
Episode 27

Kelvin woke up, he had a throbbing headache and felt a little dizzy as a result of the alcohol he consumed at the party "Thank God is Saturday, I could not have gone to school if it was a weekday" He said standing up from the bed. He walked to bathroom, brushed his teeth and showered. He felt a little better and calmed. He put on his track pants and hoodie. He came to the sitting room and found Kyle eating "Hey" He said calling Kyle "You are just waking up, it's 9am already and you came home first" Kyle replied, Kelvin walked to the refrigerator, took a bottle of water "I came home first? Why?" He said opening the bottle and downing the contents, when it dawned on him why and what happened. He choked on the water and spilled it from his mouth. "What is the problem?" Kyle asked surprised. Kelvin eyes widen "Nothing" He replied, walking hastily back to his room. He got to his room and sat on the bed "What have I done?" He said holding his face with his hands. Kyle opened the door

"Hey bro, can you go to Angie's house in my place today?" He asked

"What do you mean in your place, everyday is your time recently" Kelvin replied

"I know but I have an errand I have to run please" Kyle pleaded "But why today of all days?" Kelvin asked "Why, what's happening today?" Kyle asked, Kelvin stood up "Never mind, I will" he said walking to door and closing it against Kyle. "Huhhh" he exclaimed.

Kelvin got to Angie's house, he stood at the front door, he found it hard to knock, after standing there for some time practicing on how to act normal, he finally gathered the courage and pushed the door. He went in and soon started cleaning, he didn't see anyone. He cleaned the kitchen and the sitting room and soon was done with downstairs. He made his way up the stairs, when he heard some voices coming from Angie's room. He walked to the and knocked thrice, "Come in" Angie shouted. He turned the nob and pushed his head inside to take a look, when his eyes met with Grace's. He shut the door instantly behind him, his heart racing, he felt as if his mind has ran away from him. Grace on the other hand was agitated and restless on the bed she was sitting. Angie was surprised at seeing Kelvin and the scene he just made. "What's wrong with him?" Angie asked "I...I don't know" Grace stuttered, now trying to avoid Angie's eyes. She thought she was in control but on setting eyes on Kelvin, all the nervousness and embarrassment came rushing back. "Are you okay?" Angie asked looking at her Intently "You are sweating" she added "Oh, I'm just feeling hot, that's all" Grace replied. Angie walked to door, opened it and found Kelvin standing there, tapping his feet "We are not going to eat you know..come in" Angie said pulling him in. Kelvin got in, exchanged glances with grace, Angie looked at them and saw how uncomfortable they were feeling, awkward silence fillled the air.

"Okay...what's going on? Is something wrong? You guys have never been this awkward with each other" Angie said staring at them wondering what all this is about.

"Nothing..just didn't expect to see her here" Kelvin replied scratching his ears.

"Likewise" Grace chipped in.

"Maybe I should just cleaned the other rooms first" Kelvin said walking to the door "Yeah, you do that" Grace added. Kelvin walked out of the room and heaved a deep sigh. Angie climbed the bed and looked at grace "Okay what's really going on here?" She asked "Nothing really" Grace replied fondling with her hair "You guys are acting weired" Angie said.

Kyle sat inside the restaurant with Valerie, they have ordered soda and burger. Valerie looked at him from where she was sitting opposite him and smiled "hope you are having a good time?" Kyle asked "Yes I am" she nodded "Good. I have a favor to ask" He said looking serious suddenly "Okay, what is it?" Valerie asked "I don't want Angie to know that we are dating...you know you were dating my brother before and if she knows, she might tell him and I don't want to have problems with him" Kyle said "Okay, yeah true but we have to tell him eventually" said Valerie "Yeah, I'll look for a way to" Kyle assured "Alright, I won't let anyone know for now" Valerie agreed "Good, now enjoy your snack" Kyle replied smiling at her.

"I think the best solution is to expand into the streets and clubs" Luke suggested. "I don't know if that is a good idea" Victor replied. "I think that's the only choice you have right now" Bhalla added "The risk will be much" Victor said "Well no risk no reward" Luke replied "Except you want to end up in Mzi's web" said Bhalla "I guess there's really no choice" Victor said finally giving in.

Grace brought out her books, searching her bag for her pen "I think I have one I can lend to you first" Angie offered "Alright, thanks" grace replied. Kelvin walked into the class looking like he hadn't slept last night "Are you okay Kelvin?" Angie asked. Grace looked up at Kelvin. She became nervous again. "Yeah I'm okay" Kelvin replied. He walked up to grace and whispered in her ear "Can we talk later?" Grace nodded in agreement. Angie was still puzzled about what was going on between them "Okay, something is definitely up with you guys" Angie said. "Nothing" Grace replied hoping she won't press on. The teacher walked into the class "Thank God" Grace thought.

As soon as the bell rang for launch break, Veronica ran up to Angie "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" She said holding Angie's hand "Well...sure...not that you do recently" Angie replied. She dragged Angie by the hand out of the class "You have an admirer" Veronica said smiling at her "An admirer?" Angie asked surprised. "Yeah he saw you at the party and said he likes you" Veronica explained. "Well that's his luck. I'm already in a relationship" Angie replied. "Don't be like that. He's more handsome, rich and cool than Kyle" Veronica said "I don't care v" Angie retorted "Whoa! Don't get angry at me, I'm just doing what's best for you" Veronica said releasing her hand "What do you mean?" Angie replied "Well... don't be mad, it's just I told him yesterday that you had agree to see him this weekend" Veronica explained "What!!" Angie shouted "What is wrong with you, what happened to you...stay away from me and your so called friend Better not come close to me too" Angie shouted. Walking away angrily.

Kelvin caught up with grace close to the cafeteria "Hey!" He said stopping her "Hey!" Grace replied avoiding looking at him directly in his eyes. Kelvin hesitated for a while "I think we have to talk about what happened at the party" he finally said. "There's nothing to talk about" Grace replied abruptly. "Erm. Yeah there is" Kelvin said "Well, what do you want to say, cause I don't think I have anything to say about it other than we were drunk" Grace replied "Yeah, we were drunk and it happened and it was just a one time thing right?" Kelvin asked "Yeah...yeah it was" Grace replied, crossing her arms, still avoiding his eyes "And there isn't any emotional attachment to it right?" He asked again "Yeah it was" She replied, scratching her ears. "Okay good, it's settled then" Kelvin concluded.

"What is settled?" Angie asked coming up behind them. Startled by her voice they turned to face her "Nothing" Kelvin said, walking away to avoid further interrogation.

Angie shifted her attention to Grace "You know, you guys are not very good liars" She said "What do you mean?" Grace imquired "I know something is up, so what is it?" She asked "Nothing" Grace replied scratching her ear. "You know we've been best friends since we were little, and so I have known you long enough to know that you always scratch your ear when you lie" Angie pointed out "So tell me what's actually going on and stop treating me like I'm an idiot" Angie said. Knowing she couldn't keep the act any longer and that she knew Angie would never give up on finding out she decided to just come clean hoping she would understand. "Alright but you have to promise you won't be mad at me" Grace said "And you need to know that it didn't mean anything, it was just a one time mistake" She added "Okay but why will I be mad at you?" Angie asked "Just promise" Grace pressed on. Angie thought about it for a while "Okay" She agreed "Alright" Grace said drawing a deep breath "I had sex with Kelvin that night at the party" She blurted out then stopped to observe the expression on Angie's face.

"You did what?" Brian said behind her. Grace turned and found Brian standing there, looking hurt and shocked. She looked back at Angie and was met with the same expression and feeling. She hoped the ground would just open up and swallow her right then and just save her from that massive mess.