
Episode 20

Luke knocked on the office door and a voice invited him in. He opened the door, entered and greeted the teacher. "Good afternoon sir"

Pointing at the empty seat across from him, the teacher, Mr Nyangodo gesture for him to seat. "What can I do for you?" Mr nyangodo asked looking directly now at Luke.

"Well...sir...you promised me an excellent result but what I got wasn't that excellent, just three A's" Luke complained.

"Will you lower your voice boy?!" Mr Nyangodo retorted.

"But I paid you well sir" Luke said

"Don't you know if it was better than that, there would be suspicion?" Mr Nyangodo asked

"But you could have at least made it a little better than that" Luke pointed out.

"You should be grateful boy. Now leave before someone overhears this conversation" Mr Nyangodo instructed. Luke stood up and left the office. Although he knew the result was better than his previous ones, he's agenda wasn't to talk about his grade but to know if he still has the man wrapped around his fingers, and from what just transpired he knew he still does.


Luke, Sam and victor sat on the same table at the cafeteria, done with the snacks they bought, they each took turns commenting on the new development of the school, since the the term resumed. "How can Grace be dating someone like Brian?" Sam asked feeling disgusted by the idea.

"Same thing with Angie. I think she has something with that low life Kelvin" Luke added

"And don't forget that same Kelvin is trying to take the glory of the soccer team alone" Victor chipped in.

"They're sidelining us. We are suppose to be the one running the school" Sam stated.

"Yeah and I think we should show them that we do run it" Victor suggested

"Yeah I think we should and we might have protection from Mr Nyangodo too" Luke said smiling

"What do you mean?" Sam inquired

"Let's just say I have something on him" Luke replied.

"Well I think we should start with Brian" Sam suggested

"Yeah sure but what do we do?" Victor asked

"I think I have a plan" Said Luke.


Kelvin got to the top of the stairs and saw Valerie standing at by the window at the top of the stairs. "What are you doing here?" Kelvin asked

"Nothing" She replied avoiding his eyes

"What do you mean nothing? I can tell that something is up, so what is it?" Kelvin insisted

"I said nothing! Leave me alone! If you're looking for someone to bother right now, why don't you go meet Angie" She blurted out. Taken aback by her sudden outsburst and statement, Kelvin asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

'What's going on with girls this period and why are they getting angry at me for no reason' He thought to himself as he walked away. Valerie wanted to call him back but he was already gone. She knew she had made a mistake, that, that wasn't the way she should have gone about it.


Mrs Williams came into the sitting room and found Kyle lying on the couch holding a book up to his face. "Kelvin?" She called.

"No mom, it's me Kyle" He announced. "You're back early" He added, standing up to assist her.

"Yes, I was very tired. So where's your brother?" She asked

"As soon as I came back from school, he left, saying that he'll be back soon that he was going to confirm something" Kyle explained.

"Okay" Mrs Williams replied. Kyle helped took her stuff to the kitchen and then went back to join her at the sitting room. Some minutes later he heard a knock on the door and stood up to answer it.

He peeped through the peephole before he unlocked the door quickly. He came face to face with the stranger and was astonished by the beautiful girl standing before him. "Hey!" He greeted her.

"Hey! Look before you get angry, I Know you didn't want me to come to your house now but you were not picking my calls and I decided to ask Jacob for directions and he gave it to me. I just wanted to apologize to you. I was feeling guilty as to what happened today and I couldn't wait. I know what I did was wrong. It's just that I get scared of losing you that I get jealous easily. Seeing how you were staring at Angie in class today just got me jealous and upset. I'm sorry" Valerie explained.

Hearing all of this, different thoughts ran through Kyle's mind. 'Why could he be staring at Angie? Could it be that he's starting to like her? Who was this pretty girl standing before him and why was Kelvin treating her wrongly? Why isn't he contented with just her and leave Angie alone? Yet again he's the focus and I'm the backup. Why does he always get the good things and never appreciates it?' All of these questions ran through Kyle's mind when Valerie snapped him out of it.

"Kelvin!" She called him back to reality.

"Yeah...sorry" kyle said

"Are you still mad at me?" She inquired

"No...I'm not...not anymore" He replied.

Valerie heaved a sigh of relief. "Thanks. I really missed talking with you" She said smiling.

"Yeah me too" He replied, smiling.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me inside? I would love to see your mom" She asked

"Erm..I don't think that's a good idea today. Let me just see you off" He said, stepping out and closing the door behind him.

"Okay" She replied with furrowed brows.

They walked out into the street, heading for the bus stop. "You know, if we are to have a wedding card, which name would you like to come first?" Kyle asked, hoping to get her name through this question.

"Well my name of course" She said grabbing his hands and pulling closer to him.

"Why not mine? Starting with mine sounds nicer" Kyle stated.

"Nope. Kelvin and Valerie....Nope that doesn't sound nice. Valerie and Kelvin sounds more beautiful" She said smiling.

