
Episode 26

Friday came and the long awaited competition between Redhill high and Wendywood high was about to take place. The first leg of the competition involved Wendywood high coming to Redhill high school and the second leg would be held at Wendywood school. Students moved about, classes were over for the day and everybody was preparing for the match, some placing bets on who they thought was going to win the first leg and others talking about some of the players who was very good and others who were the weak link. Most students was disappointed that Kelvin wasn't going to be in the match "he is a saving grace for the team" some said. Wendywood team and students who came to support them had arrived, the team were taken to a class where they would get ready by Mr Nyangodo. Kelvin and Brian stood observing the students walking about and some of the wendywood students too from the library window.

"You. Know, it's mad that they took you off the team" Brian said "yeah, but I don't have a choice since coach supported them" Kelvin replied "do you think we are going to win the first leg?" Brian asked "I don't know but I do know wendywood do have some amazing players, I have played with them before on the weekend" Kelvin said. "Is that Kyle and Angie?" Brian said pointing them out to Kelvin, Kelvin stared at them, they hugged and then stood talking and smiling "this is going to be terrible" Kelvin said walking away from the window.

Soon everybody took position at the field, the players made their way to the field. The match was about to start, Kelvin and Brian sat on the front row, Kelvin looked at the far left of the field and saw Angie and grace together. His eyes met with Angie's and they both looked away simultaneously. "I think they are going to win" Brian said "I think they are going to draw" Kelvin replied. The players took their positions in the field, both coaches of the team stood at the sides of the field. Wendywood wood teachers were present too and they sat at the front row. The referee confirmed for both teams if they are ready and then blew the whistle for the commencement of the match. The match started off rather boring with both team playing defense. Few minutes into the match the intensity of the game was building up and it got more interesting. Both team dragged the field for some time, Redhill team complaining that Luke wasn't working with the team, the coach had quarrelled with him, and soon enough Sam landed a goal against wendywood. Redhill students roared with happiness "well that's a good start" Kelvin said. He looked again and saw Angie stealing glances at him. He smiled. The match continued with wendywood struggling to return the goal and then came the whistle for the end of first half.

"You have been glancing at Kelvin since the start of the match" grace said "no I have not" Angie argued "if you really want to talk with him, why don't you just forgive him and do so, after all you have forgiven Kyle" grace said. Angie looked away.

Soon the whistle for the second half sounded. Players ran round the field hoping to get their chance at a goal, wendywood team seems to be having the upper hand in this round, they barely let the ball cross into their half of the field, this went on for some time and twenty minutes into the second half, it paid off as Kyle landed a goal for the his team. Wendyy students stood up from their cheering and whistling, jubilating for the come back goal. The match set off again. It was back to square one as each team struggled to come out successful. The match came to an end with a draw, the teams were exhausted, each hoping to get their win through the second leg next week. Wendywood team got on their school bus and left, Redhill high students talked about the outcome of the match and how it was supposed to be in their way home. Kelvin and Brian walked out of the school gate "I guess you were right" Brian said "yeah I usually am, when it comes to soccer" Kelvin replied "well I guess we should go home and rest for a while before the party later" Brian added "yeah, I'll meet you at your house" Kelvin replied "okay cool" Brian concluded.

Grace pulled up in front of Jacob's house, she turned off the engine and came out of the car, Angie and Kyle followed suit, it was clear that the party had started, they were surprised at the number of people who came "whoa... aren't some of this guys at our school today?" Grace asked "yeah, they are from my school, the captain of your team invited them" Kyle replied "wow, so it's a combine party then" Angie chipped in "yeah I guess" Kyle replied. They went into the house and could barely hear themselves speak, the sound of the music was very loud. Sam walked up to them and shaked hands Kyle "welcome bro" sam shouted "thanks" Kyle replied, Sam looked at grace, smiled and leaned close to her speaking into her ears "I like your jacket" he said complimenting the black zippers jacket she was wearing "thanks" grace said. Sam walked back into the crowd "I should go get a drink" grace said walking away.

