
Episode 7

Students were becoming more busy as the first term exams were closing in. Teachers gave more test and some students spent most of their lunch break time at the library, while the soccer team had both the exams and Inter class match to prepare for and with it being weekend, they were more worked up. "Leave the way you dwarf" Angie said pushing a grade 11 girl away from her path as she and the girls climbed down the library stairs. "You know, this is our final year in high school and I don't want anything to ruin my results or reputation. So why don't we keep all distractions aside and focus on ourselves?!" Angie said to her friends.

"Yeah I agree" Veronica nodded.

"So what's the plan?" Grace asked

"We focus on our books and build our self respect" Angie replied

"What do you mean self respect?" Grace questioned

"I think we have been a little bit distracted this new year and things are getting out of our control a lot. So we should take back control" Angie answered.

"Yeah, by not taking any nonsense any more" Veronica added.

"Exactly!" Angie concluded.


"All I'm saying is that there is no need to bring Grace down with them" Brian argued

"What do you mean there is no need?" Jacob retorted.

"Don't tell me you have fallen deeply in love with her already" Kelvin pointed out.

"Look, they might be the Queens but Angie is the one wearing the crown. She's the only one needed and there is Veronica too, why is no one talking about Veronica" Brian protested

"I agree with you. Go for the head of the snake and Veronica will get hers too but Grace isn't going to be left out" Kelvin insisted. The boys argued continued to argue, heading for the cafeteria.


Brian forgot the fact that it was Thursday evening and he was meant to be reading. He was focused on the videogame he was playing in his room when he heard a beep from his phone. He picked up the phone and read a message from Grace saying she was outside. He got up from his chair and ran out.

"Hey! I didn't expect to see you today" He smiled on seeing her outside the door.

"Yeah, me too. I was bored and just wanted to see you" she replied as they both hugged.

He shut the door and lead her to the sofa outside the house. "So how are you doing? You looked pretty out of it today at school"

"Yeah. Angie is acting pretty strange lately" Grace confessed

"Why do you think that is?" Brian inquired

"I don't know" she shrugged. "Anyway what about you?"

"I'm good. Just trying to study more" He answered.

"Well, maybe you should give your friends some space this exam period and make time for yourself to study more" She suggested.

"My friends?! They are good guys and they are not distracting me" He defended

"Are you sure 'cause I don't trust that kelvin" She stated

"Why?" He asked curiously

"'Cause he's arrogant and you know, always there" She explained, waving her hands in the air.

"He's a good guy if you get to know him" Brian laughed

"Okay if you say so" Grace shrugged


"You're burning up mom. I think you are coming down with fever again. I knew you were stressing yourself too much and it's weighing heavily on you" Kelvin pointed out, placing a wet clothe on her forehead.

"I have no choice. I have to do it" She replied weakly

"I'll do the house cleaning this coming Saturday while you just focus on recovering, okay?"

"Okay I'll call her to tell her you'll be the one coming" his mom stated.

"Okay good. For now try to sleep. I need to sleep too, we have an inter class match tomorrow" Kelvin helped her to her room.


Fridays usually holds the sport games at Redhill high. The students were done with classes and majority moved to the field to watch the match between the science class and art class. Some teachers were available at the scene. The science students who were not playing were present to cheer up their team and same goes for the art students.

Angie and her friends sat at the front row to get a better view of the match, while Brian and Jacob were just at the row behind them. The players walked into the field, with the science team wearing a white jersey sleeve, shorts and blue socks and the art students wearing a blue long sleeve Jersey, shorts and blue socks. The players took their various positions on the field, waiting for kickoff. "Which team are you banking on?" Brian asked

"Science team of course" Jacob replied "I'm guessing you are supporting your people as well" He continued.

"Yeah man, art have some serious players now" Brian replied

"So does science. Kelvin for one is no joke, he's got some serious skills. Sam too and Uzi is a very good defender" Jacob explained, trying to convince Brian

"Kelvin doesn't have a goal here" Angie who had been listening to their conversation chipped in.

"Do you want to bet on that" Jacob asked.

"I don't do deals with someone like you" she quipped

"But you didn't seem to bother when you joined the conversation and you are in science class too, which means it's just beef you have for Kelvin nothing more" Jacob concluded.

"Oh science might win but Kelvin doesn't have a goal, he's arrogant and proud and I'm guessing he's not a team player" She explained.

"Alrighty then, I guess we'll see." Jacob said.

The referee blew the whistle for the commencement of the first half and the science students launched the game. They passed around for a while and based their game on their side of the pitch trying to bait the other team and draw them in. This went on for a while when suddenly Uzi crossed the ball to his team member on the leftwing and he swiftly ran with the ball which he then passed to Sam at the middle close to the keeper's box. He dribbled one of the opposing member and lost the ball to the other.

The art student moved swiftly with the ball until he got to the mid field and then tipped the ball over to his teammate, the students cheered at his skill and the teammate tried his look by taking a shot outside the box. The keeper acted Swiftly and trapped the ball under him. The game continued as usual with both teams battling. Now the ball was in the hands of the science team, Uzi as usual crossed the ball this time to Sam directly who trapped the ball and gave a through pass to Kelvin at the right-wing. He ran steadily with ball, an opposing team member tried to tackle him but Kelvin avoided him tactically and this resulted in a cheer from the crowd. He took his shot which hit the bar post and bounce back but the opposing team got to the ball and pulled out.

