
Episode 19

Classes ended for the day and Angie rushed home immediately, not even waiting for her friends. She got home and found Veronica and her dad chatting away on the couch. "Afternoon" She greeted listlessly, heading straight towards the staircase.

"Why are you looking all gloomy?" Her dad asked.

"That's none of your concern. Don't pretend as if you're interested in my life" She said bluntly, walking up the stairs. Surprised at the reply he got from his daughter, Mr Paul exchanged surprised looks with Veronica.

Angie got to her room, threw her backpack on the chair and collapsed on her bed. Few seconds later, Veronica came knocking and without waiting for a reply, she came went into the room. "Hey Z! What's wrong?" She questioned, joining her on the bed

"I don't wanna talk about it" Angie stated, turning away from her.

"I'm guessing this is about what we discussed" Veronica pointed out, taking a lock of Angie's hair from her face.

Angie sat up, turning to face Veronica. "Do you think it's too quick to think you love someone when the feeling is just like two months old?" She inquired

"Well, depends on how you feel. Sometimes it doesn't take up to two weeks to fall in love with someone" Jessica replied.

"Well, he did something really hurtful and as bad as it was and how angry it made me, i still don't hate him, my feelings for him didn't change at all. I'm confused" Angie explained

"At least now you've admitted that someone was you" Jessica smiled

"Come on...I feel like a fool opening my heart like that. Does that mean I'm cheap?" Angie said, burying her face in her palms.

"Opening your heart doesn't make you cheap or a fool. It just mean that you care and that you're human" Jessica explained, removing her hands from her face.

"But what if...." Angie paused with the knock on the door interrupting their conversation. "Come in" She invited.

The door clicked open and Kelvin poked his head into the room before entering. "Good evening" He greeted, smiling at Jessica.

"Hey Kelvin, evening" Jessica replied

"Your dad said I should start the cleaning upstairs, that he has some work to do" Kelvin explained.

"There are other places up stairs to clean. I can clean my room myself. Just leave me alone. You're not needed here" Angie blurted out brashly.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" Jessica intervened

"Yeah it's okay. I'll come back when I'm done with the other rooms" He stated, leaving the room.

"Whoa...at least now we know who the guy is" Jessica stated, turning to Angie. Angie lay flat on the bed again, grunting with fraustration. "I don't think he's someone who can hurt the person he likes. Have you told him you like him yet? To know if he feels the same way?"

"Well..." Angie hesitated for a while. "We kinda kissed" She confessed, her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Oh wow! I guess my little sister is growing up" Jessica smiled, nudging her.

"I don't know....I think it was a mistake"

"Don't just give up on your heart easily. Have you tried talking to him?"

"No. I don't need to. There's no reason he could give. What kind of explanation could he possibly have for a kissing another girl a day after we kissed?" Angie questioned, almost at the brink of tears.

"Relax girl. I didn't know you were this emotional. If you love him this much then try to talk to him and hear what he has to say first before deciding what to do" Jessica adviced


Kelvin got home, feeling concerned about Angie and why the sudden anger towards him. He sat on his bed to think if he had offended her in anyway and as often as he does, he came back empty. He thought hard for a while longer and soon gave up when he couldn't find the answer he seeks. "Why am i even troubled? Why am i worried and trying to find a way to make peace?" He asked himself. He decided to wave off the thought and just then, Kyle walked into the room.

"What's up bro?" He asked sitting on the chair directly opposite Kelvin.

"I'm good. Where have you been?" Kelvin asked.

"With Mom at the shop"

"Okay cool. So get this, at school today, Angie and I talked smoothly when we saw eachother before the morning assembly. But ever since lunch break, she's been mad at me, like real mad and she didn't say the reason or if I did something. Is there anything I should know about?" Kelvin inquired.

Kyle knowing it might be because of the kiss and thinking that was the only card he has over Kelvin replied, "No, no I don't think so. Maybe you should find a way to talk to her when she's calm" He suggested.

"Trust me, she doesn't seem like she's gonna be calm anytime soon. There's this hurtful and sad look mixed with anger in her eyes whenever she sees me" Kelvin explained

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll know the reason soon" Kyle stated, getting up from his seat "I should go to my room. I have some school work"


Kelvin sat oblivious of what the teacher was teaching. His eyes were fixed on Angie. She seemed to be trying so hard not to be distracted or to stare at anyone else. Kelvin was feeling a bit dizzy. The thought of Angie being angry at him and without him knowing the reason had kept him mostly awake last night. He was still puzzled as to why it disturbed him so much.