Kelvin and Brian entered the house "this are a lot people man" Kelvin said "I know, didn't expect this though. Those are wendywood students" Brian said. "It's a combine party then, which means Kyle might be here too" Kelvin said. "Yeah, I just want to get drunk, let's go get a drink" Brian said "I'm not getting drunk but I do want to get a drink" Kelvin replied following Brian looking for where the drinks where being served

Veronica sat on Victor's lap, they sat together with bhalla and some other guys, they were drinking, Veronica feeling a little bit tipsy, was laughing and dancing where she was sitting. "Who's that?" Bhalla asked pointing to Angie "do you know her?" He asked Veronica "yeah she's my friend" Veronica replied "do you like her?" She asked "yeah I do, since she's your friend can you work her for me?" Bhalla asked "yes I can, don't worry she'll be yours" Veronica replied "are you sure you want to work Angie ?" Victor asked bhalla "yeah I am, any problem?" Bhalla asked "no there isn't" victor replied.

Brain and Kelvin mixed some drinks and poured them in their cup, they sipped from it and smiled, feely good of themselves. Grace who spotted them walked up to them "hey" she shouted "Brian turned gloomy upon seeing her. Kelvin walked away giving them chance to talk "hey" Brian shouted back "I didn't know you were going to come" grace said "well here I am and I'm not in the mood to talk to you why don't you go talk to Sam, he is here too" Brian said coldly "I have ended things with Sam" grace said "well that's none of my concern anymore" Brian replied walking away from her. Grace felt heartbroken and decided to get drunk to empty her thoughts and feelings. She took one of the untouched bottles on the tabel, opened it and started drinking. She moved into the crowd and joined n the dancing.

Kyle and Angie danced for a while, smiling at each other. Kyle took her cup "I should go and get a refill" he said. "Okay" Angie reolied, she walked to the counter in the kitchen and sat down waiting for kyle. Kelvin walked up to her "why are you sitting alone?" He asked "I'm not alone, I'm here with Kyle, he went to get us drinks" Angie replied "oh okay" Kelvin said "what about you?" She asked "I'm here with Brian" he replied. "Okay" she said.

"Look Angie, I know you are still angry with me but I'm sorry, I'm sincerely sorry. The truth is as much as I want to stay away, not interferring in your relationship with my brother, I can't, I'm always thinking about you" Kelvin Said

Angie felt her heart skipped a beat, she thought for a while "I'm sorry Kelvin but I'm in love with Kyle" she replied. Kelvin felt a pain in his heart, he couldn't say anything else. Kyle walked up to them holding the drinks in his hand "hello brother" he said. Kelvin looked at him and then walked away, Kyle started at Angie "is anything the matter?" He asked "no, nothing" she replied collecting the drink from him. Kelvin walked in search of Brian and finally found him, where the.drink was, serving himself "pour me one, I think it was a great idea to get drunk" Kelvin said "now you are talking" brain replied, handling him a cup. They both downed the contents of the cup and then poured some again. feeling tipsy after some rounds they danced a little after sometime they felt really drunk "I think I need to use the bathroom" Brian said walking to the direction of the bathroom. Kelvin laughed at this and then made his way to a dark corner of the room and sat down there alone.

"So you came here alone?" Valerie asked sitting down close to Kyle "no I didn't, I came with Angie, she's in the bathroom right now" he replied. "So you are with Angie now?" She asked "nope, just as friends, she invited me" Kyle replied "well you said you were going to call me but you haven't" Valerie said "I will, I'm sorry, I will I promise" Kyle replied "cool, I'll be waiting" Valerie said standing up and walking away.

Drunk and tired of dancing grace found a sit and sat down "drunk too?" Kelvin asked. Grace shocked not seeing Kelvin there before "yeah" she replied laughing "me too. I'm guessing that's because of Brian" he said "yeah and I'm guessing yours is because of angie" she replied "yeah" Kelvin replied, they both laughed at this. "Well would you look at us, two heartbroken persons drunk in a party" grace said and they burst out laughing again "at least the rest seems to be having more fun" Kelvin said "yeah they are" grace said. They both fell silent for some seconds "do you think we need more drink?" Grace asked staring at kelvin. "Definitely" Kelvin replied staring back at her. They stared for some time and then grace leaned in swiftly, kissed him and withdraw, Kelvin stared at her with surprise, she stared back and she drew him in again and kissed him, this time Kelvin kissed her back, they kissed for sometime, then she pulled back, stood up holding kelvin's hands and then lead him outside the party and straight to her mom's car "is this yours?" Kelvin asked "my mom's" she replied. She opened it, got in and dragged Kelvin in too. She pinned the door, rolled up the glass and pushed him down on the back seat. They kissed for a while and then Kelvin took off her jacket, she returned the gesture and took of his shirt too. She felt his abs and smiled. He turned her to her back and began kissing her again and soon they were both making out fully undressed.