
Episode 22

Kelvin stared at Kyle with anger raging inside of him. Kyle stared back at him and smiled. "Hello brother" He said, breaking the silence.

Kelvin shut his eyes with frustration 'What issue does today have with me?' He thought. "Good to see you, 'Brother'" He replied Kyle.

"Can someone please explain what's going on here" Valerie stated, almost shouting.

Kyle shifted his gaze to her and smiled. "Hi everyone, I'm Kyle, Kelvin's twin brother" He introduced, waving at them.

"And a very identical one at that" Veronica chipped in, staring at him in awe.

"Wait, this is confusing. When did you come to town?" Grace questioned. Angie seemed to be lost in thoughts, unable to utter any word at the moment as she kept processing the whole thing in her head.

"Well, I came to town the same time as Kelvin, and I have lived here as long as him too. In fact I have met some of you and vice versa" Kyle said, still smiling.

"Which one of us, how and when?" Valerie asked.

"Yeah. I met you, Veronica, the day you gave me your number to call you. You know, at the market. That was me not Kelvin. Then you, Valerie, when you came to my house looking for Kelvin, I apologize for what happened but that was me. And Angie, we have known the longest, I came to clean at your house most times. I know the boys and they know me too." Kyle explained.

"So you guys knew about this?" Grace said turning to Jacob and Brian.

"Just you I don't know" Kyle pointed out, referring to Grace.

"Yeah and thank God I wasn't fooled" She replied.

"Hey Angie, why aren't you saying anything?" Kyle asked.

Kelvin stared at Kyle intently, shook his head and walked away back to the direction he came from. "Where are you going to? Aren't you going to say something or explain?" Valerie called after him. He continued walking, paying no attention to what she was saying.

The bell rang for the end of lunch break. "I guess that's us" Brian said tapping Jacob for them to go to class.

"Don't you dare leave. We have questions for you two" Veronica said as she and Grace followed suit, going with them, leaving Angie and Valerie there.

"Why?" Angie finally asked with a look of disbelief still in her eyes.

"It was all kelvin's plan from the start" Kyle replied

"What do you mean 'plan'?" Valerie asked

"He said he wanted to make Angie fall in love with him and then make her pay for her arrogance, rudeness and pride and that it would made it easier if I was in the plan" Kyle explained

"So what made you change your mind?" Angie asked

"Because I fell in love with you" Kyle replied, feeling good about himself.

"Was this before or after you kissed me?" Valerie chipped in.

"That was just to not blow the plan. I'm sorry about that" Kyle said.

"Wow! So we're not but just part of a plan to you guys?" Valerie said with hurt in her voice. "I hope you guys get what you want" She added, leaving both of them and heading to class.

"So were you the one or was it Kelvin that I first kissed?" Angie asked looking glum.

"It was me" Kyle replied, almost smiling.

"Wow! Congratulations you guys did it" Angie said, tears welling up in her eyes. She turned and walked away. Kyle stood watching her leave. He knew all the cards were on the table now and he was sure to get Angie, no matter the cost.


Kelvin sat at the audience side of the field, not minding that class was going on. Thinking about how everything was going to be now that Kyle had blew it all. He thought it was going to be easier than this but it had proven him wronged. 'I definitely have fallen for Angie, that much is clear but right now she is definitely going to hate me and same goes for Valerie. Today isn't my day' He thought.

"So it was all a joke to you. You must have seen me as a fool" Angie said as she approached Kelvin.

Kelvin stood up facing her. "No it wasn't" He stated.

"It was just to break me right? Well you got what you wanted" she pointed out. "You knew I kissed your brother thinking it was you and you did nothing. What about this on my hand, was it still Kyle that bought it for me?" She asked pointing to the hand chain she was wearing.

"No. That was me, I bought it, it was you and I that day" Kelvin replied

"Did you ever even felt anything for me or was it just an act?"

"It was an act initially but..." Kelvin stopped as Angie cut him off.

"Well you did it. I fell in love with you or is it Kyle, I don't know which one of you but congratulations." She concluded, walking away.

