
Episode 18

First day back at school, Redhill high was busy with activities. From teachers trying to sort things out for the new term to students moving around reuniting with friends, exchanging stories about their holiday excapade. Angie stepped into the school compound, checking her watch. It wasn't yet time for the first day of school assembly.

She stood looking around nervously, she had never been this nervous coming to school before. She knew what the problem was, she had thought about it all night. She slowly began making her way toward the direction of her class, hoping to find her friends and hoping Kelvin wasn't in school yet.

Cutting the corners from the stairs to the class, she bumped into Kelvin and his notes came crashing to the floor. They looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "We have to stop meeting like this on first day of school" Kelvin said, reaching down to pick his notes.

"Well at least your notes are the ones on the floor this time" Angie quipped.

"Yeah right" Kelvin laughed, standing upright to face her. Angie stood stagnant, clutching the hands of her bag, her heart racing fast. "Where are your friends?" He asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them yet"

"Alright well, see you in class" He flashed her smile and continued on his way.

Angie stood watching him disappear down the stairs. 'How is he able to act as if nothing happened?' She thought to herself. She entered the classroom and her friends were nowhere to be found. She had earlier went to Grace's house but she was told she had left for school already. She dropped her backpack beside her as she took her sit. 'Does he not care about what happened or was he actually nervous and shy like I was but just acting?' Her mind kept pondering on it.

"Hey!" Grace called out, making her way to Angie and sitting beside her with a smile plastered on her face.

"Where have you been?" Angie asked hugging her

"I stopped to get some materials for school" She replied hoping she wasn't caught in the lie.

"Okay, what about Veronica?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her" Grace shrugged.


Soon the bell rang for assembly and the principal addressed the students as usual and classes for the term began. Teachers introduced the new topics to the students. Angie fished out her book as the teacher came into the class, Veronica stroding behind him. "Make sure i don't come to class before you next time, Miss Ndumiso" The teacher, Mr Isaac Bayron stated sternly.

"Yes sir, thank you sir" Veronica replied, scurrying to her seat. Angie looked over at Veronica with a curious look, her eyes then fell on Kelvin who was whispering and giggling with Valerie. She felt a twinge of jealousy inside. She couldn't concentrate for the rest of the class as she kept glancing at them. She hated that she was feeling that way and mostly not knowing why she was felt like that.

It was lunch break and the girls decided to go to the cafeteria together. "Why were you late today?" Angie asked Veronica, staring at her with a questioning look as they made climbed down the stairs.

"Something came up at home" She lied.

"Are you sure that's it?" Grace probed.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Veronica shot at her.

"Come on guys it's the first day of school, we shouldn't fight" Angie said, smiling and holding them together. She realized she left her purse in her bag back in class due to the anger she was feeling. "You guys should go ahead. I forgot my purse in class. I'll catch up with you" She stated, letting go of their arms and turning back to the direction of the class.

She raced up the stairs and turned to the direction of her class. She came to an abrupt stop upon entering the classroom. She couldn't believe her eyes with shock overcoming her as a movie like scene unfolded right before her eyes. There was Kelvin and Valerie in an empty class liplocking. She felt as if her heart was stabbed a hundred times by a needle. She stood for a while unable to move or say anything and it was funny how they didn't even notice her presence with how occupied they were with each other.

She dragged herself out of the classroom without carrying what she originally came for. She managed to get to the staircase before she dropped and sat down on one of the stairs. "I'm such a fool" She muttered to herself. "I knew the kind of person he was and I still allowed myself to fall for him. What was I expecting? At least now I know why he acted like nothing happened between us" She said to herself.


Grace and Veronica sat down at the cafeteria discussing while waiting for Angie to return, wondering why she's taking so long. Veronica decided to get some snacks first, she stood up and went over to the counter. Grace took out her phone, finding a text from Sam asking her if she was gonna come over after school. She replied smiling saying she was going to be busy at home. "What's making you smile?" Brian asked sitting opposite her.

Startled by Brian's voice, Grace who had been buried in her phone not noticing when he came up to her, quickly turned off her phone. "Hmm...sorry?" She stuttered, looking up at him.

"I said what's making you smile?" Brian reiterated, still miling at her.