Valerie who has been watching Kelvin staring at Angie, was disturbed by the look in his eyes. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy in her. She stood up and excused herself to go to the restroom. She walked past Angie glaring at her. Angie was surprised at this. She hadn't had issues or even cross paths with her before. She shrugged it off and focused on what was being taught.

Although she's trying hard to focus, she just couldn't get the thought of Kelvin out of her head and it wasn't helping as Kelvin was boring holes in her body with his eyes. She stole a quick a glance at him and their eyes met. Kelvin kept staring at her with no intention of backing down. Angie on the other other quickly averted her gaze. She wasn't feeling very confident about herself lately.

Soon the bell for lunch break rang and before Grace could utter a word, Angie fled out of the class. Grace was surprised, she knew something was definitely up with her friend with the way she's been acting lately. She was about to run after her to find out what was going on when Sam blocked her path at the door. "Hey, what's up?" He asked

"Hey...I'm okay" Grace replied, taken aback by his presence.

"I miss you" He smiled.

"Erm...can we go somewhere else" She said, looking around to confirm if anyone was watching.

"Alright let's go" Sam said, grabbing her hand. She felt nervous and wriggled her hand free from his grip. "What's wrong?" He inquired.

"Erm...nothing...it's just that I don't want Brian to see us like this" She explained.

"Oh, that" His expression dimming.

"I told you, we were dating" She said, noticing his mood

"And I told you to break up with him. We were dating first" He retorted.

"Lower your voice. We broke up remember?! And I can't break up with Brian." She argued

"Then why are you with me? Soon you'll have to choose" Sam blurted out and walked away. Grace stood looking at his retreating back, confused.


Kelvin walked up to Brian and Jacob and joined them, sitting on the library building pavement. "Hey man" He greeted, fist bumping them.

"What's up? You've been looking gloomy all day?" Jacob asked

"Man. Have you noticed how Angie has been acting lately?" He asked.

"Yeah I have. she has not been acting mean lately" Jacob replied

"Not that...she's been acting strange" Kelvin explained.

"Yeah, Grace too" Brian chipped in.

"Isn't that what you guys wanted?" Jacob questioned, looking intently at them.

"Well...I..." Kelvin stuttered.

"What? Don't tell me you are having second thoughts or wait....oh no, are you having feelings for her" Jacob inquired, giving him a questioning look.

"Come on man that's not it. Is just that she's been angry with me since yesterday and we talked smoothly before assembly"

"What did you do to her?" Brian asked

"Nothing...like I said we were okay but by lunch break she changed" He shrugged.

"There clearly is something wrong. Try asking her" Brian suggested.

"Well, why you guys are having girl trouble, mine is going smoothly with Hannah" Jacob said proudly

"At least it's good to know you're not lonely" Kelvin said laughing.


Luke observed the bathroom stalls one after the other to know if it was empty. Confirming it was, he started to unzip his backpack as Mike came into the bathroom. "Hey Luke" Mike called out.

"keep your voice down dumbass" Luke said almost whispering. He unloaded the contents of his backpack. "Here it is" He said picking a small case containing pills and handing it to Mike. "Don't reveal your source even if you get caught or you would regret ever dealing with me" Luke told him solemnly.

"Don't worry man, you know me. I don't snitch" Mike said, pocketing the pills as he scurried away.


Angie sat in the library, looking at the book opened in front of her. She has been staring at the same page for over ten minutes. "Hey." She was drawed back to reality by kelvin's voice. She set her gaze upon him as he sat down on the opposite chair. She gave him a cold look and proceeded to close her book. "Alright that's it. Are you going to tell me the reason why you hate me all of a sudden?" Kelvin asked, staring intently at her.

"Are you serious right now?" She asked, riled up.

"Yes I am. I can't take it anymore" Kelvin replied.

"Well how about the fact that you kissed Valerie" Angie retorted.

Kelvin was taken aback and confused at her statement. "kissed Valerie...what does that have to...are you jealous?" He asked with a confuse expression clearly visible on his face.

"Jealous...that's not the point. The point is you did it, just after...." She stopped, feeling embarrassed to complete what she was about to say.

"Just after what?" Kelvin inquired, eager to know what she was talking about.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter" She shook her head, stood up and left.

'What the hell is she talking about? Might she be talking about the day we spent together?' Kelvin thought to himself, more confused than before.