"Angie!!!" Kelvin called after her but no response.

Angie walked into the class, carried her bag and went home, not feeling good enough to attend the rest of the classes.


Lectures for the day ended and students trooped out of their classes. Kelvin hesitated for a while, letting most of his classmates leave the class. Valerie was about to leave when he called her "Hey Val, can I talk to you" He walked up to her seat.

"There's nothing you need to say. It's all clear now. You knew I kissed your brother and you didn't say anything, you didn't even trust me enough to tell me the truth and to top it all, you have feelings for Angie. So I'm sorry if I don't want to talk" She replied. Kelvin looked around and saw some of their classmates staring at them.

"I'm sorry, but you should here my side of it" He said, lowering his voice.

"It won't change a thing. I'm sorry I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't be in a relationship where you have feelings for someone else. It's over I'm sorry" She concluded, grabbed her bag and left the class. Kelvin sat back down on his seat looking frustrated.


Kelvin got home and found Kyle in his room getting ready to leave the house. "Getting ready to cause more damage?" Kelvin asked.

"Nahh, just going to clean at Angie's house" He replied, smiling.

"You must be proud of yourself, your plans are succeeding" Kelvin stated.

"I told you I'm not going to give up on Angie and I'm going to do whatever it takes" He replied.

"Congratulations" Kelvin concluded and left the room.


Jessica knocked on the door but no response came. She opened the door and found Angie laying down on the bed, with a distant look in her red eyes. "Hey Z, you haven't spoken to anyone since you came back from school and you haven't eaten too. Dad and I have been worried" She said, sitting close to where Angie was lying.

"I'm just tired that's all" She muttered

"You came back from school earlier than usual. Something is definitely up. Tell me, what is it?" Jessica asked.

Angie raised up her head and fixed her gaze on her sister. "It turns out I was fooled and I was just a game"

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked, confused.

"Apparently, Kelvin has a twin, kyle and they have been substituting to come clean here" She explained.

More confused, Jessica adjusted on the bed. "What do you mean twin?" She asked just before a knock came from the door. "Come in!" Jessica invited and Kyle walked in.

"Good evening" He greeted.

"Oh Kelvin..." She said.

"Erm...nope, Kyle" He said, feeling a bit uncomfortable not knowing how Jessica was gonna react to the new development.

Jessica examined him for a while, mesmerized by the uncanny resemblance. "So you have been here before?" She finally asked.

"Yes, same as Kelvin" He replied, nervously.

"And why didn't you guys say anything?" Jessica asked

"It's kind of a long story. It was all Kelvin" He replied

"Well I hope to hear it sometime but for now let me leave you guys alone. I'm on nightshift" She stated, getting up to leave and patting Angie on the leg.

"What do you want?" Angie asked as soon as Jessica left the room.

"I just came to make sure you are alright. If you have any more questions and to apologise" Kyle replied.

"Well I'm alright, no questions and I don't need your apology" Angie blurted out.

"I know you're not and I'll be here till you are ready to talk about it" He said, sitting on the empty chair. She rolled her eyes.

"What else do you guys want from me? Haven't you gotten what you wanted?" She questioned, too tired from all the crying she did to be able to get mad like she wanted.

"To be clear it wasn't what I wanted" He replied

"But you played along with it"

"And that's why I came to apologize. I made a mistake playing along and not backing out soon and for that I'm sorry" hei apologize with a sincere look in his eyes.

"And you allowed me to kiss you thinking it was Kelvin" She pointed out.

"I wanted to tell you, so much, but I didn't know when was the right time to do it" He explained

"And what made you decide now was the right time?"

"Because I realized i'm in love with you" He confessed. She stared at him not knowing what else to say. "Say something please" He urged.

"What do you want me to say?"

"Anything please"

"That doesn't change the fact that the both of you used me" She pointed out.

"And I'll keep apologizing for that until you can forgive me"

"Tell me this, when was the time we were together and when was it Kelvin?" She inquired.

"Well the day we talked about the kind of person we are and are not, that was with me" He replied.

