
Episode 24

Angie glanced over at the other side of the class, kelvin's seat was still empty. She checked her watch and it was 10:15am. 'Why isn't he in school today?' She thought, tapping her foot on the restlessly. 'Or is it because of what I told him yesterday?'

Grace stared at her with concern. "Are you okay?" She asked, whispering to avoid being caught by the teacher.

"Hmm?" Angie said, snapping from her thoughts.

"You look agitated" Grace pointed out.

"I'm..I'm good" Angie replied, adjusting the book on her desk.

"Are you sure?" Grace pressed on.

"Why isn't he in school? Do you think he is okay?" Angie blurted out.

"Who?" Grace asked with a confused look.


"Kelvin?!" Grace said looking over at his seat "I don't know but so is Brian. He isn't in school too and he isn't picking my calls either" Grace explained.

"Do you think it's because of what we did?" Angie inquired

"What did we do?" Grace asked with a puzzled look.

"You know, you cheating on Brian and me telling Kelvin that I'm dating his brother" Angie explained

"Wait what!!! You are dating Kyle?" Grace almost said out loud.

"Lower your voice. I thought I told you yesterday, when I came to your house" Angie squinted her eyes.

"No you didn't. How did it happen?" Grace questioned

"I don't know, it sort of just happened" Angie shrugged.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" She inquired

"Yeah...I think so" Angie replied, fiddling with her nails.

"Then why are you so worked up because Kelvin isn't in school? I thought you were still angry with him"

"I still am...I don't know why I'm worked up though" Angie explained with furrowed brows.

"Do you think you're this worked up because you might still be in love with him?"

"No. I'm in love with Kyle" Angie argued

"Are you sure or you're just saying that to convince yourself" Grace said. Angie stared at her in silence, not knowing what to say.


Few minutes into lunch break, Jacob, Veronica, Hannah and victor rushed into the restroom and pinned the door shut with it's lock. Victor reached into his backpack and fished out some pills locked in a small container. "Who could have imagined that such a little thing could make all your pain and troubles go away" Jacob smiled. They all burst out laughing. Hannah locked her arm in his and flashed him a smile.

"Alright, pick your flavor" Victor said pointing to the different colour of pills he placed ontop his backpack. They all reached for theirs and inspected it.

"Here goes nothing" Veronica said putting her's in her mouth and the rest followed suit. A knock sounded from the restroom door. They arranged themselves, unlock the door and ran out laughing.


Angie sat under the field shade, brought out her phone and dialled kelvin's number but it wasn't connecting, it kept going straight to voicemail. She then dialled Kyle's. It rang twice before he picked up. "Hey, missing me already?" Kyle asked from the other end of the call.

"Yeah, I think I am" Angie replied, looking round if anyone was watching her make the call.

"That's good to know, so am I" Kyle said.

"Why isn't Kelvin in school today?" She asked

"Oh, so that's the actual reason why you called" Kyle replied.

"That's the secondary reason" Angie replied, hoping he doesn't get upset.

"Well, he's fine, something came up, so he couldn't make it" Kyle explained.

"Oh okay" Angie replied, feeling a bit relieved.

"Well I have to go now, I'll see you later at your house. Love you" Kyle concluded

"Love you" Angie replied ending the call.


"So you've been avoiding me" Sam stated, blocking Grace's path as she was heading to go join Angie.

"Well for good reason don't you think?!" Grace replied

"What are trying to say? You know I care about you" Sam said holding her hands. She withdrew her hands from his.

"What I'm trying to say is that, I think it's best for us to go our separate ways" She stated, folding her arms.

"Because of Brian?" Sam asked clearly upset.

"Yeah, I love him and I don't want to lose him. So whatever we had, is over" she concluded walking away.


Grace walked up to where Angie was sitting with a puzzled look. "Veronica is acting strange" She said, sitting close to Angie.

"How?" Angie asked

"I saw her, walking and laughing so hard with, Jacob, victor and Hannah. I called her she just waved at me and continued laughing" Grace explained.

"Yeah she did the same to me...she hasn't been replying my texts or picking up my calls and she's been avoiding me also. Maybe she has found new friends" Angie replied shrugging

"Are you serious?! Jacob, victor and Hannah, seriously?!" Grace said in disbelief.

"I don't know"

"well, I guess we'll see. So have you called Kyle to ask yet?"

