school"

"Deal? Because that's the only way I'm letting you do this" Kelvin insisted.

Mrs Williams sighed, knowing he wasn't going to let it go. "Okay agreed. You and your brother can be helping me" She gave in. He nodded in agreement, helped her finish the arranging and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


"Hey Z! come downstairs" Jessica shouted. Angie opened her eyes, parting her splayed out hair away from her face. Irritated by her sister waking her up from her beauty sleep, she stood up from the bed pulled down her sweatshirt, adjusted her shorts and started for the living room where he could hear her discussing with someone.

She got downstairs and found a woman cleaning the sitting room and her sister dressed and ready for work. "Good, you are up. I want you to meet the new house help. Mrs Williams" Jessica introduced. "She'll be coming Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays. During the morning or sometimes evening" she continued.

"Good morning. Nice to meet you" Angie said to Mrs Williams.

"Nice to meet you too" Mrs Williams replied.

"Alright then I'm off to work. Make sure to assist her with anything she needs" Jessica said, heading toward the door.

"Great. But for now I'm going back to bed it's Saturday, I need the sleep" She said to herself. "If you need me, call me Mrs Williams" she said to her.


"Williams, why does that name sounds familiar" she thought as she went back up stairs.


Angie woke up with the sound of her phone ringing. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands and reached for her it. She looked at her phone, groaned and ended the call. 'Why was Luke trying to reach out to her' she wondered. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and just then she remembered there was someone else in the house.

She rushed downstairs and found Mrs Williams getting ready to leave. "You are still here" She pointed out.

"Yes but I'm done and about to leave"

"Okay" Angie replied, heading to the kitchen to get her food.