
Episode 23

It's been a week since Angie last spoke with Kelvin. He had been trying to avoid her ever since their last conversation. Valerie hasn't spoken to him or replied his text and calls since their breakup and the soccer team hadn't said anything about adding him to the team again. He felt like everything was ripped from him at the same time. The only ones who still spoke with him was Brian and Jacob. Whenever it was his turn to clean at Angie's house, Kyle always seem to beat him there, not giving him any chances. He had decided to take a step back since even Angie doesn't want him around.

Kyle on the other hand had tried to spend as much time with Angie as he could, hoping to gain her trust again and so far, Angie has been warming up towards him and she seemed to be becoming friendly with him.

"Where's dad?" Angie asked sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

"Out" Jessica replied stirring the sauce she was preparing.

"Yeah yeah, why am i even asking?!" Angie stated, rolling her eyes.

"You know he's leaving next week. Just bear with him"

"Yeah and soon it'll be the turn of mummy dearest" She said giving out a sigh.

"Don't be a hater" Jessica pointed out, nudging her. "By the way, how is Kelvin? I haven't seen him since your little drama" She added.

"I don't know" Angie replied as her countenance fell.

"Don't you guys see at school or you're still not talking to him?" She asked

"Yeah I'm not" Angie replied

"Didn't he apologize?" Asked Jessica

"He did but I'm not sure it's sincere"

Jessica turned to look at her. "But you didn't hesitate in forgiving Kyle"

"Yeah because Kyle made an effort, he was sincere and he was the one who actually cared enough to put a stop to their plans" Angie replied.

Jessica smiled at her. "Are you sure you're not being biased? or you're just choosing not to see that Kelvin is actually sorry" She said, placing her hands on Angie's leg.

"No I'm not. I've spent time with Kyle and I can see that he truly cares. We've bonded easily and I found it easier to forgive him because none of what happened was his idea and he ended it" She explained. "And he just asked me to be his girlfriend"

Jessica's eyes widened with surprise. "And what did you say?"

"I said I'd think about it" Angie replied

"From what I have gathered, they both like you. Do you think it'll be fair to Kelvin if you accept Kyle?! Especially since you haven't forgiven him. Don't forget Kyle is as guilty as Kelvin about what happened and don't you think you're moving too fast" Jessica explained.

Thinking for a while about what Jessica had said, Angie replied "What ever I do with my life doesn't concern Kelvin and Kyle is more of a gentleman than Kelvin and I think I like him more"

"Okay. Just make sure you know what you're doing and that you are doing it for the right reasons. And make sure you are at least 85% sure you like Kyle more before jumping into a relationship with him" Jessica concluded.

"Yeah thanks but I'm sure" Angie replied.


Veronica lay down on the soft bed, caressing the sheets with her palms. Everything seemed slow and colourful. She couldn't help but keep smiling. Her head was moving in a different pace and saying one thing while her body seemed to be doing something different. She felt free and light.

Victor came up to her and lay down next to her. She turned, stared at him for a while whilst smiling. She felt his face and planted a kiss on his lips. "It seems the drugs has really gotten to you" Victor muttered, feeling a bit on the edge himself. Veronica laughed at his remarks.

"Can we join you guys?" Hannah asked, holding Jacob's hands and leading him to where Veronica and victor was lying.

Although Hannah was Victor's ex girlfriend, they appeared to be still pretty close. She had invited Jacob over to her house and later led him to Victor's house where they met Veronica too. Victor and Hannah brought the idea of taking pills, promising Veronica and Jacob that it's gonna be an amazing experience and that it would take their troubles away. After some persuasion, Veronica and Jacob gave in and joined them.

"You were right, this indeed is amazing" Jacob stated, crashing on the bed alongside Hannah.

"I haven't felt anything like this before. This is kinda different from the ones I used to take before" Veronica added

"Sometimes you just need let go and this helps with it" Victor explained and they all burst out laughing at his statement.


Grace pulled Sam up from the couch. "As much as I would have loved for you to stay, you have to start heading home. My parents will be back soon and it won't end well if they find you here" Grace said to him, placing her hands on his shoulder.

"Come on, I only get to see you weekends and kiss you too without looking over my shoulder" Sam complained.

"That's not my fault though" ygrace replied

"You know it would be better if I was the only one" Sam said smiling.

"it would have been better if you hadn't cheated on me in the first place" Grace replied

"And I'm really sorry for that, I was stupid. In fact let me show you how sorry I am" Sam said attempting to lift her up. They both laughed at his attempt in lifting her up.

"Stop! Maybe next time but for now you have to go" Grace pointed out.

"Ahhh alright" Sam complained. He kissed her as she was leading the way to the door. He held her by her waist, kissing her neck. Grace kept on giggling as they got to the door and she unlocked it. Still giggling and Sam still kissing her neck when they found Brian standing just by the door about to knock.

Shock fell upon grace as she felt like she was in a trance, she couldn't move nor speak. With his hand still hanging in the air, Brian looked at Grace with disbelief in his eyes. He shifted his gaze to Sam and then back to Grace. He dropped his hand, shook his head and walked away without uttering a word.

Sam felt happy inside of him now that the cat was out of the bag and he was hoping that, that was the end of it between Brian and Grace. Grace still in shock, unable to move or speak, couldn't run after Brian, instead she just sat on the floor. "Hey, you shouldn't beat yourself up this much" Sam said.

"Please just go. I want to be left alone" She finally spoke up.

Sam observed her for a while and decided it was best to go. He left her still sitting there. When she was all alone, she stood up, went to her room and collapsed on the bed. Tears flowing down her cheeks. 'What have I done?' She thought amidst sobs.


