
Episode 17

Jessica stood at the bathroom door, a towel tied around her chest. She was astonished at the sight before her. Angie was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and smiling. Jessica cleared her throat trying to get her attention. Angie sat up, now facing Jessica. "Good morning sis" She greeted with a broad smile.

Jessica came up to her and joined her on the bed. "Something is certainly different and probably good for making you smile" Jessica pointed out.

"Can I ask you a question?" Angie asked

"Yeah, what's up?" Jessica replied, picking up a hair brush and running it through her hair

"Okay..." She hesitated for a while then continued. "Do you think it's possible to fall in love with someone you originally hated?"

Jessica adjusted on her sit, now intrigued. "Whoa, someone thinks she's in love" She smiled at Angie.

"It's not me" Angie protested

"Come on, I have lived longer than you. Do you think you can fool me?" Jessica smiled, nudging her.

"Tell me please" Angie urged

"Love is a tricky feeling. You can't tell when it's gonna act or with whom. So yes, i think it's possible but I think maybe for it to be possible, the person was never fully hated. There has to be some like inside that dislike." She explained. Angie thought about what her sister just said and wondered if she had actually liked Kelvin from the beginning. "So tell me, who's the guy?" Jessica's voice dragged her out of her thoughts.

"I told you it's not me" Angie folded her arms in defense.

"Okay, be like that, but I'll find out eventually" She said, tapping Angie with the hairbrush as she stood up to get dressed.


Brian handed her the cup of water and sat down next to her "So what's up with you lately?" He started, staring at her Intently.

"I have been good and you?" Grace said fondling with the cup in her hands and avoiding Brian's eyes

"Well honestly not too good" Brian said, clearing his throat.

"Why?" Grace asked concerned.

Brian adjusted on his sit, took the cup from her, placed it on the floor and held her hands. "Lately I feel like you've been drifting from me. Whenever I call for us to see or hangout, you always say you're busy or too tired" He touched her chin and raised her face so he could see her eyes.

"I know. It's just that i've been having some issues that I had to think about on my own but I'm done with it now I promise" She explained, her eyes glistening.

"I'm here for you always, anytime you need. You shouldn't face things alone. We are in this together. School resumes next week, so I want to spend as much time I can with you before it does"

"Yeah we will I promise" She kissed him, lightly on his lips.

Brian smiled. "Okay. I should go put this back" He got, picking up the cup and heading toward the kitchen. Grace collapsed totally on the couch as Brian left. Her phone lit up with a new text appearing. 'Are you on your way? Can't wait to see you!' She read. She had earlier planned to meet Sam. Now she needed to find an excuse to leave. She replied the text saying she was on her way as she stood up from the couch.

"Hey! I have to go. My mom just called and she needs me" She called out to Brian.

"What? But I was about making something for you" He said, coming out to meet her.

"I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you I promise" She pleaded

"Alright" Brian gave in, his mood dampening as he offered to walk her out.


Jacob paced about in his room, holding his phone and switching it from one hand to the other. 'Why haven't I had the courage to call her since we left school, I'm such a fool' He thought. "Okay, i should just get it over with" He said to himself. He dialed her number and began waiting nervously as it started ringing, partly hoping she doesn't pick up. "Hello!" A voice answered.

"Hey!" He replied with an high pitched tone. "Hi..hi..it's...it's Jacob, you know, from Redhill high" Jacob said, his heart racing

"Wow, so you finally decided to call. I thought you just took my number just for show" Hannah said

"Yeah uhm...I'm sorry about that" He replied

"I'm guessing it's because we're resuming soon" She said

"Nope, not it. I...I was..was wondering if you know, we could see. Face to face" He stutterd.

"Well as much as I would have like that, I can't, I travelled for the holiday to my grandma's and I'm coming back Sunday, so I guess we'll just have to see at school" She replied.

"Oh, alright...yeah sure" He said, feeling a bit disappointed and relieved.

"I have to go but now that I have your number I'll call you later"

"Alright bye" Jacob concluded and ended the call. "Ahh, at least that's out of the way" He muttered as he sank on the chair close to him.


"I thought I would get to come to your house this holiday but it has almost ended and you didn't invite me over, and anytime I bring it up, you always waved it away" Valerie complained as she walked down her street with Kelvin. "Are you sure you're not hiding something from me? Probably a secret girlfriend in your area" She asked

"Nope" Kelvin laughed. "It's just that, home hasn't been great recently, but don't worry you'll come, just not now" Kelvin explained, praying she'd drop the topic.

"Okay, I'll just try to be patient. I missed you" She smiled, looking up at him and grabbing his hands.

"Miss me?! But I'm here with you now" Kelvin laughed

"I know...I just want to make up for the time we had issue. How about we spend the whole Saturday together? You know school is resuming on Monday" She said with pleading eyes, hoping he would accept.

Kelvin thought about it for a while and why not. He is supposed to go clean at Angie's though. 'I'll beg Kyle to fill in for me' He thought. "Alright sure. You have me all to yourself Saturday" He agreed smiling at her.

"Great!" She shrieked excitedly and then stretched to her toes to kiss him. She pressed her lips against his for some seconds and then laughed as she broke kiss. "kissing you is stressful. You're tall so I always have to be on my toes" She explained, nudging him.

"Or maybe you're just short" He replied laughing and she punched him.


Veronica woke up feeling happy but she couldn't quite place her finger on the reason for a while. She looked around and then it dawned on her. She sat up abruptly on the bed, scanned the room and then closed her eyes with her palms. She had spent the night at Victor's house. Victor's parents aren't usually at home on weekends and so victor has the whole house to himself.