"What about the day at the market at your area?" She asked, wanting to confirm if what Kelvin said was true.

"I think that was with Kelvin" He replied

"Okay I think I have heard enough for today" she concluded.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked

"Yeah pretty much. You think coming to apologize and confessing your feelings was somehow gonna make up for what you did to me?" She replied getting up from the bed.

"Nope, but I hope to earn your trust again"

"Where is Kelvin now?" She asked

"At home"

"So I guess it's your turn to clean now"

"Yeah" He replied. "I think I should go start before it gets late" He added, leaving the room.


Kelvin got to school, he checked his watch it was already time for the first class. 'I have never been this late before' He thought. He stepped into the class and every eyes were on him. The news of him having an identical twin has spread and you can see that they were wanting to ask questions. He could tell that it was either that or it was because he had changed his hairstyle. He had cut his hair the previous day, he thought that there was no reason to be carrying the same hairstyle as Kyle now that the cat is out of the bag. That would made it easier to differentiate them now.

He walked into the classroom, greeting the teacher who was already unraveling the content of his topic. "And why are you just coming to school young man?" The teacher asked.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" He replied

"It better not. Go to your sit!" He instructed, adjusting the glasses he wore.

Kelvin sat down on his seat with a sigh. "Whoa man, what's with the new hairstyle?" Jacob whispered to him.

"Just felt like changing something about me, and it's easier to differentiate between me and Kyle now" He replied.

"That's cool" Jacob said.

"Young man do you want to leave the class?" The teacher asked pointing at Jacob.

"Sorry sir" Jacob said, holding back laughter. Angie who had been witnessing the whole scene since Kelvin came into the class felt very angry at him, she felt hurt and felt a bit of sadness too, she couldn't understand why and decided to wave it off.


Kelvin walked towards the shade close to the school field upon sighting Angie and her friends. He got to where they were and was greeted by the cold atmosphere. "Hey!" He said waving to the three of them.

"Hey" Grace replied.

"Nice hairstyle. It looks good on you" Veronica complimented.

"Thanks" He replied and then turned his attention to Angie. "Hey Angie"

"What do you want?" She asked rather rudely.

"Can I talk to you?" Kelvin asked not minding her harsh tone.

"Talk, I can hear you" She said, still not looking at his direction.

"I mean alone" He pointed out.

"I'm not going anywhere, so if you have something to say, say it here" She stated.

"Alright..." Kelvin said, glancing at her friends

He felt nervous. "I wanted...I wanted to...erm... apologize for everything" He stuttered nervously.

Veronica and Grace burst out laughing. "Is this Kelvin?" Veronica said mockingly amidst laugh.

"That's new" Grace added. Kelvin felt embarrassed and wished the ground would just open up and swallow him.

"let me ask you something. If Kyle hadn't exposed ur plans or secret, would you still had continued?" Angie asked

Not knowing what would have happened, Kelvin struggled with the answer "I don't know, maybe, maybe not"

"Well apology not accepted. If you were as good as Kyle, you would have apologized yesterday and you would have ended the plan yourself. I guess your brother is the lesser of two evil" She said harshly.

"I tried apologizing but you didn't allow me" Said Kelvin

"Kyle came to my house to do it and his apology was more sincere than yours. I think you are apologizing not because you are sorry but because you got caught" She shot at him.

"That might be true" Grace chipped in.

"Kyle did the right thing not you. Sorry" Veronica added.

"Wow...you all think Kyle is better than me. Just wait till you get to know him" Kelvin stated and stormed off. They watched as he walked to the direction of the class angrily.

"Maybe his apology was sincere" Grace said with a shrug.

"Or maybe he's just good at acting. Anyway, Angie, who do you like more between both of them, because they seem to like you" Veronica said.

Angie hesitated for a while, like she was thinking about it "I don't know. Right now I think none" She replied.

"But you said you were in love with Kelvin" Veronica stated.

"Or maybe it was Kyle. It was both of them after all" Grace added. "Yup! I see the problem" She added

"I just don't want to talk about or even think about it right now" Angie stated.