
Episode 25

It's been a week and Kelvin still hadn't resumed yet. Angie felt restless. She knew something was wrong, she felt Kyle and Brian were lying to her. She still couldn't understand why she was feeling this way, why she was so worried about Kelvin. 'Could it be that Grace was right and that she was still in love with him. No. How can I be in love with two persons at the same time?' She thought.

Angie walked out of the library. She felt a bit lonely. Veronica had been avoiding her and Grace, moving with her new friends and although she was still angry at Kelvin, but seeing him and having the chance to torment him made her never feel lonely. She couldn't believe how Kelvin being in school alone could make her not feel bored. But It has been just her and Grace since. 'At least I have Kyle to keep me company at home' She thought.

Angie walked into the class and found a small group discussing at the back of the class. Lessons for the day hadn't begun yet. She looked closely and saw Veronica in their midst. She sat down on her seat observing them. She couldn't hear what they were saying, just their loud laughs.

"I think we should throw a party next week" Victor suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea but at whose house?" Veronica asked

"Mine, my parents would be away on Friday and they'll return Saturday evening" Jacob said.

"Great! it's settled then and it's perfect since it's the first leg of the inter school soccer competition" Sam said.

"Well, leave the planning to us" Hannah said giving Veronica a high five.

Angie walked up to them, hoping to find out the truth from Jacob. "Hey Jacob can I talk to you?" She asked. All eyes turned looking at her.

"Sure" He shrugged. He stood up and followed her to her seat. "what's up girl?" He smiled sheepishly.

"Are you high?" She asked, noticing his eyes and his cheerful mood.

"Maybe" He said laughing.

"Well, have you heard or seen Kelvin? He hasn't been to school" She asked

"Missing your love, I see. Didn't he tell you he was attacked and beaten up by some boys"

"What!" She said almost shouting. She could feel her body trembling a little.

"Yeah, Brian told me he was unable to walk straight for three days but I heard he's getting better now" He explained. Angie stared at him unable to utter a word. "I have to go, I have a party to plan" Jacob said running back to the others.

"How could they have lied to me, at least not Kyle" She muttered. She walked out of the class hastily about to turn to the direction of the stairs when she bumped into Kelvin.

"ouch!" He groaned, holding his ribs.

Angie's eyes widened with happiness and anger at the same time. She was happy to see him but angry she was kept in the dark. She didn't know when she pulled him into a tight hug, her eyes shining with tears. "Don't ever do that again" She said nudging him hard, her voice sounding shaky.

Kelvin stood in awe, being wrapped by Angie's arms. He couldn't phantom what was going on. Brian who had been standing behind Kelvin stared in surprise too. After a while, it dawned on Angie what was happening, what she was doing and almost immediately upon realization, she released him from her grip. She cleared her throat, feeling embarrassed. "Why did you lie to me?" She asked Brian.

"He told me not to tell anyone" Brian replied.

"And you told Kyle that too?" She asked Kelvin.

"Nope" He replied.

"I just heard from Jacob this morning. How are you feeling?" She asked

"Well, better than the first day" Kelvin replied

"Okay good. You should pick your calls next time" She said still feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I will" Kelvin replied.

The bell for the first period rang. "We should get to class" She said, walking hastily back to class.

Kelvin and Brian stared at each other as she left. "Why is she acting strangely? And what's with the tight hug?" Kelvin asked

"She acts like she hates you one time and acts like she loves you the next. That is confusing" Brian said as they both walked to the class.


"So you mean you let your dad travel back without telling him goodbye?" Kyle asked lying beside Angie on her bed "yeah, it wasn't like he would care anyway" Angie replied

"But he's still your dad regardless of his flaws" he said

"Can we just drop the topic please" she said "Okay if you say so" Kyle replied "so tell me how's it going at your school?" Angie asked smiling, staring at him "well it's good" Kyle replied "I know girls are always drooling over you" she said, grinning and fondling with his hair "yeah, they are" Kyle replied smiling. "Then I guess it's a good thing you are already mine" they both burst out laughing. "You do know that your school is playing with ours this year, in the inter school soccer competition?" Kyle asked "yeah I heard, do you play?" Angie asked "yeah of course" he replied. "so does Kelvin, among you two who is better at soccer?" She asked still fondling with his hair "as much as I hate to admit, he is better at it, he has always loved soccer" Kyle replied. "well, I guess we won't get to see you both on the field, since he was taken off the team" Angie replied rather sad "yeah I heard" Kyle said.

"I have been meaning to ask, why aren't you both in the same school?" She asked.