Soon the first half was over with the two teams still at zeros. The players went to their side of the pitch to relax and plan their moves for the second half. The students still cheering and discussing the first half with excitement. "I told you the art students came fully prepared" Brian stated.

"But the game is not over yet" Jacob replied

"Kelvin is definitely contributing" Veronica addressed her friends

"Yeah he has the skill" Grace agreed.

"But it isn't just about skill" Angie added.

The second kicked off with the two team still struggling to get a goal. Sam got a chance but the ball was tackled out of his leg before he could pull the shot and immediately the player sent the ball inside and an art player trapped it and ran straight to the goal post and gave an up ball to his teammate who then made a header and ball rolled into the net. There was a burst of celebration from the art students which lasted for quite a while. "See I told you, we are on fire" Brian shouted excitedly.

Soon the match resumed and the science students held possession and made an all-out defense. The ball went up in the air as the keeper pulled out, the ball was sent forward by a science player header. Kelvin caught the ball held it for a while and passed to his teammate who advanced with the ball and then made a through pass to Sam who made a shot which landed inside the net, going through the hands of the keeper.

The players ran in celebration and the watchers chorused "Goal". The match was back to draw. The players continued their struggle for a goal as the time was getting close to the end. The art students held the ball made a few passes and got to their opponent's half of the filed. Their man made a pass which was then intercepted by the science team and then sent forward the ball was trapped by their teammate and then passed to Sam who gave an up ball to Kelvin, Kelvin caught the ball steadily and move with it to the opposing team side.

The time showed extra three minutes to the end of second half. Kelvin ran with the ball, cut off some players with his skill and was about to chip the ball to his teammate when an art player came sliding and took him off the ground. The referee blew for a foul and the ball was given to Kelvin to play. The ball was at the top of the keeper's box. The whole field went silent as some supporters was praying for a goal and the art students were praying for the opposite. Kelvin steadied the ball and moved back a little, he was sweating profusely and the opposing team made a wall defending their post whilst the keeper kept on shifting from one side to the other.

The referee blew the whistle, Kelvin adjusted his short, ran swiftly and sent the ball to the sky. Everyone was on the edge of their seat and followed the ball with their eyes. The players ran with joy as the ball hit the goal post and fell into the net. The crowd started cheering and shouting while some began chanting kelvin's name. "See, I told you, we have skilled players" Jacob shouted excitedly at Brian who had fallen silent "And I told you kelvin's on fire" He added, tapping Angie.

"Good for you guys" she said feeling disappointed.

The referee blew the whistle and as the art students passed the ball and sent it to their keeper who then pulled out, the last whistle was blown for the end of the match. The winning team cheered themselves and their supporters ran to meet them while the art students walked off the field shaking hands with the science students. The school was closed for the week and everyone went home.


Angie stood up hearing a male voice downstairs, she adjusted her pink flowered shorts and her matching sleeves as she got up from the bed. She walked downstairs calling her sisters name "Jessica! Are you still at home?" she called out.

"Yeah, I'm downstairs come on" her sister called back.

She came downstairs to the sitting room and halted with shock overcoming her. She couldn't believe her eyes. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, looking puzzled when she finally found her voice. Different thoughts were running through her mind on seeing Kelvin standing close to the TV set.

"What...tha...hell!" Kelvin said as he turned to see Angie standing at the staircase looking as shocked as he was.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is Mrs Williams son, she called in sick and sent her son for the meantime till she recovers" Jessica said as she walked into the sitting room and found them staring at each other speechless. After some awkward silence from them Jessica finally asked "Do you guys know each other?"

"Yes, he is in my class!" Angie exclaimed

"Wow, awkward.." Jessica whispered to herself as she sneaked away back to her room and left the two of them there.

"You look good for someone who just woke up this morning" Kelvin finally broke the silence and the awkward moment growing between them.

"Now I know why the name sounded familiar. So fate decided to bring you down and even gave me the key" She said after recovering from the shock. She folded her arms, sitting on the couch directly opposite Kelvin.

"As much as you want to bring me down, I'll appreciate it if you don't mention this in school please" Kelvin pleaded

"Oh, now he begs...and why would I do that and I thought you didn't care about anything I did?" She asked

"You are right, I don't. It's your choice, whatever you choose to do but you should know you can't get rid of me easily" Kelvin retorted as he threw the napkin he was using on his shoulder.

"Why doesn't he get affected by the things I do or say?" She thought to herself as she stood up and stormed out. She got to her sister's room and sat on the bed angrily. "Why, why does it have to be him?" She questioned angrily.

"What's the issue between you two?" Jessica inquired

"He's a torn in my flesh at school" Angie complained.

"Well. He's doesn't seem that bad" her sister said as she stood up from her chair and joined Angie on the bed, "I guess you two have to get used to each other, because we can't fire them" She continued.

"Huh! This is not good" Angie groaned.

'This is definitely not good' Kelvin thought as he moved to the kitchen to continue the cleaning. "she definitely has something to use against me now..." He thought to himself. He squinted his eyes as it dawned on him. "This may not be all bad. This might be a way to get to her" He thought with a devious smile