
Episode 29

Kelvin got to his class and found Brian was about leaving after talking to Jacob. The math teacher would soon come in to take his subject, so the class was sitter waiting his arrival. "Hey Brian" He called holding Brian's hand as soon as he got to where he was, close to Grace's seat "Get yours hands off me" Brian shouted. The whole class became quiet as Brian voice filled the room. They all shifted their attention to the scene playing before them.

"Why are you being like this? I'm sorry. Just let me explain what happened" Kelvin said almost whispering.

"I said I don't want to hear your filthy explanations" Brian retorted again.

"You are my friend man, can't you just listen please" He begged.

"Friend? Who's your friend? Cause I sure know you are not mine. Haven't you noticed? You don't have any friends anymore and you just lost the last one who stood by you. You always end up betraying or pushing your friends away, Luke, Jacob, Sam, Valerie, Angie, me and you even have issues with your twin brother. So no, I'm not listening to you. Maybe you should go to the suburb you stay and find someone there who would listen to you, if they would even want to be your friend" Brian blurted out angrily.

"Ohhhhh ouch" the class shouted and roared with laughter. Brian walked away and out of the class. Kelvin stood still, clutched his bag, scanned the class and his eyes met with Angie's. Angie still felt angry at him but felt sorry for him at that moment.

"Hey, don't pay any attention to what he said, he's just angry" Grace said trying to cheer him up.

"Well maybe he's right" Kelvin replied walking to his seat.


"Hey Angie!" Grace called out on sighting Angie going to the cafeteria. She hastened her footsteps to catch up with her

"Yes what do you want?" Angie asked rather rudely.

"I know what we did was wrong, and as your bestfriend I shouldn't have. I'm sorry! You are the only friend I have right now and I don't want to lose you too" She pleaded sincerely.

"Well you're wrong. You have a new friend....why don't you go and meet him?!" Angie replied angrily.

"I said I'm sorry"

"And you think it's just going to fix everything? Please let me be" She concluded, walking away more pissed than before.

She got to the cafeteria, bought her lunch, sat down to eat when Kelvin appeared in front of her. "Not you too" She complained, rolling her eyes.

"I know you probably don't want to see me right now but I want to...."

"What do you want?" She cut in impatiently

"I wanted to apologize again..."

"Well I don't want to hear it." She cut him off again, stood up, took her lunch and left him there.


Kelvin walked into the library to get away from the drama outside. He walked to a shelf and picked up a book. He scanned the room for a free seat and his eyes immediately fell on Grace who was busy reading at one secluded part of the library. He walked up to her and asked "Can i join you?"

Grace looked up at him "Yeah sure" She replied, smiling.

He took his seat directly opposite her and opened the book he took. "So are you hiding here too?" He asked

"Yeah. I'm guessing you too"

"Yeah same"

They fell silent for a while. Each in their own thoughts whilst pretending to be reading. It lasted for some minutes. "So the second leg of the match is friday" Grace finally broke the silence.

"Yeah...I'm not going" He stated


"Well for starters, because I'll be going alone and my presence is not needed there. Not as a player, not as a friend" He explained. "What about you?"

She smiled and then answered "Well, same thing with me though. I'm not going"

"I guess it isn't just me then" Said, Kelvin, stroking the pages of the book he opened

"So what are you going to be doing that day?"

"I don't know yet...maybe just sleep" Kelvin shrugged.

Grace thought for a while and an idea hit her. "How about you come over to my place and we can watch some movies together? My parents won't be home" She suggested. Immediately, she saw the look of uncertainty on his face and knew why. "Don't worry nothing is going to happen this time. It's just so we won't be alone that day" She explained with an embarrassed but sly smile.

"Well I guess it's a good idea. Alright I will" Kelvin agreed

"Yay! Okay then, give me your number and I'll text you my address" Grace stated


Kyle laid down on his bed deep in thoughts 'I probably shouldn't wait a while before breaking up with zinzi. I have to do it before the match 'cause it might make things complicated' He thought to himself.

He brought out his phone, compiled a breakup text with lots of worries inbetween. He went through the text one more time and made some adjustments. Satisfied with what he settled for, he sent the text.

'Maybe I should just have done it face to face' He thought, immediately feeling worried. "Well I guess it's done. Valerie is all that's left"


The day of the second leg of the football competition finally came. The lessons for the day was fast and short because they were the ones going to Wendywood high today. Students who were going hung around, discussing about the last match and the mistakes they made. While the students that weren't going hurried home. The teams got ready and soon the school buses was filled with students. Five buses were used. One for the team and the others for the students who were going to cheer for them.

Soon the buses took off. On their way to to Wendywood, The students argued, sang songs of victory and laughed at jokes made by peers. Angie scanned the bus for Kelvin and Grace but couldn't find them. She thought maybe they would be on either of the other buses.

Half an hour later they arrived at wendywood thirty minutes before the start of the match. Kyle stood were the buses parked waiting for Angie to get down. Angie got down and was greeted with the new environment and Kyle smiling face.

Unlike Redhill high, wendywood high was bigger, seeing as it was a government school. She walked up to him and hugged him. "You look good" Kyle complimented her.

"You too" Angie replied.

"Welcome to my school" Kyle said, smiling.

"Yeah. It's big and beautiful" She genuinely stated. She turned to face the other buses, looking at everyone coming down from the buses. Kyle noticed and knew she was searching for Kelvin

"He said he wasn't coming" He announced to her.

"Hmmm?" She shifted her confused gaze to him.

"Kelvin. He said he wasn't gonna come" He reiterated

"Oh...okay....I was searching for my friend Grace mostly" She explained, trying to cover her aim.