"We both took the scholarship to your school but he was the only one that made it" Kyle replied "and now it's been cancelled. How is he coping?" Angie asked "he's coping fine. Now can we drop the Kelvin topic" he said "yeah sorry" Angie replied. "So who are you going to support on the soccer competition? Your school or your boyfriend?" Kyle asked, Angie laughed "my school of course, sorry" she replied amidst laughter. "that hurts" Kyle said joining in the laughter.


Kelvin and Brian sat at the cafeteria eating their launch. Brian looked around and couldn't find grace in sight, he heaved a sigh of relief. "Grace right?" Kelvin asked "yeah, I'm just not in the mood to talk with her" Brian replied "I think it's actually time you guys talked" Kelvin said. "I'm not ready yet" Brian said "okay if you say so but be in the mood fast before you lose her totally" Kelvin warned "yeah sure" Brian replied. "So what's with Jacob and Veronica always hanging with Victor and Hannah?" Kelvin asked "I don't know, they seem to be pretty close nowadays" Brian replied "victor is bad news, he should be careful" Kelvin stated "he told me he was hosting a party at his house this Friday and that we should both come" Brian said. "I'm not sure I'm gonna go" Kelvin replied "come on I think it's going to be fun, plus I think Angie is going to be there too" Brian persuaded. On hearing what Brian said, Kelvin flashed back to what happened at the last party when Angie was there and thought he should be there to watch over her "Alright sure, I'll go" he confirmed "well that was pretty easy, maybe I should use Angie's name frequently when trying to persuade you" Brian said laughing.


Luke bumped into Angie at the door of the library "hey" he said "hey" Angie replied coldly trying to walk on "hey slow down" he said obstructing her "why have you been avoiding me and ignoring my calls?" He asked "because I don't have anything to say to you" she replied "you didn't give me feedback about what I said, you just said you'll think about it" Luke said smiling "well the answer is no, I'm with someone else already" she said "who, Kelvin?" He asked "no, Kyle, his brother" she replied "whoa, Kyle? You picked Kyle over Kelvin?" Luke said surprised "yes, is there a problem with that?" Angie said folding her arms "No, just be careful with him, you don't know him like I do" Luke said. Thinking about what he meant by that, she replied "well thanks for your advice"

"As much as it hurts seeing you with someone, I'm glad it isn't with Kelvin because I wouldn't have let him have you" Luke said. "sure" Angie said walking away.


Veronica walked up to where Angie and grace were sitting in the classroom "hey girls" she greeted "hey" Angie and grace replied surprised that she remembered them. "so we are holding a party at Jacob's house this Friday and you are both invited" she said sounding happy "yeah we'll be there" grace said "we will?" Angie asked looking at grace, surprised that she accepted the invite. "Great" Veronica said as she took her leave. "Why did you tell her we were gonna be there?" Angie asked grace "because we are going to be there" grace replied "no we are not, at least not me" Angie stated "don't be silly, it will be good, blowing off some steam, you can bring your boyfriend too if you want" grace explained. "I don't know if it's a good idea" Angie said still not fully into the idea "yes it is and don't worry I'll pick you guys, I'll use my mom's car" grace said "okay, I guess" Angie gave in. "It might just be a good opportunity for Kyle and I to go out" Angie added "yes it will" grace said "but do you think Kelvin is going to be comfortable with it?" Angie asked "does it matter, it's about you and Kyle and not him" grace replied "yeah, you are right" Angie nodded in agreement.


Luke sat with Victor at the back of the class, they were both discussing quietly and carefully, so that people who were still in class wouldn't hear them. "I don't know man but this was the same shit you were in last time" victor said "mine was different, I used the money to bribe Mr. Nyangodo for a good grade on that his course but you wasted yours, haven't you heard that a dealer never uses his product?!" Luke quarrelled "I know, but what's done is done. How am I gonna get out of this debt? Mzi seems more dangerous recently" Victor said sounding scared "we will have to figure something out" Luke said. "How about we use the method we used for yours?" Victor asked "nope, we can't blackmail and threaten the coach twice" Luke replied "don't worry we'll think of something, but first we should let bhalla and the boys know" Luke suggested "alright" Victor agreed.


The last class for the day ended and students were getting out of the class "Hey" Kelvin said behind Angie, she turned and looked at him "Hey" she said back. They both stood just outside the class door "How are you doing?" Kelvin asked "I'm good and you, how's your health?" Angie asked back "Getting better. You are still wearing the handchain I bought for you" Kelvin said smiling "Yeah. Look Kelvin I was worried about you, it doesn't mean I have forgiven you" Angie said "Oh okay" he said looking sad. "Take care then" he concluded and walked away, Angie felt like calling him back but decided not to.