
Episode 28

Brian walked away without uttering a word to Grace. Grace thought about running after him but she felt she shouldn't leave Angie there in her shock. She was confused, not knowing what to do or who to be with at the moment. She just stood unable to move. "I thought you were my best friend" Angie finally broke her silence.

"I am. You have to understand that we were drunk and hurt and it just sort of...happened" Grace tried explaining.

"Oh you mean, you just sort of slept with him?" Angie almost shouted. Grace looked around if anyone was listening to them and was relieved no one was.

"I'm sorry" Grace pleaded, at the brink of tears. "You promised you wouldn't be mad at me" She added

"Oh. I don't think you deserve any promises right now. Just stay away from me" Angie concluded, walking away. Grace called after her but no response.


Kelvin stood beside his desk putting his notebooks in order. Brian walked into class in search of him. "Hey man!" Kelvin called out to him upon setting eyes on him. Brian walked up to him with an angry expression. "Are you still going to come by later?" Kelvin asked still sorting his note, oblivious of Brian who just stormed over to where he was.

Brian tapped him on the shoulder and just as soon as Kelvin turned, a punch landed on his face, putting him on the floor. Brian stood over him, fuming angrily. "I thought you were my friend but I didn't know you were a two headed snake" He barked.

The class attention was drawn by the scene. They all stood watching what was happening. Kelvin looked up at him, he knew what it was about and decided it was best not to act oblivious. "I can explain" He said, standing up and cleaning himself. "Just let me ex..." Another punch from Brian interrupted his sentence.

"There's nothing you could say that will justify what you did. Just don't cross paths with me again" Brian blurted out just before storming off the way he came.

Angie walked into the class as soon as Brian stepped out and Kelvin was still recovering from the punches he received from Brian. He looked over at Angie that was coming towards him. 'Not you too' He thought. He could see the look on her face and he could tell she knew.

"How could you?" She asked on getting to where he was.

"It was a mistake. We were drunk"

"I guess you're satisfied now" She said, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Why is no one listening?!" Kelvin retorted

"Oh we are, you made your intentions very clear. You two are good for each other. I hope you two are happy" Angie concluded. She walked to her seat, picked up her bag and switched seats with someone else at the back of the class, so she wouldn't have to deal with Grace.


Kelvin stood outside the school gate alone. Brian had went home as soon as the bell rang. They usually walked to the same destination and now it was just him alone. "What are you waiting for? Do you have a private jet coming to pick you up?" Grace quipped, joining him outside.

"Just thinking that's all..." Kelvin replied, turning to see Grace. "It's usually Brian and I going home together. As you can see, now it's just me" He explained.

"Yeah...so did Angie and i. And now it's just me too" She pointed out.

"You got abandoned too?"

"Yeah I did" She nodded. "I'm sorry I told her, and Brian finding out because of me"

"It's okay. They were bound to find out sooner or later. It's better it happened this quick. I couldn't have keep up"

"Yeah same.....Well I guess we are stuck together. Let's go!" She stated. They both smiled and began walking down the road.


Angie fixed her eyes on her food, fiddling with it. Her mind was far from the meal before her. She couldn't get what happened out of her head. Jessica walked into the room and was surprised to see her playing with her food. "Never have I seen you play with fried eggs, something is definitely up" She pointed out, joining Angie on her bed. "What is it?"

Angie gave a sigh and decided to tell Jessica everything, maybe she could give some useful advise. "Well, I found out today that Kelvin and Grace had sex at the party on Friday" She explained.

"Whoa...that's new. I thought Grace was with the other boy, kelvin's friend?" Jessica inquired.

"They had some issues and they were on a break"

"And Kelvin isn't with anyone else?"

"No, not really" Angie replied.

"Okay that's a little relief. So what's making you sad? Is it the fact that Grace had sex with Kelvin or the fact that Kelvin had sex with Grace?" She questioned.

"I don't know, maybe both" Angie shrugged.

Jessica noticed the expression on her face and sighed. "I think you should just tell him you love him" She suggested

"Tell who what?"

"I mean tell Kelvin you love him, it's obvious that you do"

"How can I love him when I still haven't forgiven him for what happened, and now knowing what he just did?" She pointed out with confusion written on her face.

"Has it ever occured to you that you found it easier to forgive Kyle and not Kelvin because you are more emotionally attached to Kelvin than Kyle and that made his part in it hurt you more than Kyle's part in it?"

Angie looked down at her fingers, fiddling with it. "I don't know" She replied

"Have you given thought to who you actually fell in love with?"

"I think so" Angie replied, not sounding convincing.

"Alright let's analyze it. You fell in love from the start thinking it was Kelvin and then found out they were twins but you fell in love with kelvin. Now think back, when was the time you realized you had fallen in love?"

Angie thought for a while, thinking about all the moments she had spent with either of them. She knew she started developing little feelings after the dream. After deep thoughts she then said "I think it was the day we walked round the market and the surbub" She replied.

"And who was that with?" Jessica inquired.

She hesitated for a while and sighed, "Kelvin"

Jessica smiled. "So you see, there you go, you fell in love with Kelvin but convinced yourself that it was with Kyle. Maybe so people wouldn't judge you for being with him after what he did or maybe you're just too heartbroken about what he did" Jessica explained.

Angie buried her face in her palms. "Love is so complicated. What about what happened at the party?" She asked

"Although it might be hard to admit but I think you guys might be the ones that pushed them into it. You dating his brother and Grace's issues with her relationship" Jessica replied.

"Well I did told him that I was in love with his brother at the party and Brian didn't want to talk with Grace" Angie explained. "But that doesn't change the fact that it still hurts and that I'm still angry"

"Yeah it doesn't...but you have to forgive eventually, if you don't want to lose your bestfriend and the boy you love"


Brian paced about in his room. He couldn't believe what had happened, he couldn't believe that it was his own close friend who had done it to him. He had earlier decided that it was time to discuss what happened between Grace, Sam and himself. He was going to talk to her at school today and try to patch things up when he overheard what Grace told Angie. "First my enemy, now my friend, what's next, my brother?" He said to himself.

"Kelvin has crossed the line on this one and there's no going back" He said to himself. He sat down, filled with rage and anger for Kelvin and Grace.


Kyle got back into the shop and sat down after attending to a customer. He came immediately after school to help his mom. He unlocked his phone and saw the 'Miss you" text from Angie. He kept staring at the text as he fell deep in thoughts. He felt like he was being unfair to Angie and that she didn't deserve to be cheated on.

He knew what he risked taking her from his brother and now he shouldn't do anything that would jeopardize his relationship with her. He knew he loved her but he also knows that she still has feelings for Kelvin and any little mistake could make him lose her to him. 'I think I should be more faithful and caring' He thought to himself.

He decided it was best to end things with zinzi and Valerie. "But I'm not going to put a stop to it abruptly so as not to hurt them" He muttered, smiling at his decision. He brought out his phone and checked out the pictures of Angie he had.