
Episode 31

Kelvin woke up still feeling tired. He didn't get much sleep last night. He lay on his bed, thinking about what could be going on in Kyle's room at that moment. He had heard them chatting and giggling till it was past midnight. He checked his door, it was still locked, he checked his phone for time, it was 7:07am. He didn't want to come out yet, but he knew he had to soon cause Kyle would leave for school soon and he'll need to help his mother.

He got up, stretched and rubbed his eyes. He unlocked his door and found Kyle already dressed up for school and about to knock on his door. "Morning" Kyle greeted

"Morning, you are dressed already" Kelvin said, surprised, cause it was unusual for Kyle to dress up for school so early.

"Well, Angie forced me to, saying that I shouldn't go to school late during exam period" He explained.

"Oh, I see" Kelvin bobbed his head.

"Can you please help me treat Angie's leg and help her get home?! I can't do it, I'm leaving now...please" Kyle begged

"I didn't know I was a doctor" Kelvin replied sarcastically

"Come on, you know what I mean"

"Okay cool" He agreed

"Thanks" Kyle forced a smile. He didn't like the idea. He knew how dangerous it could be leaving both of them together, but he felt he didn't have a choice. "Alright I'm off" He concluded, walking away. Kelvin shut the door and returned to his bed again.


Angie limped to the sitting room when Kyle left for school. She saw Mrs Williams sitting down on the couch resting and decided to have a chat with her. "Good morning ma'am" She greeted, sitting on the couch adjacent from her.

"Morning dear" Mrs Williams replied, sitting up and giving her a warm smile.

"How are you doing?" Angie asked with a concerned look.

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit down that's all" Mrs Williams replied. "How's your leg?"

"Better than yesterday" Angie smiled. Her smile faded as she began looking around.

"Looking for Kelvin?" Mrs Williams inquired, smiling.

"Erm...just haven't seen him that's all" She stated, feeling a bit embarrassed

"You don't have to feel embarrassed. I saw the way you two were stealing glances at each other last night during dinner. I know you love both my sons. I have heard them countless times though I just pretend I don't know what's going on. Seeing as you are already with Kyle and you still look at kelvin with such affection can mean that you love him still or maybe even more...or it could also just be infactuation" Mrs Williams explained.

Taken aback by what she just heard, Angie didn't know what to say. "How...do...you know and how did you know Kyle and I are dating?" Was all she could say.

"I'm a woman you know. I was once just like you. And like I said, I hear a lot also. If you want my advice, follow your heart, be with who you love more so you won't regret your decision later" She advised with a warm smile.

"Saying that as their mother, doesn't it make you biased? no offense" Angie asked with furrowed brows.

"None taken, but I'm not talking to you as their mother but as a friend" She replied.

Angie kept quiet for a while, deep in thoughts. "The truth is.....I don't really know who I love more" Angie confessed, breaking the silence that was starting to linger.

"That's for you to figure out, but know that the one you think of the most, the one that holds the most space in your thoughts, is the one your heart is more attracted to" Mrs Williams pointed out and just then Kelvin walked into the sitting room.

"Morning Mom" He greeted.


"Morning Angie" He said to her rather awkwardly.

"Morning" Angie replied.

He walked up to her and bent down in front of her "How's your ankle doing?" He asked, observing her it

"It's a little better" She replied.

"I think i should start going to the shop" kelvin's mom announced, standing up

"Wait let me help mom" Kelvin offered.

"No don't worry. Help her, I'll be fine" She said, smiling. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the house.

Kelvin stood, looking around. Angie avoided his eyes, staring at everything else except Kelvin. Awkward silence fillled the air. "So" They both said simultaneously and then laughed at this. "You go first" Kelvin said

"Okay. Thanks for yesterday, I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't for you" She said shyly.

"Well I'm glad nothing bad apart from spraining your ankle happened" He replied.

"Yeah" She smiled.

"So, have you called Jessica yet, to come pick you up?" He inquired

"Yeah, she'll be here soon"

"Okay cool. I should go get the paste for the ankle" Kelvin said and ran to his room and soon came back with the paste he used the previous day. He knelt down in front of her and raised her foot gently, he applied the paste on her ankle and massaged it on it softly, and then he shifted his hand to the part where the pain was more. Angie twitched and groan from the pain and held his hands.

Kelvin stopped at that point and slowly looked up at her. She brought her gaze to his, still holding his hand. Looking into his eyes, Angie felt the anger she had for him dissapear. They stared deeply into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. She felt like something was fluttering in her stomach. Slowly, the distance between their faces were getting smaller. Her heart began throbbing. Few inches left for them to lock lips, a knock at the door brought them back to reality. Kelvin cleared his throat and Angie let go of his hand.

"I'm coming" He called, walking to the door. He opened the door and was taken aback by the intruder. "Hi" He greeted.

"Hi" Grace replied, giving a wry smile. He stared at her in silence. "Can I come in?" She asked.

"Ye...yeah...sure" He stuttered.

Grace walked past him into the sitting room and immediately stood deadlock on her tracks as she came face to face with Angie. Kelvin who followed behind her, waited to see how that was going to play out and hoped it will be good.

"What are you doing here?" Angie questioned with a puzzled look.

"What are you doing here?" Grace retorted.

They both turned to Kelvin and simultaneously asked "What is she doing here?"

"Erm...well.." He stuttered, trying to get the right words out when he heard a car honking outside "I think that should be Jessica" He announced, running out of the house, relieved she came at the right time. Angie and Grace stared at each other speechless, each wondering on their own what the other was doing there.

Few moments later, Jessica came into the house with Kelvin. "Good morning" Grace greeted her

"Hey Grace how are you doing?" She smiled at her.

