
Episode 30

Angie walked into the school compound, full of thoughts. She had had the same thought since the previous day after the match. She had come to a conclusion that if Kelvin apologizes again, she would forgive him. She hated not being able to talk with him. She always had felt like that but she couldn't put her pride aside and talk with him.

She walked to the door leading to the stairs and saw him coming down the staircase. She waited so as to give him a chance to speak again but to her disappointment he walked past her without uttering a word to her. Angie couldn't comprehend what just happened. She watched him walking toward his destination and not once did he looked back. She went to the class and saw Grace staring hard into her book. Angie walked past her and went to her seat, still wondering about Kelvin.


Kelvin stood beside Grace by the edge of the football field. Some of the students were tossing the football around, running round the field. Kelvin smiled, thinking about how much he missed playing. Grace noticed this. "You know, if you really miss it that much, we can try getting you back into it" She suggested

"How would we do that when coach doesn't even want me in the team anymore?" He asked

"I don't know. At least not yet, but we can figure something out" She shrugged

"I guess we'll see" Kelvin stated and they fell back into silence, each in their own thoughts.

"What are we doing?" Grace questioned, breaking the silence.

"Watching the boys play" Kelvin scoffed

"No, I mean us. What are we doing?" She reiterated with a serious tone.

"Oh....I don't know...but I do know I'm done apologizing to anybody" He stated with no hint of bluff in his voice.

"Me too" Grace added

"About us...I think we'll figure that out as we go"

"Yeah, I hope so"


The second term at Redhill high came to an end as the students wrote the last paper of their exams. None of them could put their pride aside and settle as they ended the term still not speaking with each other. Kelvin and Grace had grew more close with each passing say since the inter school match and this pissed off Brian, and Angie felt jealousy growing in her every day she saw them together.

She felt the jealousy growing in her, interfering with her relationship with Kyle and she seemed to be more hostile towards everyone. She got home early that day, she had left school immediately after she had finished her papers. Laying on her bed and covering her face with a pillow, she screamed her frustration into it.

Jessica knocked and proceeded to enter the room. "Hey Z" She greeted.

Angie sat up, looking up at her sister with sad and heartbroken eyes. "Are you okay?" Jessica asked on noticing this.

"Yeah I'm fine just tired"

"Oh okay...mom called" She broke the news.

"What did she want?" Angie asked, feeling more pissed now.

Jessica stared at her silently for a while knowing how she was going to feel about the news she was about to break. "She said she isn't sure she would be able to come this holiday"

Angie stared at her sister speechless, her eyes became watery almost immediately. Jessica drew her close, knowing she's hurting. Angie broke down into tears, crying her eyes out. She cried for sometime and then stood up. "I think I need to go for a walk to clear my head" She announced.

Jessica just nodded her head in agreement with her. Angie took her phone and her jacket and walked out of the house. shye checked her watch and it was half past four. She stood outside her compound not knowing where to go to. 'Kelvin would've known how to cheer me up right now' She thought to herself. She decided to go to suburb, that was were Kelvin took her to last time.


Jacob went Into the house alongside Hannah who had stringed him along. "What are we doing here again?" He asked

"I told you before. It's time to be part of the inner circle" Hannah replied.

Not knowing exactly what that meant, he decided to just go along with whatever she had planned. The house was big and the interior was amazing. They came into the sitting room and Jacob was surprised at what he saw. The sitting room was occupied with both boys and girls, packaging drugs and pills.

He saw a few persons he recognized, Luke, Sam, Victor and Veronica. "What is Veronica doing here?" He questioned with furrowed brows.

"This is her first time too, just like you" Hannah smiled

"Who owns this house?"

"Mzi. He's the one in charge of all these" Hannah explained. He kept quiet, not wanting to look like a novice.

"Hey!" Victor called waving at Hannah. She waved back and they approached him. "Good to see you here Jacob" Victor flashed him a smile.

"Thanks. whatever here is" Jacob replied "So what are we doing here?"

"Well, to get you guys in the game" Victor answered

"What do you mean 'game'?" He inquired curiosly

"You guys have been enjoying the thrill of the pills, it's time to bring something to the table" Victor explained further.

"Wait...you mean, you want Veronica and I to start selling them too?" Jacob eyes widened.

"Yeah basically" Hannah answered.

"Veronica has already agreed to it" Victor added.

Jacob looked around him and thought for a while "If I agree to it, I mean IF...where will i be selling it and what will be my gain?" He inquired.

"At schools, clubs, streets, wherever you want as long as it is sold. And for the profit, you'll discuss with Bhalla 'cause he's our handler" Victor explained.

Jacob glanced at Hannah and then back at victor "Alright, I'll give it a try" He agreed, smiling.

"Whoo!!!" Hannah screamed, clapping her hands excitedly. She held his hands and dragged him to the table Veronica was seated.


Kyle and Valerie sat down on the bench next to the bus stop. Kyle looked nervous, and Valerie was trying to figure out why Kyle would want to meet at the bus stop. "How are you doing?" He finally broke the lingering silence.

"I'm good, thanks" She replied

"I heard you guys rounded up with your exams today" He pointed out, avoiding eye contact with her

"Yeah. What about you guys?"

"In two days time"

"Oh okay. So why did you want to meet" Valerie finally asked.

Kyle cleared his throat, rubbing his eyes "I don't think we should do this anymore" He blurted out, ripping off the bandaid. Valerie stared him, confused at what she just heard.

"Do what?" She questioned with furrowed brows.

"Date. I don't think we should continue dating" He elaborated.

"I...I...I don't understand...why?" She stuttered, her voice breaking and her eyes getting clouded with tears.

