
Episode 10

Exams were starting in three weeks time and everyone seemed to be busy with activities. The students who thought they were prepared for the exams were looking forward to it, while the unprepared ones were not at ease as they began trying to catch-up with everything as fast as they couldn.

This was some students final year at highschool and they wouldn't want to fail any papers in other to graduate and leave what they had tagged 'Hell'. Although it was just the first term but they needed good results in all the term.

Kelvin and Jacob stood by the window on the top floor of the library watching students move about, doing their thing. "I wish I had someone like that" Jacob said pointing at Grace and Brian who were hugging by the entrance of the library.

"And why don't you?" Kelvin asked "I haven't actually seen you with someone before" he added

"Well, I do have a crush on someone but she doesn't even know I exit' Jacob replied

"Who?" Kelvin asked curiously.

"Hannah" Jacob replied feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No way, Hannah?! The Hannah sitting behind Angie?" Kelvin confirmed

"Yeah that Hannah" Jacob said still staring at Grace and Brian laughing at what they supposedly said that was funny. "They seem happy" Jacob added.

"Yeah they are but back to you. I think you should talk to her" Kelvin suggested.

"Have you met me?! Talking to girls isn't one of my qualities" He explained.

"I'll help you" Kelvin stated, trying to convince him.

"What if she has a boyfriend already?"

"No, she doesn't man. Just chill I'll help you out" Kelvin insisted.

"Help him with what?" Valerie asked coming up behind them. Kelvin turned to her, flashed her a smile.

"Help him with some school work. What's up Valerie?" Changing the topic he continued, "Are you prepared for the exams?"

"Do they ever fully get prepared for exams" She quipped.

"I think you are right" Kelvin smiled. Jacob who had been listening turned his attention back to the lovebirds downstairs and quickly spotted Angie walking briskly toward them.

"Here comes trouble" He said tapping Kelvin and pointing to Angie.

"You guys do know library is for reading and not spying on people right?" Valerie chipped in.

"Well we were tired of reading and decided to take a break" Jacob shrugged

"Well I'll leave you guys to your break. I'll call you after school" she said to Kelvin before turning to leave.

"Are you guys dating?" Jacob asked when Valerie was out of earshot.


"Well I'm guessing soon then" Jacob said smiling mockingly at Kelvin. They shifted their attention back to Brian and saw Angie talking and gesturing with her fingers to Brian

"Let's go save him" Kelvin said and they both rushed downstairs.

"Hey what seems to be the problem?" Kelvin started, coming up behind Angie. Angie turned and her heart skipped a beat on locking eyes with Kelvin. 'why does my heart keep doing that?' she thought to herself.

"She apparently is interrogating me" Brian said with a shrug

"Well what do you want to know?" Kelvin asked with a smirk.

"It's none of your concern" Angie finally said. "let's go" she added, tapping Grace.

"Wait!" Kelvin grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking away. Angie looked from his hands holding hers to his eyes and her heart began racing, suddenly she felt nervos. His hands were warm, she couldn't speak, she just stood frozen. "No harsh words today?" Kelvin asked. She snapped out of her frozen state on hearing his voice and wriggled her hands free from his. Without saying a word, she turned and left with Grace.

'What's happening to me. That dream is messing with my head' She thought to herself as she walked silently with Grace.

They got to the cafeteria and sat down with Veronica who had been waiting for them. Veronica and Grace soon got into a conversation about how the holiday was going to be like. "I don't think my parents wants us to travel for this holiday. They are not saying anything about it" Veronica started.

"Me too. My parents are still contemplating" Grace added. The girls continued chatted with Angie oblivious of their discussion. Whatever was going on with her was disturbing her thoughts and it was constantly running through her mind 'How can a dream affect someone so much. Maybe it's because it was just spontaneous and I never expected it. it's just a dream. Maybe it'll pass' She thought, still gazing into thin air. Her friends caught notice of this and snapped her back to reality.

"What are you thinking about? You haven't said anything since we got here" Grace questioned.