"Fine, thanks" Grace replied.

Jessica walked up to Angie "Hey Z, how's the leg?"

"Better" Angie replied

"What happened to your leg?" Grace inquired, a little concerned.

"That's none of your concern" Angie retorted "Let's go" She said to Jessica, trying to stand up. Kelvin ran to her to help her up. "Don't touch me!" She retorted angrily at Kelvin.

"What's wrong with you Z?" Jessica asked, surprised at her actions.

"Nothing, let's just go please" She replied bluntly.

Jessica assisted her to the car. "Thanks for everything Kelvin" Jessica waved at Kelvin.

"You welcome" Kelvin replied.

Kelvin went back into the house as soon as they drove off. He came into the sitting room and found Grace on the couch, visibly angry "Hey!" He said on getting closer to her.

"What was she doing here?" She questioned.

Kelvin sat down on the couch and replied "She slept here"

"She what?!" Grace shouted

"Whoa calm down. I found her close to my area yesterday, she had sprained her ankle, so I helped her here, treated her. It was dark and her sister was on nightshift so she couldn't go home yesterday, so she had to sleep here" He explained

"In your room?" Grace asked

"Noo...she has a boyfriend who stays in this house, remember?! She slept at Kyle's room" Kelvin replied

"Oh okay" Grace said.

"Were you jealous?" Kelvin inquired, staring at her intently

"No I wasn't, why would I be?" Grace shrugged, scratching her ear and avoiding his eyes

"Okay if you say so" He shrugged


"So what was that about back there?" Jessica asked on their way back home.

"Nothing, was just angry seeing Grace there"

"You mean jealous?" Jessica pointed out.

"No not jealous, angry" Angie retorted

"Come on Z, you clearly love the guy. Just put your pride aside and tell him" She advised

"Maybe I do love him, but I think it's time to move on and do away with that love. They are perfect for each other and I'm happy with Kyle" Angie argued, looking out the window.

"You really believe so?" Jessica inquired

"Yeah I do"

"Okay" Jessica dropped the issue.


"So it's settled then. Jacob take the palm club, Luke, the greenhill club and the rest of you on the streets." Bhalla ordered.

"So what about if we get busted by the cops" Jacob asked, visibly scared

"Don't, and if you do, you better not snitch" Bhalla warned "Cause if you do, you won't be able to snitch no more in your life" He threatened.

"I don't think it's a good idea to give this boy job to do yet, he's an amateur and he could mess this up boss" One of the guys said.

"Don't worry he won't, we all started as an amateur remember" Bhalla stated.

"I can do it, I won't disappoint" Jacob nodded, trying to look brave

"I know you won't because if you do, you are dead" Bhalla added.

"What about the girls?" Victor asked

"I have plans for them. Especially that one" Bhalla

pointed at Veronica. Veronica was confused not knowing what he meant.

"That's my girl" Victor spoke up.

"Relax boy, I'm not stealing your girl from you," Bhalla laughed.


'What I'm doing?' Brian thought, laying down on his bed. He felt like he was alone in the world. "I've successfully pushed everyone away" He said and sat up. "If I had forgiven her sooner or talked with her earlier, this wouldn't have happened" He hit his head with his palm. Concluding that he still loved her and don't want to lose her, he decided to try getting her back. Making peace with his friend who can help get her back was the first thing to do.


Angie sat on the couch, dialling Veronica's number, hoping she would pick up and most importantly, listen to her. The call rang for sometime before she picked up. "Hey I can't talk right now, I'm kind of busy" She said.

"Wait! It's important please just listen" Angie pleaded.

"Okay you have two minutes"

"Thanks. So are you still dating victor?"

"What?! I don't see how any of that is your concern but yeah" She replied

"You have to listen to me V for old times sake. You have to end it with him, he's dangerous" Angie advised

"Wow, I can't believe this, is that what this is about?" Veronica asked

"You have to believe me. During that party at his house last time, he drugged me and tried to rape me and he deals drugs" Angie explained

"Maybe you deserve it" Veronica blurted angrily

"What? You don't mean that" Angie replied, feeling hurt by what she just heard.

"Yeah I do. Always on your mighty horse, Angie is the only one who can do what Angie likes not the rest of us. Well I'm sick of it and I'm guessing so is Grace, I heard you guys were enemies now. Well nobody is tormenting you so please don't torment me, just leave me alone" Veronica concluded and ended the call.

Angie couldn't believe what she just heard, what someone who she once called friend had said to her. She dropped her phone lay on the couch and soon, she began sobbing.


Jacob and Hannah lay on the bed, they looked exhausted and happy. "That was good" Hannah said

"Yeah it was" Jacob replied.

They lay quiet for a while. Hannah noticed Jacob was deep in thoughts and decided to probe. "What are you thinking about?"

"Well...there's something that has been bugging me" He replied

"Okay, what is it?"

"How did you get sucked into all these?" He asked.

Hannah smiled "You mean into the drug lifestyle?"


"Well...I don't normally tell people this but I guess I can trust you. Mzi is my brother" She confessed

"What!" Jacob shouted, sitting up "And you didn't think to mention this earlier. What about if he finds out about us? Oh my God! I'm sleeping with a drug Lord's sister. I'm so dead" He complained.

"Would you relax" Hannah said.

"How can I be relaxed?!"

"He won't find out and even if he does, he won't do anything to you" She assured him

"How can you be so sure?" He inquired

"Because he's my brother and he loves me" Hannah said confidently.

"I just pray you're right cause I don't fancy dying" He replied.

Hannah laughed at his reaction. "Oh you're are such a girl" She said amidst laughter.