"Yeah I think you're right. Valerie sounds nicer" Kyle said smiling. "Anyway Valerie, don't worry you won't lose me" Kyle said resting his palm on her hand. Valerie looked up at him, smiled and kissed him. Kyle held her face and returned the kissed, more deeply.

She noticed the kiss was a bit different but decided to wave off the thought. "Your hair seems a bit shorter this evening" She said, breaking the kiss.

"I love pressing it down every evening" He replied "Your kiss seemed short, I should have held you a lot longer". They both laughed.


"Thank you for seeing me." Kelvin said, standing in front of Jessica in the living room.

"Yeah no problem" Jessica replied.

"Is Angie at home?" He asked

"Yeah she's in her room" She replied. "Do you want to see her?"

"No...no...she won't want to see me. I just came to see you" Kelvin explained

"Okay, so what's up?" Jessica inquired

"I just wanted to know, if you know the reason why she has been so angry with me lately. She wouldn't tell me" Kelvin explained.

Jessica smiled and said, "Well it's not really my place to say and I'm not suppose to meddle in your affairs"

"I know, but please I have to know why. I can't take it anymore" Kelvin pleaded. Seeing the look of desperation and misery on his face she decided to just tell him.

"Well, she said that just after you kissed her the day before school resumed, she saw you kissing someone else"

"Whoa...wait...what...I kissed h..." He paused as it Dawned on him that it was probably Kyle. He ran upstairs without uttering another word to Jessica. He got to Angie's door, opened without knocking. "Why?" He asked barging in.

Angie who was on her laptop was shocked seeing him. She stood up from her seat. "What are you doing here and how can you just barge into a girl's room unannounced? I could be bathing or something" Angie quarrelled.

"Just answer my question, why?" He asked again.

"Why what?" She asked with a puzzled look.

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked moving closer to her. She took a step back anytime he moved closer to her.

"Why are you asking me that?" She said avoiding the question.

"I know i didn't kiss you first, so why did you kiss me? Why?" He pushed on.

"Leave me alone!" She retorted

"Just tell me why" He insisted

"I...i do...n't kno..." She said, her voice trailing off with every last word. It was getting intense for Angie as her eyes welled up with tears.

"Tell me why Angie" He said loudly.

"Because I'm in love with you!" She shouted as tears rollled down her cheek. She then sat back down on her chair. Kelvin fell quiet, he knew it at the back of his mind but now, hearing it from her, he didn't know how to react or what to say. 'This was my plan all along but why does it feel very different and more confusing now' He thought to himself. He looked over at Angie, tears still rolling down her face. Not knowing how to comfort her or why he's sad that she's crying. He walked up to her, knelt in front of her, wiped her tears with his hands, he looked into her eyes and could see how hurt she was feeling. "I'm sorry" He said. He cupped her face, drew her in and kissed her softly on her lips. Amidst the kiss Angie felt the weight in her heart lightened and the hurt she was hurting, subsided. After liplocking for about two minutes, Kelvin broke the kiss, stared at her, not knowing why he did what he just did, he walked out of the room and left the house in a hurry not wanting anyone else to see him.

Angie sat still in her chair, she then brought her gaze down to the handchain Kelvin bought for her which she was still wearing. She felt the chain with her finger and thought about what happened. Now that she has confessed her feelings to him, she felt lighter and more at peace. She stared intently at the chain which appeared more beautiful. It then immediately dawned on her. 'Whoa...this was like what happened in my dream' She thought, feeling a bit weird. "I guess some dreams do come through" She muttered, smiling.


Kelvin got to his house late. On his way home he thought of how Kyle had kept the fact that he and Angie kissed from him. Brian was right, he thought, Kyle really did fell for Angie and now him too has put himself in an awkward position by kissing her. He went into the house greeted his mom and hurried to Kyle's room without talking more with his mom.

He opened Kyle's door with anger boiling in him. "What's up?" Kyle said on seeing him. Kelvin walked straight to him without uttering a word and punched him in the face. Kyle held his face with a shock look in his eyes. He stood up quickly and dashed toward Kelvin, punching him too.

Kelvin held his face and looked back at his twin. "Why didn't you tell me and why did you kissed her in the first place?" He questioned furiously.

"She kissed me first. Why do you care? Don't you hate her?" Kyle asked

"No I don't. Not anymore. I think I like her and she just said she loved me. So what are you going to do?" Kelvin blurted out.

"Well I kissed her first and she doesn't know its not you, so she actually fell in love with me not you" Kyle retorted

"Now you're just delusional. Wake up Kyle! She met me first and she thinks you are me. She doesn't know you exist" Kelvin shot at him.

"I don't know why you think you now have feelings for her or if you think you are going to get her but I'm telling you now, I'm not backing down, you are not going to have this one this time" Kyle said angrily.

"I guess we'll see" Kelvin concluded and stormed out of the room.

Kyle sat down on his bed, rubbed his face with his palm. 'He's right though. She thinks it's always him but she doesn't know I'm the one she fell in love with. I guess the only way is to unveil everything, expose the truth. That way we can level the playing field....' He thought to himself. "Yeah, I'm going to tell her the truth" He concluded.