It was another clear Sunday afternoon. Kyle came back from church early, hoping to meet Angie at home. He decided to just go to her house straight from church. He got to the door, sounded the doorbell while praying he goes home happy today.

The lock on the door made a clicking sound then Jessica pulled it open. "Hey, is it Kelvin or kyle?" Jessica asked smiling.

"Oh, it's Kyle, Kelvin has cut is hair so when you see him you can recognize him" Kyle explained

"Okay then, come in Kyle" She invited.

"Is Angie at home?" He asked

"Yeah, she's in her room"

"Okay thanks" Kyle said.

Moving towards the direction of Angie's room. He got to the door, knocked and was invited to come in. "Hey!" He greeted entering the room

"Oh hi" Angie greeted also, offering him a seat to sit down.

"So how was church?" Kyle asked

"Good and you?" She asked

"Same" He replied, sitting down on the chair.

"How's kelvin" She asked

"He's fine, he's doing great" Kyle replied hoping they wouldn't talk more about him.

"Okay" She shrugged

"So any plans for later?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to see Grace soon, she called me"

"Okay then. I just came here straight from church, hoping I'll get some more good news today" He said smiling nervously.

"What kind of goodnews" Angie asked, knowing exactly what he was talking about. She felt a bit nervous herself.

"You know...the kind where you give me the right answer to my question" He explained. She smiled. "So have you thought about it?" He asked.

She hesitated for a while and then replied, "Yes"

"And?" He asked, his heart racing.

"I mean yes like yes I will be your girlfriend" She grinned

"What! Are you serious!!" He said jumping from his seat and hugging her. They both laughed. "Today is like one of the happiest day of my life" He added, still hugging her. They both laughed again at this. Kyle broke the hug and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and pecked him back.


Kelvin came down from the bus and stood, scanning the environment. He walked a little bit further to the direction of Jacobs house, when his eyes met with Angie's. They both stopped dead in their tracks. Angie's heart skipped a beat on seeing him. 'Why does it always do that?' She thought to herself. Kelvin felt like going over and holding her but he couldn't do anything. He decided to walk away. She called his name and he stopped again. She walked up to him "Hey!" She said.

"Hey!" He replied. Angie looked directly at his eyes. She missed talking to him although she was still angry with him.

"How are you doing?" He asked

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Same" He replied. This is the longest they have talked since that day at the shade.

"So Kyle said you didn't want to come cleaning at my house again" She said.

He scoffed at what she said. "Wow, he said that. Well I'm not surprised. I can only tell you that you should not trust him more than you trust me" He explained

"Well too late for that. We are dating" She confessed.

"What!" Kelvin blurted out. He felt as if his heart had been chattered into a gazillion pieces. "Wow...i...i'm... wow...I'm happy for you guys" He said and walked away instantly. She was surprised at his reaction. She could clearly see the hurt he felt in his eyes. She stood watching him disappear into a corner.


Brian sat on the chair outside his house, replaying the image of the previous day. He still couldn't believe what he saw. "That can't be Grace. Grace can't do something like that" He said to himself.

'Sam!! At least not with Sam of all people" He thought. He had missed up to fifty of her calls and ignored her messages. He doesn't know what to do in this situation. 'Kelvin would have an idea' He thought and decided to go see Kelvin that evening. He stood up, went inside, changed and made his way to kelvin's house.


Kelvin decided to go back home and not to Jacob's after what Angie told him. He got to the house, his mom was not back yet, he went to Kyle's room and found him engrossed in his phone. "Congratulations again" He said, alerting Kyle of his presence who then sat up looking at him. "You have done it again" Kelvin said.

"Done what?" Kyle said crossing his arms

"You've always wanted everything I had and you always manage to get them. You did it with ntombi, you did it with Lisa, you did it with Ella and now with Angie. And you always find a way of making them believe I'm the bad guy. So congratulations" Kelvin explained.

"It's not my fault you can't fight for what you love" Kyle said.

"Well then, you better not break Angie's heart like you did the others or you'll see me fight" Kelvin said.

"I didn't break anyone's heart" Kyle defended

"Not knowing that you hurted them, makes you even a bigger jerk" Kelvin said.

Kyle got angry at his statement, stood up and punched Kelvin. Kelvin fell to the ground. Kyle grabbed him, pulled him up and pushed him out of the room. "Get out of my room" He shouted, locking the door.


Kelvin stood up, felt his jaw with his hand, it still hurt a little. He looked at the time, it wasn't late so he decided to take a walk to clear his head. He walked out into the open street, walked for a while, thinking about how easily he lost Angie to Kyle. He walked around with no particular destination in mind. He was so deep in thoughts that he didn't notice how dark it was getting. "Hey Kelvin!" Someone called. He turned not recognizing the voice.

"Who's that and how do you know my name?" He asked trying to figure out who was standing by the side of the road, hiding in the shadows When another came up behind him and dragged him to the dark corner, not minding his struggles. "Hey! Let go off me!"

They took him to the others and He figured out that they where four guys. "What do you want from me?" He questioned, struggling with them.

"You think you're a saviour standing up for your friends right? How does it feel now that there's no one here for you" one of the guys asked. Another kicked him and soon the others joined in. They punched, kicked and slapped him, this went on for a while. They covered his mouth so he couldn't shout. Soon he didn't have the strength to resist and was too weak to shout for help. The boys heard footsteps fast approaching and someone shouting for them to stop, so they took off, leaving him there. He struggled to stand up but couldn't, he fell back down And passed out.