"Sorry" She straightened her skirt, adjusted on her seat and have her attention to her friends.

"So tell us, what will you be doing this first term break?" Veronica inquired

"The usual, my dad is coming back soon" Angie replied, her expression dimming.

"Just try to enjoy it. I bet this time will be different" Grace assured

"Yeah I hope so"

"Hey Angie! You're looking good" Victor called, walking past the girls.

"What's his problem?" Grace asked.

"I don't know girl. Like you said, it's his problem not mine" Angie shrugged

"So how's the tutoring going with Luke?" Veronica changed the topic

"Smoothly for now"

"Do you think he'll try to get back with you?" Veronica continued.

"Well I don't know. I hope not" She replied folding her arms.

"What about Kelvin?" Veronica pressed on.

"Wha...what about him?" Angie stuttered, quickly feeling uneasy.

"Is he still coming to your house?" Veronica asked.

"Oh...yes he is" she replied, exhaling slowly

"We'll come to your house one of the times he'll be around" Grace chipped in with a mischievous smile.


"To make him uncomfortable of course" Veronica replied, feeling a bit excited

"Oh...okay" Angie nodded, not wanting to object and make them start prying.


Angie stared Intently at the textbook opened in front of her with her brows furrowed. Absentmindedly, she began hitting her pen on the edge of the textbook continuously. "I can't concentrate if you keep doing that" Luke pointed out, looking up from the book he was reading.

"Oh, sorry" She apologized and dropped the pen.

"You don't seem your usual self today. Is everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah it is" she replied nodding and they fell back in silence, with Luke returning back to reading. After some minutes, she closed her textbook and then asked "How do you know Kelvin?"

"Old time friend" he replied still staring at the book in his hands.

"Is he a nice or you know, not a nice guy?" She continued, hoping he doesn't start thinking on her questions.

Now raising his heads from the book, he found her question a bit questioning but decided not to probe yet. "I don't think I know the answer to that for sure. Kelvin has always been a complicated guy. He doesn't keep a lot of friends and he does'nt seem to care about stuff or people easily...but is there a reason you are asking?" He gave her a suspicious look

"nope, not at all.." Angie replied, keeping a straight face as though she doesn't care.

"Look Angie...." Luke started, dropping the book he was holding. "I know I haven't been the best lately and I wasn't the best before either, but I still like you...I mean really like you and..."

"Stop, just stop Luke" Angie cut him off before he could finish "I'm not ready for this" She added

"I know but I just wanted to let you know...and I'm here whenever you are ready" Luke concluded.


Sitting on the dinning table, Angie kept digging through her bowl of cereal. She swallowed a mouthful and then spoke up "Remind me again why you're here Kelvin?" She shifted her gaze to him

"To clean...." He replied with a puzzled look.

"Then why can't you just let me be" She shook her head with fraustration.

"I'm not holding you, I'm just making small talks so we won't be bored" He replied, joining her on the dinning table. "You know, there's one thing I have been meaning to ask since I started cleaning here. Where are your parents?" He stared at her with a serious expression.

"Why do you wanna know?' she asked

"Because I'm curious and I care" He flashed her a smile and was surprised when he saw a smile form on her lips. "Whoa, look at that. She smiled back at me. That's a first. You know, you should do that more often, you look more beautiful when you do and besides it shows your dimples" He said to her. Angie who was unaware when she began to smile, comported herself and tried not to react to his compliments. "So tell me about them"

"Well, they both work outside the country. They are co-owners of a law firm and they visit mostly during my school holidays so they could spend time with us" She explained.

"Do you miss them" He asked with a more serious tone and expression.

"All the time" She replied, taking another spoon of her cereal.

"Look at us bonding" He chuckled. She uttered a quiet sign of relief with him breaking the tension that was building and ending the conversation, she was starting to feel sad talking about it. She stood up, picking up her bowl of cereal and said to him

"Get done with your work and go bond with the door on your way out" She concluded, going upstairs to her room with her meal

"Can't someone just get through a conversation smoothly with you" He said to himself, resuming work.