"Yeah, he said he's fine just that something came up" Angie replied

"Good, for someone who is passing through a lot, maybe he needs the rest" Grace stated.

"What do you mean?" Angie inquired with squinted eyes.

"You know. His scholarship cancelled, Valerie breaking up with him, getting kicked out of the soccer team and then the girl he claim to love, dating his brother" Grace explained.

Angie sat in awe, all of these were news to her ears. She couldn't believe she didn't know he was going through all that. "His scholarship was cancelled? He's going through all that?" She questioned.

"Didn't you know?" Grace asked surprised. "They cancelled the scholarship given to all the scholarship student in this school, I thought you knew. Brian told me all about it when he was still speaking to me" Grace explained.

"No I didn't...and Valerie broke up with him?!"

"Yeah. Just after Kyle came to our school"

"Wow. And soccer team"

"Yeah, Brian said it was Luke's idea. Since it was his former spot and he had beef with Kelvin" Grace said. Angie felt a twinge of guilt and felt sorry for Kelvin.


Zinzi knocked and came into the house. She walked to the couch where Kelvin was lying down. Kelvin looked up at her, struggled to sit up. She rushed to where he was and helped him up. "Kyle told me you were sick but I didn't know it was this bad" She said, sitting beside him and examining the bruises all over his face.

"Well I guess he just didn't want to make it worse" Kelvin replied, his voice sounding raw. Brian came out of the kitchen, he fixed his gaze on zinzi, he didn't recognize the face.

"Hi!" Brian said waving at her

"Hello" She replied.

He sat down on the couch opposing them. "I'm Brian, kelvin's friend" He introduced himself.

"I'm zinzi" She replied. "So where is he?" Zinzi asked facing Kelvin.

"Who Kyle?" Kelvin asked

"Yeah" She replied

"Well, he went to work" Kelvin replied

"What?! We are suppose to be on our date by 5pm and it's already 4:50pm" Zinzi complained.

Shocked at her statement Kelvin asked. "Sorry, did you say date?" He inquired.

"Yeah..." Zinzi replied, not understanding why Kelvin was asking.

"Are you guys dating?" Kelvin asked again

"Well yeah" She replied, puzzled by his questions.

Kelvin exchanged looks with Brian, Brian's eyes widening. "Since when?" Kelvin inquired

"For a few months. I thought you knew" she replied.

Kelvin smiled. "Well he didn't tell me"

"Why?" She asked

"I don't know, maybe he didn't want me to steal you from him" Kelvin quipped.

She laughed. "Very funny. When will he be back?" She asked

"I don't know but soon" He replied.

"Okay, let me go and wait in his room" She said standing up and heading to the direction of Kyle's room.

Kelvin turned to face Brian with the same expression on both their faces. "And they say, I'm the bad guy" He said smiling.

"Who is she?" Brian asked.

"Kyle's classmate, a family friend" Kelvin replied.

"So he's dating her and Angie at the same time?!"

"I guess my brother is a good player" Kelvin said grunting from the pain he felt.

"Are you going to tell angie? It can make you win her over" Brian pointed out.

"No I'm not. She choosed him. I don't want to play any dirty game, the truth will come out on its own, she should discover what type of guy he is on her own" Kelvin explained to brian.

"Nice one"

"What about you? Any word from Grace?" Kelvin asked

"Yeah, she has been texting non stop" Brian sighed

"I still can't believe she cheated with Sam" Kelvin said

"I think I should go back to sleep, I'm still feeling pains" He added trying to lie back down.


Angie got to the stairs leading to her class, when she saw Brian descending down. "Hey Brian!" She called, walking up to him.

"Hey" He replied

"Have you seen or heard from Kelvin? He didn't come to school yesterday and same thing today" She said.

"Yeah he's fine, just some home issues" Brian replied

"Okay and why weren't you in school yesterday too?" She inquired.

"I had some issues of my own"

"Okay" Angie concluded.

Brian continued on his walk to the cafeteria. He got in and immediately saw Grace. He swiftly turned to avoid her but it was too late as Grace called his name. She walked up to him. "Hey! Please can we talk? you have been avoiding me. Can we just talk please?" Grace pleaded.

"Nope, not right now. I need some space to think" He replied, walking away. Grace disappointed, walked back the her seat.