Veronica noticed that victor wasn't in the room. She heaved a sigh of relief. Although they've started seeing each other secretly, this was the first time she was passing the night at his. She stood up from the bed. she was putting on the t-shirt victor wore the previous day.

She walked round the house searching for him with no luck and she then decided to wait in the living room for him. She sat on the ash colour sofa, patting it with her hand. 'Smooth. How come I didn't notice before' She thought.

Veronica switched on her phone. She had previously turned it off so as not to be disturbed by anyone. The time on her phone indicated half past eight. "What! So quick!!" She shouted just at the front door sprung open.

Victor walked in and saw her sitting on the couch captivated by whatever she was doing on her phone "Good morning" He greeted, drawing her attention from her phone

"Morning. Where did you go to?" She asked standing and walking up to him.

"To get breakfast" He replied, showing her the takeout he was holding.

"That's cute but i don't think I have the time" She stated with a sad face.

"Why? It's just eight" He said with look of disappointment.

"I told my parents I was at a sleepover at Angie's and they always expect me to be home by eight everytime and it's already to nine now" She explained

"You can just easily make up another lie" He pointed out.

"Sorry, it's either I go now or I can't sleepover next time" She replied, leaving the decision to him and hoping he chose well.

"I'll pick you sleeping over next time" He replied smiling

"Thanks" She said, pecking him. "I should go get ready" she concluded as she took off to the room.


Like every other Saturday Angie woke up late. The weather was a bit cold but friendly. She stood up stretched, put on her flip flops and then took her towel to the bathroom to carry out her morning routine.

She came back to room, shivering from the cold wind caressing her skin. She quickly shut the window and then put on some house clothes. A short pyjama short and an oversized t-shirt. Done with all she needed to do for the morning, she turned on her laptop so she can browse through her Facebook when someone knocked on her door.

She adjusted her clothes and then invited the person in. Kyle pushed the door open, poke his head in and was greeted with Angie's smile. "Morning" He greeted, walking in.

"Morning Kev" She replied. She felt this twinge in her stomach as she kept staring at him. 'Why haven't I noticed how handsome he actually is before?' She thought.

"Are you just waking up?" Kyle asked moving close to her

"Yeah I am. What about you? Are you done with the cleaning?" She asked

"Yeah just your room left. Nice hand chain" He said on noticing the new handchain on her wrist.

She looked at it on her wrist and smiled. "Well you bought it for me, remember?" She said, running her finger on it.

"Yeah why would I forget such a thing, I'm just saying it really looks good on you" He explained, trying to mend the error and hope she doesn't pay attention to it.

"Yeah, you have good eyes. I haven't taken it off since that day. Mainly because it's hard to remove and also because it doesn't feel uncomfortable when I sleep with it" She explained, now feeling a bit shy and embarrassed. 'Why did I have to say that?!' She thought.

Kyle felt a twinge of jealousy because he wasn't the one that gave it to her. "That's nice" He forced a smile.

"I guess we'll be seeing each other more now that school is resuming in two days" She pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess it's a good thing" Kyle replied, different thought going through his mind. 'For someone who claims he doesn't like her, Kelvin sure is doing a lot, even more than I am. What am i going to do to be one step ahead of him?" He thought. He knew when school resumes it's going to be in Kelvin's favor. He was still rummaging through his thoughts when she stood up from her chair.

"I should let you clean" She said, walking toward the door when impulsively, Kyle held her hand. Although he didn't know why he did but his body seemed to have taken a mind of its own.

She stopped as his hand grabbed hers. Her heart pounding. Despite the cold weather his hand was warm. She lifted her head and her eyes locked with his. They stared at each other for some seconds with different thoughts running through their minds. She started feeling her stomach fluttering and it felt like she was losing control of herself just by looking deep into his eyes.

She couldn't hold her emotions anymore as she shut off her thoughts and moved closer to him swiftly, bringing her lips to his. She kissed him fully on the lips and broke it almost immediately to see the expression on his face. His expression was blank. She thought if she had made a mistake. 'Was it a mistake kissing him? Did I move to fast? Did I misinterpreted his feelings? Does he hate me now?' All these thoughts kept running through her mind.

Kyle stood looking at her without moving or blinking. He couldn't believe what just happened. He was going to make the first move but she just did. Angie stood still, hoping he'd say something before she run out of the room when he grabbed her, pulled her close and kissed her again. This time it lasted for what seems like forever to Angie. A deep sensual kiss. He finally freed her. She was mesmerized. She stood like a statue just staring into space. "Hey are you okay?" Kyle asked snapping her out of her trance.

"Ye...yeah...I'm good" She replied, blinking.

"Are you sure?" He asked again seeing the look on her face.

"Yeah really. I should let you clean" She said.

"But...." She was out the door before Kyle could finish his statement. She shut the door to room behind her and leaned against it. "Monday in school is going to be very awkward" She said to herself as she gave a sigh. She ran to Jessica's room and crashed on the bed, hoping to not see him again before he leaves. "Kelvin...Who would have though?" She said, screaming into the pillow close to her.

Kyle stood there for a while after Angie ran out. 'What just happened?' He thought. He sat down on the free chair and started smiling. "Well I guess I'm automatically a step ahead of Kelvin now" He said to himself. He stared at himself on the mirror hanging on the wall and smiled.

His smile faded when he realized that Angie actually thought he was Kelvin and thereby thinking she just kissed Kelvin and not him because to her, he doesn't exist. "He has taken other things from me but this is one thing I won't let him take" He said to his reflection on the mirror. He then decided to look for a way to expose the truth without making himself look bad. "But that aside, I kissed her and not Kelvin...I kissed her first" He said with a broad smile. He stood and started his cleaning.