"Oh...nothing just a girlfriend of mine" She replied

"Really?" He started at her with a puzzled look. "I didn't know you had other girlfriends other than Angie and Veronica. Speaking of which, where are they?" He asked

"Veronica is over there and Angie went back to class to get something and she isn't back yet" She replied with a nervous voice.

"Alright. So am I going to see you after school?" He asked, reaching for her hands ontop the table.

"Hmmmm maybe" She teased.

"Come on, I miss you" Brian cried.

"Alright I will" She laughed.


Kelvin came out of the class on his way to the soccer field to meet up with his team for their first meeting. He made his way to the field and spotted Angie sitting alone under the shade close to the field. He walked up to her with a smile, wondering what she was doing there alone. "Hey! tired of the noise?" He asked, smiling at her.

"That's none of your business" She retorted

"Whoa, what's the problem?" Kelvin asked with a quizzical look.

"Are you seriously asking me that?! Do I actually seem like a fool to you? Wow, it's all my fault though" She blurted out angrily, standing up and walking away from him and leaving him there confused. Kelvin stood there for a while trying to process what just happened and tried to recall if he had done or said anything wrong. 'She was smiling with me this morning, why the sudden anger towards me?' He thought, knowing something was definitely wrong but no idea if it was because of him. He decided to wait and get the answers when he get to her house after school.


Luke came out of the principal's office. He was on his way to class when he saw Angie walking towards his direction and looking gloomy. "Hey!" He called out. Angie saw him and stopped. He walked up to her, examining her face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm good, just not feeling too well" She replied

"You should be resting and not walking about then" He stated, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs to the classroom.

"I'm okay, you don't have to..."

"I'm not complaining" Luke cut her off before she could finish her sentence. They got to the class, with almost everyone out for lunch break, the classroom was almost empty. Luke sat with her, staring at her Intently. "So what's making you not feeling too well?" He began

"I don't know, maybe stress" She shrugged.

"Anything in particular that's causing it?" He pressed on.

"Nope" She shook her head.

"Alright try to get back to full health" Luke said, not believing her replies though.

"Thanks" She muttered.

He sat silent for a while, making sure his next topic didn't cause her to react harshly at him. He cleared his throat, looking away from her. "So I didn't hear from you after our last conversation" He pointed.

Knowing what he was referring to, Angie bowed her head and hesitated for a while. "I don't know Luke. I have a lot of things going on in my head right now" She replied softly.

"Things....or someone?" He decided to throw it out there.

She looked up at him wondering if he knew something. Just then Kelvin walked into the class. He walked past Angie's seat going to his and when his eyes fell on them as they say close discussing. He felt something stir inside him. His eyes met Angie's and she looked away instantly.

'Why am i feeling like this, seeing them together. I don't care if they are together" He thought, trying to convince himself as he took his sit.

"So am I right?" Luke asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She cleared, adjusting on her seat. Luke looked over at Kelvin and found him stealing glances at them. He smiled and then turning to Angie, he placed his hand on hers on the table and squeezed gently, hoping Kelvin was watching.

"Alright, just get well" He smiled, stood up and left. Kelvin who witnessed the scene, felt anger brewing in him toward Luke. He quickly waved off the thoughts in his head and try to convince himself some more that he didn't care.


Jacob got to the library with Hannah and they occupied the free seat at the end of the the room. "So, how was your holiday?" Jacob started, keeping his voice down.

"It was good, just not fun enough" She replied.

"How would you have wanted it to go?" He asked.

She smiled. "Well, I don't know...maybe more outing and parties" She replied.

"So you love parties?" Jacob confirmed, hearing the excitement in her voice.

"Yeah I do...so what about you? How was your break?"

"Although i didn't do anything fun but it was quite interesting, thanks to my friends" He replied, relaxing back on his chair.

"Okay, so would you like to do something fun together?" Hannah asked, smiling mischievously at him.

"Like what?" He replied feeling a bit anxious.

"Well come over to my place weekend and you'll see" She invited, hoping he would agree.

"Your house?" He questioned, not too sure about the idea

"Yeah! Don't worry my parents aren't around on weekends. Say you'll come please" She pleaded, staring at him with her best puppy eyes.

Jacob thought about it for a while, finding it hard to say no to her. "Okay I will" He gave in.

"Great!" She shrieked, excitedly.