
Episode 33

It was a cold Monday morning. The rain had just finished falling, leaving behind a chilly atmosphere. The weather seemed as though there would never be sun again. In events of the morning, Angie woke up with a throbbing heart, it was a week before the resumption of school but that wasn't what was disturbing her, it took her a moment before she could lay her fingers on it. It was the week she was going to tell Kelvin how she felt. She hated the fact that just one person could make her feel that way, holding so much control over her life.

She didn't know which day in particular she was going to tell him, she knew she wasn't up for it that Monday, but the idea of it being that week puts her on edge. She felt restless cause she didn't know how he would react, would it favour her? Or would it make things worse? She felt nervous, scared and a little bit happy at the same time, happy in the sense that she would finally make known to him how she felt about him. She checked her phone for the time and found out it was 8am already, she stood up, stretched her bones, took her phone and walked out of her room in search of Jessica.

She tried dialling Veronica's number again but it was out of coverage. She had been trying it for three days now. She had this feeling that something was wrong. She had nobody else to talk to, her and Grace wasn't currently on speaking terms. She got downstairs and found Kyle cleaning. "Hey" He called out, smiling.

"Hey!" She replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable. Ever since she concluded about telling Kelvin how she still loves him, she had been feeling awkward and nervous around Kyle, she felt like she was cheating on him and the idea of it makes her sick.

"I came to your room and found you sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you, so I left" Kyle explained, walking close to her. She just stood stagnant without uttering a word, words seemed to avoid her whenever she was around him recently. He pecked her on the cheek, observed her and stepped back a little. He stared into her eyes "Are you okay? You look tensed"

"Yeah, I'm good just stressed a bit" She managed to get out.

"Stressed?! You just woke up, how can you be stressed?" He replied. He knew something was off with her. Recently, she had been acting like she was now shy around him or wasn't comfortable around him. He has thought of different reasons why that could be happening, 'Could she had found out about him and Valerie or zinzi and she don't want to talk about it? Or could Kelvin have gotten to her?' He had thought about all of that before but without citing any concrete proof, he ruled them all out. "Are you sure you are good? You have been acting strange lately" He pressed on, hoping to get her talking

"Yeah I'm good" She stood her ground, forcing a smile. She walked up to him, kissed him and turned to go back to her room "I think I'll just go and take my bath" She announced, running up the stairs. Kyle just stood there confused, watching her skedaddle.


"Come on man, you can't be serious, that location is dangerous, cops are roaming that area day and night. You can't send us there" Luke complained following Bhalla round the room.

"It wasn't my idea, it's Mzi's. He needs men covering that area and besides I don't know what you are so worked up about, Manning that area pays more, double what you are making now" Bhalla explained. Luke glanced back at Jacob with a look of discontempt and then shifted his gaze back to Bhalla.

"Okay but please not with him, he's too reckless and he can screw this up" Luke pleaded.

"I can't man, he's the only one I can spare with you right now and besides he's happy about it, especially about the part of doubling his pay" Bhalla said, smiling.

"I can hear you guys though" Jacob pointed out, walking up to them "Are we doing this or what?" He asked. Luke stared at him with this hateful eyes. "Come on man, don't be a hater. No risk no reward" He added, smiling at Luke.


Grace sat on the kitchen counter. Her body was the only thing present there, her thoughts were some place else. "You know, since you are here, you could as well assist me you know" Her mum said, waking her from her reverie. Grace looked up at her mum, looking lost.

"You know what mum?! I think you are right" She stated, standing up and heading out of the kitchen, leaving her mum confused. She got to her room changed her clothes and set out for kelvin's house. She had made up her mind to tel him she had developed feelings for him.


Kelvin sat outside his house, reading a novel. He was engrossed in the book, captivated by the story he was reading when he felt a shade blocking the light that was shining on him. He raised his head and saw Grace standing there, smiling nervously at him. He smiled back surprised seeing her at his house. He wasn't expecting to see anyone that day. "Hey, how are you?" He asked, closing the book he was reading.

"I'm good. What are you reading?" She asked, drawing a seat close to him to sit down.

"Captive bride. It's a romance novel" He replied, smiling

"Nice, good to know you love romance novel" She replied shyly

"Yeah I do. So what brings you here?" He asked, curious as to why she came visiting him on a Tuesday evening.