"I can't really explain but you have to understand..."

"Understand what?! The explanation you didn't give?" She cut him off, almost shouting.

"I'm sorry. You have to calm down" He pleaded.

Valerie stood, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "I was a fool to think you were different. You're just like your brother, after all you guys are Identical twins" She blurted out and stormed off.

Kyle watched her till she disappeared out of sight and then sighed with relief. 'It could have been worse than this' He thought. He stood up and decided to head home. "Well now it's just Angie and I. All I need now is to build on our relationship and focus on it" He muttered.


Angie got down from the bus and the cool air welcomed her to the surbub. She looked around and was familiar with that part of the area. She started walking toward the market, having flashbacks whenever she saw the things or places Kelvin showed to her. She would smile occasionally at such memories.

She walked into the market, viewing things that were shedded and put on display to attract customers. She stopped when she saw angry Hassan and she burst out laughing when she remembered what happened the last time. People stared at her thinking she was crazy. She quickly stopped on noticing that everyone was staring.

Angie walked into an open and less busy street, just few passerbys. She was unfamiliar with the area. She walked further for a while and was surprised when she heard her name being called behind her "Hello Angie" Bhalla smiled.

She turned and immediately frowned on seeing his face. He had this dirty expression. She ignored him and continued on her path. "Come on! Don't be like this" He persisted, grabbing her arm. She turned swiftly and slapped him with her free hand.

Bhalla held his face with his right hand while still holding her with his left hand. He looked around him, no one was on sight. He then pushed her. She stumbled backward, tripped on a rock and came crashing down. She cried out in pain as she sprained her ankle in the process.

Bhalla walked over to her, wanting to grab her and drag her to a corner. She struggled with her hands. He caught both hands.

"Leave her alone!" Kelvin shouted, running toward them. He had just came out from a corner. "I said get away from her"

"You again" Bhalla frowned, leaving Angie and stepping back.

Kelvin got to where she was and helped her up "Ouch!" She cried

"Are you okay?" He asked

"I think I sprained my ankle" She replied.

He helped her down. "What do you want with her?" He turned, standing up and pushing Bhalla back.

"None of your concern boy" Bhalla replied, pushing him also.

"You're the one that threatened my friend the other day. I recognize your voice too, you guys were the ones who attacked me too..where are your guys or are you here alone?" Kelvin asked angrily

"Becareful boy" bhalla warned.

"It's just you here, let's see if you can take me" Kelvin taunted, shoving him again.

"Kelvin stop, it's not worth it" Angie intervened.

"I'm not going to fight you" Bhalla stated.

"Then get out of my area before you get hurt...BOY" Kelvin retorted.

"I'll see you around" Bhalla smiled, walking away. Kelvin watched him get far away before turning to Angie.

"Come on, let me carry you" He offered

"To where?" She asked

"My house. It's just the next street" He replied. He picked her up and carried her on his back. He walked for a while and soon they got to his house. He carried her to his room and placed her on the bed.


They had been silent all the way. They both felt awkward in the situation and had a feeling of deja Vu. "What were you doing there anyway?"

"I just wanted to clear my head and I couldn't think of any other place but here" She replied

"I guess it's a good thing, I decided to take a stroll same time" He pointed out.

"Yeah. And this is the second time you have saved me" She confessed shyly.

"It's just being at the right place at the right time"

"Tell me" Angie blurted out, not knowing what she met.

"Tell you what?" He asked with a puzzled look.

"What happened at that party. The night you saved me"

Kelvin reached for his drawer, brought out a cup, opened it, took little of the paste inside and rubbed it around her ankle "This will help with the pain" He said, massaging the paste on it. "There's nothing much about that night" He smiled.

"Please. I need to know" She pleaded.

Kelvin sighed and decided to spill it. "Well, I was dancing with Valerie when I saw Luke handing something to victor. It felt suspicious so I kept watching him. I watched him as he emptied it in one of the cups he was carrying and few minutes later, I saw him taking you to a darker corner of the house and I knew he gave you that drink and was planning on you know...so I ran out and stopped him" He paused and looked at her and saw the shock written on her face. "You okay?"

"No I'm not! Luke has gone back to selling drugs, Victor wanted to rape me and you didn't think of telling me all these before?!" She retorted.

Kelvin stood up after rubbing the last part of the ankle and sat down. "I didn't want you feeling different" He said.

"Oh my God. That's the set of persons Veronica is hanging out with. I have to warn her" She uttered urgently.

"Hey! You've to calm down first. You can do that tomorrow, just let your ankle get better first" He checked the time. "It's 6:40pm. How are you going to get home?"

"I don't know" She replied. "Maybe call Jessica to come pick you up" He suggested

"She'll already be at the hospital now. She's on nightshift"

Kelvin thought for a while. "Well you can sleep over and go home tomorrow. It's late and you can't walk. I don't think my mom would mind" He suggested.

"Really? Are you sure it's a good idea?"

"Yeah sure. I'll talk to her when she gets back from the shop" He smiled.

"Thanks so much" She smiled shyly just before t began staring at each other in awkward silence.

"Hey! What happened?" Kyle asked, breaking the silence and walking into the room.

"I just sprained my ankle that's all" Angie replied. He knelt in front of her and inspected the leg "Kelvin helped me with it" She smiled at Kelvin.

"Thanks Kev" Kyle said, picking her up. "Let's get you to my room"

She glanced back at Kelvin before they disappeared into Kyle's room. Kelvin stood up, locked his door and fell on his bed, staring at the roof. He covered his ears when he heard them giggling and laughing. 'Maybe this was a bad idea after all' He thought