
Episode 11

The term came to an end as the student wrote their last paper, ending the first term exam for the session. Students ran around, some more cheerful than the others, with many looking forward to their holiday travails. Kelvin and his friends were on the football pitch hosting a last fun game for the term.

Angie and her friends came out of the staff room after helping the teachers in carrying the exam papers. "Hey, I'm having an end of term party which happens to be my birthday also and I think almost every grade 12 are coming so I'm inviting you guys too, please come" Victor said to the girls on approaching them.

"Oh we will" Veronica assured him. He smiled and left.

"Who told you we are?" Angie protested.

"After the stress and reading, I think we need a break" Veronica tried convincing

"My dad is landing tomorrow" Angie pointed out

"And the party is tonight"

"How do you know it's tonight?" Grace questioned

"Because I overheard them talking about it earlier" Veronica replied. "Come on girls it'll be fun" she urged with pleading eyes.

"Ahh okay" Grace gave in

"Yes" She said shrieking and hugging her friends.


"You know today is the last day of school and you still didn't make any move on Angie" Brian said, panting as he ran up to Kelvin on the field.

"Oh, I have been making moves. You know what, just come to my house tomorrow. You and Jacob, and I'll show what my moves have been" Kelvin replied with a smug look.

"I haven't been to your house before now that I think of it" Brian stated

"And you call yourself my friend. Well first time for everything I guess" Kelvin shrugged

"Where's Jacob anyway?" Brian asked.

"Oh yeah, I set him and Hannah up in the class room. Apparently he had a crush on her" Kelvin replied

"No way" Brian laughed. The rest of the day went on as fun for the students as they all hugged their friends they are not gonna be seeing during the holiday and made plans with the one who's gonna be available.


Angie and her friends stood at the door to the house, the music blaring loudly. Everyone present were either dancing, drinking, playing games, swimming or doing lots of other teenage stuff. Everyone seems to be having fun. The girls got inside and immediately Victor spotted them , he came up to them "Welcome. Make your safe comfortable but not too comfortable" He said laughing.

"I want to go and find Brian" Grace annouced to the others.

"I thought it was supposed to be just us girls" Said Angie

"It's a party, we should have fun anyway" Grace said and left.

"She's right you know. Have fun anyway" Victor said, holding Angie's hand.

"let go of me" She protested, wriggling her hands free from his.

"Leave her alone" Veronica chipped in

"Whoa sorry. Okay let me get you guys some drinks" He said before disappearing into the crowd.

"Luke is here" Angie said pointing at him.

"So is your friend Kelvin" Veronica said pointing to the other side of the room where Kelvin was.

"Hey Kev! I thought you and Luke were friends?" Jacob asked

"Yeah so did I but he keeps avoiding me so I'm doing the same"

"Grace is coming towards us, go meet her Brian" Kelvin pushed Brian forward. Kelvin and Jacob walked away from him, heading toward the swimming pool. Kelvin spotted Valerie and went to her "Hey what's good?" Kelvin asked, hugging her.

"Well the usual party stuff" Valerie replied

"Didn't think I'll find you here" Kelvin pointed out

"Well just blowing off some steam after the stressful exams" she replied.

"Wanna dance?"

"Sure" She smiled, taking his hands. Kelvin winked at Jacob and took Valerie back into the house.

The party went on for a while. Kelvin was still dancing with Valerie when he saw Luke and victor exchanging something slickly in between hands. He was curious to know what it was. He kept his eyes on Victor who moved to where the drinks were served. He filled two cups with drinks and emptied whatever was in his hand into one of them. He picked up the drinks, moving through the crowd he arrived at where Angie and Veronica were sitting. "You seem distracted from the dance" Valerie said and turned his face to her's.

"Oh sorry I was..." Valerie lips met his before he could finish his sentence. The crowd roared with cheers at the sight before them.

"Oh my God!" Veronica called out excitedly, holding her face. "Valerie and Kelvin, who would have thought?!" She added.

"Well it's their luck" Angie said, her expression dimming.

"Well new things happen everyday" Victor pointed out, handed her a drink and gave the other to Veronica.

"Thanks" Veronica said and took the cup. "I'll be right back Angie, I want to go and find Sam" Veronica annouced, standing up.

"To do what? Did you guys bring me here just to abandon me?" Angie quarrelled, visibly looking angry

"sorry but I'll be back soon" Veronica said and ran off. Angie feeling angry emptied the content of the drink in her mouth.

"Slow down tiger" Victor laughed, taking the empty cup from her. She moved back and sat on the chair close to her. Sooner than expected and surprisely to her, she began feeling dizzy and sick.

"I think I'm gonna be sick"

"Wait, let me help you out for some air" Victor offered, helping her up and assisting her outside.

As Valerie left to get drinks, Kelvin hurried through the crowd to search for victor. Forcing his way out of the jubilating dancers, he saw Victor holding and taking Angie to a darker corner of the house. She was already knocked out. He rushed out, running after them. "What did you put in her drink?" He questioned bluntly on catching up with them and dragging victor by his shirt.

Angie fell on the floor still passed out "I didn't give her anything. She drank too much" Victor protested pushing Kelvin away from him.

"Liar! I saw you putting something in her drink" Kelvin shouted at him.

"No I didn't" He argued

"Then why didn't you call her friends to help her? Where were you taking her to?" Kelvin asked furiously

"To rest. I couldn't find her friends"

"Are you serious? you are taking her to rest in a dark corner. You think I'm stupid?" Kelvin shot at him. Victor, getting worried that someone or even Angie might over hear them, moved close to her to check if she was awake. "Get away from her!" Kelvin pulled him back and punched him hard. Victor fell to the floor beside Angie. "Touch her again and I'll tell everyone what you did" Said Kelvin. He grabbed her and picked her up. Victor stood up and ran back to the party, leaving Kelvin behind who put it upon himself by taking her to the bus stop and then taking her home.


It was a fine weather on Saturday, the day after the party. Brian and Jacob arrived at kelvin's house by noon as they had earlier planned. They stood in front of the door and knocked on it repeatedly until they heard footsteps approaching. Few seconds later the door Sprunged open. "Afternoon!" He greeted them.

"What's up Kev!" Brian greeted, nodding at him.

"I'm not Kelvin" He replied

Brain exchanged glances with each other and burst out laughing "Very funny man, can we come in now?" Jacob asked still laughing.

"I'm serious, I'm not Kelvin. My name is Kyle" he said with a Serious look on his face.

"Hey man, I see you guys have met my brother Kyle" Kelvin said, coming up behind them from the backyard. Brian and Jacob turned toward Kelvin and was immediately overtook with shock. They both stood frozen, processing the rare sight before them.

"I...wha...wait...I don't understand?" Brian stuttered.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked with a curious and confused look.

"Oh, it's good to know that you didn't tell them you had a twin not even your close friends" Kyle chipped in, crossing his arms. "Thanks Kev" he added.

"I'm sorry guys, this is my twin Kyle, and judging from your confusion no need to explain that we are identical" Kelvin explained.