"Well... I... I think I have something to confess and I didn't want to say it on the phone and just decided to come to your house"

Kelvin whose interest was peeked, sat up. He wondered what she was going to say. He too had something to say to her, the matter Brian tabled before him clung to his mind ever since then and he thought about how he was going to do it and the opportunity seemed to have presented itself. "Alright..I'm listening" He said, giving her the go ahead.

She she adjusted on her seat, rubbing her knees with her palms, she looked down avoiding his eyes and started fondling with her nails. "Well, it's just...it's...I think I have feelings for you" She confessed still fondling with her nails and avoiding his gaze. Kelvin was taken aback by what she just said. He didn't expect that and surely didn't see it coming. maybe he was just dull, or trying to wave it away. He sat still, feeling dumb and numb, he didn't know what to say or what to do. How would he explain to his friend who he had already told there was nothing going between himself and Grace, that the girl he loved and want to get back, has feelings for him.

He knew he had to handle that situation wisely and nicely so as not to hurt her. He let out a slight cough. "No you don't" He said calmly.

This came as a shock to Grace. She didn't know what he meant "What do you mean?" she asked.

He adjusted on his seat and turned to face her "Look, don't get me wrong, I like you and I know we now share a kind of bond I don't understand yet, but what you are feeling right now isn't love. What happened between us was because we both felt hurt and vulnerable that night, and from there on, we felt safe with each other but it isn't this kind of love. The one you truly love is Brian and he loves you too and that is the love you need. I'm here for you always but your love is Brian" He explained, hoping what he just said would convince her, cause it didn't make much sense to him. He knew he was just blabbing. He felt an attraction towards her and perhaps might even have little feelings for her but his heart was set upon Angie. She seemed to be undefeated in his heart. Although he knew Angie wasn't his yet but he felt like he might still have a chance in the future and he doesn't want to seal that chance by dating someone else.

"I know...I still love Brian, there's no doubt about that but he doesn't love me anymore. So what's the point in dwelling on the past love. You might be right, it might not be love yet but I'm ready to know where it leads" She replied, now looking at him in his eyes.

Kelvin stared back at her shiny eyes, he felt intimidated and emotional looking into her eyes . It steered something in his heart, confirming He does have feelings for her just as she had for him. "He still loves you. He told me himself. He came to my house not too long ago to make peace and after we were done with the peace making, he begged me to help him get you back, that he still loves you. He's afraid you might not want him too" Kelvin explained

Grace's face lit up with surprise. "Are you serious right now? You shouldn't joke with my feelings" She warned.

"I'm dead serious."

"Well I guess i have to see him then" Grace smiled

"Yeah you do...you see how happy you are that you can still have him back?! Now that's love" Kelvin pointed out, smiling at her. She smiled back at him and drew him in for a hug. "Thank you Kelvin, you are good friend" She held him tightly for a while before disengaging from the hug. "Well I have to go before my mom starts a search party" She said smiling as she stood up. Kelvin smiled back at her and nodded. He watched her walk away till she was out of sight. He heaved a deep sigh of relief "That went strangely well" He said to himself.


Jessica walked into Angie's room and found her on her laptop. "Hey Z" Jessica said.

"Hey" Angie replied, not averting her eyes from her laptop.

Jessica walked up to her and peeped at the screen of the laptop. "Are you serious?! Kelvin's Facebook pictures. This is ridiculous. Haven't you told him how you felt yet?" She asked.

Angie still looking at the pictures replied "No"

Jessica shut the laptop screen "Why?" She asked.

Angie just rolled her eyes "I'm waiting for the right day"

"What do you mean right day? You said this week and today is Thursday" Jessica said, looking intently at her.

"I know, I haven't gone since because he might be busy or that day he might not be in a good mood" She explained, burying her face in her palms.

Jessica placed a hand on her shoulder "Look Z, there's no perfect way or right time to confess your feelings to someone. You just have to make any time the right time, just do it and get it over with. You look miserable right now. Just do it Z" She advised.

Angie raised up her head "Alright I'm going to do it" She bobbed her head whilst removing her hair from her eyes.