"Alright cool. Anyway i should go and join the team, wish me luck" He said before running off.


Kelvin got to Grace's house and pressed the doorbell. Soon the door clicked opened and Grace popped out with a smile. "You made it" She pointed out excitedly, gesturing for him to come in.

"Yeah" He replied, walking in behind her. Grace led the way and he followed closely behind. He viewed the sitting room and was impressed. "Nice place"


They got to her room and he was more impressed "Nice room too" He complimented, giving her thumbs up.

Grace laughed at this. "I only have movies on my laptop, we would have used the TV" She announced, picking up her laptop.

"No problem"

She plumped down on her bed and turned on the laptop. "So which movie would you like to watch?"

"Anyone you love" He replied whilst still scanning the room.

She selected a movie and announced "Alright it's done"

Kelvin joined her on her bed. She scooted for him and they both moved further into the bed with the laptop in between them. She stood up, hurried downstairs and came back with popcorn. "So what's the title of this one?" Kelvin asked.

Grace smiled and replied "A perfect date"

"Wow really?!" Kelvin cocked his brow at her, giving her a knowing look.

"Yeah, it's interesting. Just watch" She explained, ignoring the irony of a situation she had created. She climbed into the bed and placed the bowl of popcorn on Kelvin.


The match kicked off as soon as everyone took their position on the field and on their seat. Angie and Brian sat next to each other. "Do you know why Grace and Kelvin aren't here?" Angie asked Brian who seemed focused on the match.

"How would I know? Maybe they are off somewhere having their love affair" He replied with visible anger and hate in his eyes.

Questions began to go through Angie's head. 'Could he be right? Could they be together right now? What might they be doing?' She felt more worried and jealous and she didn't know why.

"Hey beautiful" Bhalla called. He had been sitting close to her since the start of the match. He had been observing her the whole time.

Angie glanced at him "Hi" She replied, not wanting to be rude. She then shifted her attention back to the match.

"My name is Bhalla. I'm the one Veronica told you about" He introduced himself. On hearing this, Angie became angry. She decided to give him the silent treatment. "She told me your name is Angie. So how are you doing?" He continued but seeing as she wasn't paying attention to him, he proceeded to touch her hand.

"Get your hands off me!" She shouted at him, forcefully withdrawing her hand from his.

"Don't be like that girl" He smiled, touching her face.

She swiftly slapped his hands off her face. 'I wish Kelvin was here' that thought crossed her mind immediately.

"Leave her alone!" Brian warned angrily.

"Do you have a problem boy?" Bhalla asked, shifting his attention to him. Brian recognized him immediately. He was the leader of the boys who asked him to stay away from Grace. He decided to stay out of his way not knowing how many of them were present there.


"I don't think he did anything wrong. He was just following the plan they both made" Kelvin defended, throwing more popcorn into his mouth.

"I think he was a bit harsh on the her" Grace argued

"He was just trying to make it look as real as possible" Kelvin stood on his opinion.

"I don't think if it happened to you, you would still think like this and take his side" Grace said smiling.

"And I think you are too emotionally attached to the movie" Kelvin replied and they both began laughing.

"This is nice" Grace pointed out after they stopped laughing.

"Yeah it is. I'm happy I agreed to come over" He bobbed his head.

"It takes mind off things. Who would have thought that both of us would end up becoming friends, close one at that" Grace said and they laughed again.


Angie stood up from her seat, leaving Bhalla there and went to a new one. She was furious. It was the beginning of the second half and wendywood seems to be pressing Redhill high. The scores was 1:0 against Redhill high. Redhill high tried gaining more ground and soon got a penalty advantage.

The team decided to let Luke play it. The supporters of Redhill high were all on the edge. They prayed for this to be their breakthrough. The ball was position and everywhere became as silent as a graveyard as they waited for the result. Luke took a deep breath, watching the keeper for wendywood high jump side to side of the post, getting ready to save his team.

Luke kicked the ball forcefully and everyone watched the ball as it was flying in the air. They followed the ball as it was decending and to disappoint of Redhill high students the ball landed at the back of the net. Wendywood burst out with joy and happiness as they were still leading, Redhill high students were disappointed at this and mostly at Luke. The match continued and after a while, Wendywood landed another goal just before the match ended, making it 2:0 against Redhill. The referee blew the whistle, signifying the end of the match and wendywood roared with joy as they had emerged champion that year for the interschool soccer competition. Redhill high students were disappointed at this and hung their head in shame.


"Well I knew from the start that they were going to end up together, it was obvious" Kelvin pointed out, watching the credit scene of the movie they just finished watching.

"But you enjoyed it nonetheless, and I could see the emotions on your face at the end" Grace teased him.

"No there wasn't" Kelvin argued, throwing popcorn at her.

"Huh...yeah there was" She teased him some more, laughing as she returned the gesture by throwing popcorn at him also. Kelvin laughed, picked up the pillow and hit her with it. She fell on the bed on her back, laughing. She then stood up and picked another pillow, hitting him with it also and before they knew it, they started pillow fighting.

This went on for a while. They laughed hard and after a while they were tired and landed on the bed laying down flat on their backs side by side and staring at the roof. "Thanks" Grace stated

"For what?" He asked.

"For being here. I haven't had this much fun for a while"

"Same here" He replied.

They were both breathing heavily. They stared at the roof in silence for a while. Grace moved her hand to kelvin's and held it. They said nothing still but laid still. Simultaneously they turned their faces to each other and kissed like it was planned. After a while they broke the kiss. "I think I should start going home" Kelvin cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Yeah. My mom will return soon" Grace cleared her throat nervously also. He stood up and she escorted him to the door.